How to draw a rose on the nails in stages with acrylic paint, Chinese painting for beginners: scheme, photo. Stone rose on nails step by step: diagram, photo

How to draw a rose on the nails in stages with acrylic paint, Chinese painting for beginners: scheme, photo. Stone rose on nails step by step: diagram, photo

Drawing rose on the nails.

One of the signs of a luxurious girl was always considered an exquisite manicure. A few seasons ago, the nails of all shades of nude were in fashion, and before that - bright colors, geometric patterns and all kinds of shiny jewelry. But in the field of NIL industry, as in any other field of beauty, there are concepts of classics. And, in addition to simple "jackets", the classics of designs include roses in all their manifestations and techniques. How to draw this beautiful flower on nails no worse than in the cabin, today we will tell in detail.

How to draw a simple rose on nails: diagram, photo

In the creativity of designs on the nails, you can use different materials:

  • Ordinary nail polish
  • Acrylic paints
  • Gel polish

In addition, you can draw using different tools:

  • Needle
  • Brushes
  • Toothpicks or orange sticks
  • Instruments called "DOTS"
  • Special stamp (stamp)
  • Using ready -made stencils

Drawing roses is not an occupation, especially for beginners. Therefore, we offer a few simple options, one of which will definitely suit you.

The easiest way: a rose from a circle

In order to depict the most primitive rose on your nail, we will need:

Nail varnishes 3 colors:

  • The main color (the color on which we will draw roses)
  • Color for a rose (this color should differ from the base, it should overlap the main color in density, not be transparent)
  • Color for drawing (this can be both a contrasting color to the color of the rose and color, a lighter shade, but it must be overlap the color of the rose or not be too transparent)
  • Subtle brush, for its lack of it - toothpick or medium thickness of the needle
  • Any brush for drawing
Drawing on the nails
Drawing on the nails

How to draw:

  1. The first thing to pay attention to is the selection of varnishes and flowers. Rose varnishes should be slightly thicker than the main varnish
  2. Gently cover the nails with the main color. Before coating with colored varnish, we recommend applying a special base to protect the nail from the negative effects of varnish. Lacques of the main color can be applied in one or more layers. But they must be well dried well
  3. We take a rose varnish and an ordinary drawing brush. An ordinary brush needs to draw an even circle - you should get the basis of a future rose, it is all filled with varnish, you do not need to leave an empty middle. Dry the workpiece for the rose
  4. We take a varnish for drawing on a thin brush (toothpick or needle) and begin to draw thin lines in a circle - to separate the petals. It is better to start from the outside, moving smoothly to the center. When you have a rose, you can cut the edges of the petals a little to form a “complete” rose to form a “complete” rose, thereby giving the picture a certain angularity.
  5. Cover the nail by the fixer. As a decor, you can put a thin point of sparkles in the very middle of the rose and make several thin lines on the rose itself with such sparkles

Queen of flowers from dots

If you do not like the previous option for creating a rose, then this one will definitely conquer your heart. After all, this technique allows you to create a very lively and beautiful rose with minimal efforts.

Materials and tools:

  • 3 nail polish
  • Base and fastener
  • Tool "DOTS"
  • Needle or toothpick
  • Palette (plastic plate, a piece of oilcloth or just a piece of thick paper - better from a glossy magazine)

To create this design, we will again need one varnish for the background, it will be basic, and two varnishes directly for design. These varnishes should be a little thicker than the main one.

Nail design
Nail design


  1. As usual, cover the nails with the base, let it dry, and apply the main varnish. If the varnish is too liquid or transparent, you can apply 2 layers
  2. On a palette, you need to put a drop of varnish of each color selected for a rose, medium size. Drops should not be in contact
  3. We put 2 points of each color with the DOTS tool, following such a scheme:
  • The first line is a color point A, nearby, right back, a point of color B;
  • The second line - from below points A put the point B, close to point B, put the point of color A
  • You should get a square from the dots where the points of the same color diagonal
  1. Now we take the needle/toothpick, put it to the edge of anywhere and draw a spiral towards the center. We draw a spiral once, there should be approximately 3-4 circles. If you draw more, it will turn out porridge, not a rose. Let the flower dry
  2. We cover the nails with a fixer.

Rose with a brush

This is a rather complicated pattern for a beginner. Before drawing it, you will have to practice.

What is required:

  • Lucky 2 colors
  • Thin brush
  • Palette (plastic plate, a piece of oilcloth or just a piece of thick paper - better from a glossy magazine)


  • We apply the base, dry. We apply the main color for the whole nail
  • At the palette, put an end to the varnish, which we will draw a rose. If the varnish does not dry out quickly, you can just drop it. If the varnish dries quickly, with the aim of saving it, it is better to put small points
Drawing rose
Drawing rose

We take a thin brush and begin to create:

  • At first, having grumbled into a varnish, put an end to where there will be a rose center
  • Now again we dip the brush in the varnish and very close to the point draw a comma in the direction around the point
  • Once again we dip the brush and draw the bracket in the same way - in the direction around the point. This is a petal of a future rose
  • We fill the rose with such elements. To give the pattern of naturalness, the extreme petals can be made angular. Such a rose is easy to decorate with sparkles - they are applied between the "brackets"
  • We apply a fixer

All roses painted above can be supplemented with stalks and leaflets.

Rose with liquid varnishes "on the wet" base

A very beautiful pattern can be obtained using liquid varnishes. The rose, drawn with such a technique, looks charming. But this is a very complex technique that requires outstanding patience, accuracy and time.

In addition, such a technique is very often used in combination with gel polishes. And all because the drawing with ordinary varnishes will dry for a very long time.

Materials and tools:

  • Varnishes - 2 colors
  • Thin brush
  • Palette

If you work with gel polishes, then you will also need basic and top coatings, buff, primer, a special lamp and a liquid to remove a sticky layer. If you draw with ordinary varnishes - be patient.

Detail on the wet foundation
Deterer on wet base

Technique (we describe the technique for ordinary varnishes):

  • Cover the nails with the base and dry well
  • On the palette we put a drop of large enough
  • Cover the nails with a varnish of the main color. The varnish of the main color should be “dense” color and contrasting to the color of the future rose. The varnish is applied with a good layer - not transparent (it will dry too quickly), but not too thick
  • We take the brush, collect the varnish from the palette and draw directly on the wet base: draw:
  • The first element is small, but twisted comma. The varnish you draw should be liquid enough to spread a little
  • The second element is a bracket. It needs to be drawn in both directions - they waved the brush in a drop, drew a bracket, waved again and continued the bracket in the opposite direction, starting to draw at the same point as its first half
  • So you can fill the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe nail or only its central part. Due to the fact that you work with liquid varnishes, the lines will acquire more natural bends
  • For a greater effect, you can periodically tilt the nails left and right - so that the varnish spreads a little
  1. We dry the drawing
  2. We cover with a fixer

A wonderful manicure with a charming pattern is ready!

Note:for a more “deep” effect, when applying a picture in this technique, you can use 2 contrasting flower varnishes. To do this, put 2 drops of varnish on a palette - dropped by each color. And when we are preparing to draw the next element, we collect both varnishes on the brush. For example, in black, then in red, then draw an element. It is very important to observe the same sequence of “dripping”. The rose, drawn with the use of such cunning, will seem more voluminous.

How to draw a rose on nails in stages with acrylic paint for beginners: scheme, photo

In addition to varnishes, roses on nails can easily be created using water -based acrylic paints. The main advantage of this technique is that the miniature can be removed with a napkin or washed off at the stage of its creation without damaging the background layer. In addition, the brightness of acrylic paints can be adjusted independently - adding water to them.

Little trick: In order not to buy special acrylic paints for Neil Art, you can purchase exactly the same in stores for creativity. Acrylic paints for drawing and for nail art are identical. But do not save too much - it is better to choose paints in the average price segment, because cheap colors are very low quality and can crack after drying.

How to choose paints sorted out, now let's deal with the process of applying the drawing itself. There are a huge number of techniques and patterns for drawing roses on nails with acrylic paints-they are used both for decoration based on ordinary nail polishes, and to create patterns while working with gel polishes. But in any case, the first time a beautiful flower can do far from everyone. Therefore, before starting work, a small training will still not hurt.

She will need:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Small brushes (it is advisable to use special brushes for nail art)
  • Palette for paints (an ordinary nylon cover is also suitable)
  • Tipsa (or just a blank sheet of paper on which you can practice)
  • Varnish that will be a base background
Drawing with paints
Drawing with paints

How to train:

  • We select a drawing of a rose that we like, we find a scheme for its creation
  • We cover Tyubs with varnish, which will be the base, dry the coating. If there are no tips, on the sheet with a pen or pencil we draw a few “nails” - we approximately repeat the shape and size of the nail on which we will draw. Fill these "forms" with varnish and let it dry
  • On a palette in a small amount, squeeze the colors of the desired colors. If the paints are too thick or saturated, they can be diluted a little with water
  • Following the found scheme, we try to create a rose on the tips or “draft” using brushes. If the first time did not work out, do not despair, beautiful drawings are a matter of practice. Everything can be adjusted: on Tibs, the drawing is gently wiped with a damp cloth and give the surface to dry, but the “draft” can no longer help, so go immediately to another workpiece
  • When you get such a flower as you want, you can safely draw on your nail. Advice:if you are right -handed, it is better to draw the first flowers on the left hand, and if the left -handed one is on the right. So you will lighten the technique and then you can learn to draw with the other hand.

After you have achieved the desired result on the “draft”, you can try to draw on your nails.

This will need:

  • File for grinding
  • Nail polish (background)
  • Scheme
  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes
  • Palette
  • Fixer (you can take a transparent varnish)

When using acrylic paints, you must always remember about 2 factors:

  • The smoothness of the surface of the nail (the more smooth the surface, the better the main varnish will lie, and it will be easier to operate with paints)
  • Mandatory presence of a fixing layer - acrylic paint is easily washed off, so if it is not fixed with varnish, you will “lose” the picture at the first contact with water

How to draw:

  • First of all, you need to polish the surface of the nail chosen for design a little. Then you need to remove all dust from the surface and degrease the nail. It will not be superfluous to apply the base
  • Apply varnish in one layer and let dry well. If you apply varnish in 2 layers, it still needs to be dry very well, because the paint on a wet varnish will not fall
  • Using the hands, draw a flower on the nail. If the drawing is “multi -layered”, each layer needs to be dried. This is a prerequisite
  • At the time of application of the fixer, the picture should be completely dry, there should be no wet elements. Otherwise, your coating will simply curl up
Drawing with acrylic paints
Drawing with acrylic paints

Drawing circuits of roses with acrylic paints:

  • Simple:
  • With the paint of the desired color on the prepared nail, draw a round “cloud”, namely a round cloud with its rounded “balls”;
  • Then you draw a thin brush with the paint of a contrasting color on the cloud of the middle and petals, the outer petals are the very “balls” of the clouds. They also need to be circled
  • For the completeness of the composition, you can finish the stalks, leaves or buds with a thin brush
  • More complex:
  • On the prepared nail with a thin brush with the selected color, draw the middle of the flower - the elements "point" and "commas"
  • Step by step draw rose petals - an element "rounded bracket stretched in both directions"
  • External petals can be made a little angular, and to give volume to the flower - some lines make it thicker
  • Very complex schemes are “stencil rose” and a rose with Chinese painting. We will talk about them below.

Stone rose on nails step by step: diagram, photo

This rose is called “stencil” because it looks like a stencil drawn under a stencil. And there are 2 ways to apply it:

Stencil. This is the easiest way to draw precisely the "stencil" rose.

He will need:

  • Lacques 2 colors
  • Society
  • Special stencil

How to apply:

  • At the first stage, you need to prepare the nail for the drawing - apply the base if you use it and dry it
  • Now apply the main color varnish - it will be a background for a future rose
  • When the main varnish is well dried, and this is important, you can start applying a flower. We take a stencil, separate it from the substrate and tightly glue it to the nail on which we want a pattern
  • We cover the stencil with varnish of a different color and let it dry for a few seconds. It is important that the varnish is not completely dry, but it is not completely fresh - it can break along with the stencil and part of the main coating in the first case, or spread in the second. Carefully remove the stencil
  • We dry the drawing and cover it with a fixer
Stencil rose on the nails step by step
Stencil rose on the nails step by step

The advantages of this method are speed and lightness, but the minus - the pattern looks like a “template”, it has no individuality. Drawing a stencil rose with brushes.This is a time -consuming method that requires certain artistic skills. The "stencil" rose can be drawn with ordinary varnishes, gel polishes and acrylic paints. In this technique, the queen of colors is very beautiful, with notes of uniqueness and originality.

Materials and tools:

  • Thin brush
  • Palette
  • Lacquer for the main coating
  • Varnish or acrylic paint for drawing
  • Society

If you use acrylic paint, do not forget about the polishing of the nail. Applying gel polishes-adhere to the technology of their application.

Technology features:

  • The first, important factor in the drawing of such a rose will be a brush. It should be saturated with paint, but drops should not drain from it. When you are preparing to draw another element - you need to take the brush as if stretching out of the drop along the palette
  • The second important nuance will be the technique of drawing. It should be tried on the "draft". During the application of the drawing, the brush should first touch the tip of the nail, thereby creating a thin line. Then the brush must be tilted to the nail so that the line is smoothly thickened. And then again put the brush vertically and end the line subtle. Thus, you should get a crescent in one movement.

How to draw:

  • You should start the drawing with the middle of the flower. Therefore, we draw a “round” commas, the end of which is directed towards its own point
  • Whested movements draw “crescent” around a comma. These are rose petals. Each new one begins above the tail of the previous
  • The number of petals depends on the size of the nail and your design. You can turn the whole nail into a rose, or you can supplement the flower with some kind of design-leaves, buds, beads, dots
  • Cover the nail by the fixer. This is a mandatory step if you work with acrylic paints. In addition, the fastener levens the surface of the nail and give the drawing an additional volume

How to draw a rose on the nails in stages in Chinese painting: scheme, photo

The technique of Chinese painting is perhaps one of the most difficult for beginners, although many Neil-art specialists do not like it because of some difficulties. In Neil Industry, whole courses have been developed for Chinese nail painting. Therefore, we will tell you the main points of this technique and dwell on a drawing pattern of rose. But without practice, the first time the flower in this technique is unlikely to be perfect.

Features of the technique of Chinese painting:

  • Work by acrylic paints
  • The use of only worked out movements - strokes (there are 5 types of them, about them just below)
  • Work at least 2 colors at the same time
  • Mandatory presence of at least 1 flat and 1 narrow brush for nail art

Even the most advanced master of Chinese painting once began training with the development of strokes on ordinary paper. Therefore, you should start with this. You need to work out all 5 types, because they will come in handy in the future creativity.

Smears in Chinese painting:

  • The basis of everything will be an even smear, the brush from the surface does not break. It has the name "surface". To perform it, you need a flat brush, on the rib of which the paint of the same color is typed, and the other on the “heel”. The paint is slightly shaken and you can start working out. The main thing is that the transition between the flowers is smooth
  • If you have mastered the first step, time to learn to draw openwork. Now you will need not only to draw a line, but to draw it with a dense zigzag-up and down. Thanks to such movements, the element will have uneven edges. This element is called "openwork"
  • The next element is no longer a zigzag, but smooth loops. It is called "semi -auro"
  • Very beautiful strokes will turn out if you rearrange the brush up and down. They are called feathers
  • And if you learn to twist the brush without tearing it away from the draft, then master the smear called "Wave"

We figured out the strokes, now it's time to try to draw a rose. Again, we try to draw on a draft, because this will help to determine the size of the picture, the required amount of paint and the accuracy of movements

Chinese nail painting
Chinese nail painting

How to draw a rose:

  • We collect two colors of paints on a flat brush (for example, pink and white). Please note that the flower of the edges of the petals is lighter than the middle, so we hold the brush in such a way that the rib on which the dark paint is in the center, and with light paint - to the outside
  • Now you need to draw 5 lower ones (at least 5, otherwise the rose will not look voluminous) petals. To create these elements, smears of semi -projections are used, which create each petal. You should get a circle of "wavy" petals with void in the center. We dry the layer
  • Now you need to draw a second row of petals. Do not forget that a darker color is always directed to the center. These petals are partially drawn at the top of the previous ones, partially occupying the middle. They should be 3. They are also drawn in semi -driving. The main thing when drawing them is the accuracy of movements. You must draw in such a way that the light edges of the new petals lay on the darker part of the lower ones, thereby creating the effect of layered. We dry the layer
  • We draw the middle of our rose. Almost at the edge of the upper petals, you need to draw a small semicircle with smooth stitch, light paint out. This semicircle should be turned upward. The second is the same semicircle, only the convex side down
  • We complete the rose by filling the free space between the core and the petals - with rounded strokes, add several petals (2, maximum 3). Our beautiful rose is ready

When you master this technique in the draft, you can start decorating nails:

  • Prepare the nail - polish it, apply the base
  • Apply the main color of the main color and let it dry well
  • Now draw a rose according to the developed technique. Do not forget that in multi -layer drawings, each layer of acrylic paint needs to be dried
  • When the drawing is ready, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles, highlight the flower by drawing a thin contour with a thin brush, or add leaflets
  • Cover the nail by the fixer

Now you have an unsurpassed manicure!

And remember, there are simply no two identical nail arts with roses. Therefore, you can safely experiment with the techniques, colors and materials described by us. And let your manicure always be unique.

Video: nail design: draw a rose

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