How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil in stages for children and beginners? How to draw a bullfinch on a branch with a pencil and paints?

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil in stages for children and beginners? How to draw a bullfinch on a branch with a pencil and paints?

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil, paints.

If you think that to draw a bullfinch, an impossible task for you, then it is worth reading this article to the end: here you will definitely find several options for creating a winter picture with invariable red -chested birds on branches.

Since drawing is a simple and fascinating lesson, you will like both adults who have entrusted the preparation of the festive New Year's poster and children. The latter is especially interesting to create colorful drawings, which can then be designed in a frame and presented to mom or grandmother.

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil in stages for children and beginners?

  • If you and the children have long made and hung on a tree feeders for wintering in our area of \u200b\u200bbirds, install the birdhouses and bibs in the spring, then your child will sooner or later ask to draw birds. After all, kids love to transfer everything that they see around.
  • You will always have time to abandon this venture. First, try to draw with us! Do not worry: you will definitely be able to surprise the child with his ability to draw: the article contains the simplest ways to draw bullfinches.
  • But this does not mean at all that the picture will eventually look primitive. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly and you can capture a beautiful bird, which can be seen so often in our winter.
Drawing the bullfinches that are in the cold, we give them the shape of a lump

How to draw a bullfinch


Let's try to understand the intricacies of creating a beautiful New Year's pattern with feathered, without preliminary development of basic lessons of painting. We don't have time for this!

  • Very soon, the kids will begin to flaunt their work at the school, and your child will be fully armed: the result of creative classes in this article can be several original pictures or postcards at once, you will help the child with the assimilation of the initial skills of creating a simple drawing, thereby raising in it sense of beauty.
  • Do not count on an instant result: a good drawing will be obtained only if the work is performed in stages, and not in one sitting.
In order for the drawn bird to be recognizable, it is necessary to place the image of the bullfinch in front of you and navigate it during drawing

Drawing tips on bullfinches:

  • Drawing the bullfinches that are in the cold, we give them the shape of a lump. So they will look more realistic.
  • In order for the drawn bird to be recognizable, it is necessary to place the image of the bullfinch in front of you and focus on it during drawing.
  • In children's books, magazines, on postcards you can find various pictures with red -breeding feathereds. Taking into account our tips, you can easily transfer your favorite image of the bullfinch on paper, and the result of your efforts can boast of your family or acquaintances.
  • On a sheet of paper, we denote, without pressing a pencil, the boundaries of the picture.
  • In the place where we will have a bird, we draw a axial line. Having shown a little to the side, add the oval, tilting it to the right. It will be a bird's abdomen, which below is a little bulging due to the fat layer.

Photo by MSS

Knowing the structure
Knowing the structure of the bird, it will not be difficult to draw it correctly

Video: New Year card with watercolors. Bullfinchi

  • Knowing the structure of a particular bird, it will not be difficult to draw it correctly.
  • Now, in the previously drawn oval, you need to enter the contour of the body of the bullfinch. We give it the shape of a pear.
  • We finish the tail, focusing on the sample-rushing.
  • We plan the contours of wings, heads, beaks, paws. Most often, bullfinches are depicted, sitting on the branches. Therefore, we plan a branch with several lines.
  • We denote the eyes of the bullfinch. We draw feathers on the wings. If the bird stands on the branch, then we finish the paws. We get rid of additional lines with the help of an eraser: we remove the oval and the axial line. If you draw with a child, you can safely entrust this task to him.
  • So that the bullfinch can be found out by our picture, we decorate the bird: make the breast, neck and cheeks red, wings, top of the top, beak, and fill the back with black.
  • In winter, we can often see on the branches of trees near the hung feeders of bullfinches. These birds do not leave our edges, but only against the background of white snow does their colorful plumage become noticeable.
How to draw a bullfinch
How to draw a bullfinch

So, we replenish the collection of drawings with a beautiful New Year picture, following the phased instruction. We will use a simple pencil at the first stages (we remember that the initial lines are drawn without pressing the headela). We decorate the finished sketch with a pencil.

Step 1:

  • We divide the visually sheet of paper into two equal halves with a horizontal line. After that, we will draw lines, separating the sheet with three vertical stripes.
  • In the left half of the sheet we draw three circles. They will help us draw the overall circuit of the bullfinch. The oval, which is in the middle, will make the largest.
We draw three circles
We draw three circles

Step 2:

  • On a small (upper) circle, we plan a small triangle of a bird beak. Well, now it becomes clear what we are trying to portray!
  • We go to the bottom of the contour of the bird. Here we need to draw a straight line and outline with two strokes of the paws. We will give our circles the shape of the bird's body: we will circle the preliminary contours of the body over the circles. We outline the tail of a short line.
Draw the beak and set the paws
Draw the beak and set the paws

Step 3:

  • We draw a line on the beak, dividing it into two halves. Small the eye with a small circle.
  • We draw the contours of the legs and tail. The main thing is to observe proportions and not retreat far from the preliminary contour.
Draw the contours of the legs and tail

Step 4:

  • Everything is quite simple here. We circulate the tail, limbs and study the beak in more detail, denote the plumage on the wings and head.
  • We check the outline of the eye and remove the auxiliary lines.


We clarify the contours


We draw the plumage
We draw the plumage

Step 5:

  • It is safe to say that we coped with the task. Add a few more details: draw the plumage and draw paws with claws. We decorate the bullfinch, focusing on the proposed scheme for applying shadows.
Color drawing of the bullfinch
Color drawing of the bullfinch

Video: How to draw a bullfinch in stages with a simple pencil

Video: how to draw bullfinches

Video: We draw bullfinches on a branch (New Year's mood)

How to draw a bullfinch on a branch with a pencil and paints?

If you need to draw a Christmas poster, then you simply can not do without the image of elegant red -breeding birds. Following our step -by -step instructions, you can surprise friends with your artistic talent and creativity, as well as teach your child to work with paints.

Bullfins on a branch
Bullfins on a branch
  • We begin to draw bird handsome handsome with bright red breast with a simple pencil. In order to “do not pull the bullfinch by the tail,” we immediately schematically set the location of the spruce branches on the sheet.
  • Now we show the contours of the snow on the branches with barely noticeable lines.
  • We remove the painted early lines inside the branches with an eraser and designate ovals of the place where we will have birds. We draw snow tubercles under the original contours of birds. We finish the contours of the cones. We draw the ends of the branches peering out from under the snow
  • We draw the head of the first bullfinch. Add the wing that is in the field of view, and the beak.
    We draw a snowfall of a convex abdomen and tail. We go to the second snow gun: we draw in the same sequence: head, back, wing.
  • We draw the missing details to the second snowfall, focusing on an already drawn bird. Fill the contour of the head in black.
  • We begin to draw the third bullfinch. Again, draw the head first, then we bring the back of the back, draw a wing, beak. We work out the contours of the third bird in more detail. We draw a tail, a convex breast, outline the second wing with a small curved line.
How to draw bullfinches on a branch
  • We proceed to decorate the picture: we decorate the breasts of birds with an orange-red color, head, wings, tails in black.
  • We take a green pencil or felt -tip pen and with light stroke lines we denote needles on spruce branches. The drawn early contours of cones are filled with brown.
  • We highlight the contours of branches with the same brown color. We use a blue pencil to highlight shadows on snow tubercles.
  • We use a light green pencil to make sprigs thicker. Add the shadows on the cones. Now you can give realism to the spruce twigs with the help of a dark green pencil, let's go again along the needles, drawing new strokes a little longer. Add the red tint to the cones, and we highlight the shaded places in the snow with purple.
  • It remains to add the background and write a beautiful congratulation Happy New Year.

Video: How to draw a bird of bullfinch on a branch

Video: Draw with children! Bullfinchy gouache!

Drawings for sketching bullfinch for children for kindergarten and elementary school: photo

In the following selection of pictures you will find various options for drawing bullfinches.

How to draw a watercolor bullfigure
How to draw a watercolor bullfigure

On old New Year's cards, you can often see bullfinches
On old New Year's cards, you can often see bullfinches




Schemes 2

Snow 222

Video: Learning to draw a bullfinch! Developing cartoon

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