How to draw a muzzle to a fox with aquagrim on the child’s face in stages for beginners? Drawings on the face with paints for girls: makeup foxes

How to draw a muzzle to a fox with aquagrim on the child’s face in stages for beginners? Drawings on the face with paints for girls: makeup foxes

Learn to make an aquagim "Fox" for a child for a matinee and a holiday.

A cunning sister - a fox - a character of many fairy tales and cartoons, the heroine of children's matinees and productions. It is not at all difficult to buy, order, to rent or make a fox suit itself. The image of the child will complete the water on the face. Let's learn how to do it!

How to draw a fox with aquagrim on the face of a child in stages for beginners?

Aquagrim, a drawing on his face, will allow the child to reincarnate into a fox, give him great pleasure. And how beautiful the photo will turn out!

A girl in a matinee in a fox suit with Aquagrim.
A girl in a matinee in a fox suit with Aquagrim.

If you have decided to draw a muzzle of a rogue for your baby on a matinee, children's holiday and just for entertainment, first of all you need to think through some details:

  1. Decide how difficult the drawing will be. It can be limited to a black nose and antennae or depict a full fox face on the child’s face. The time and quantity of material spent on it will depend on the complexity of the work.
  2. If you are a beginner, making an aquagrim, you need to focus on something. Look at the photo further in the article, some of these ideas may suit you. You have developed fantasy, and you can imagine what exactly the fox muzzle should look like? Fine, but do not draw it immediately on the child’s face, make a sketch on paper.
  3. Please note that the creation of aquaim is not a quick thing. Will your child sit while you make up? Perhaps, for starters, it is worth painting it simply and quickly.

You will also need certain materials and tools:

  • the tone is the basis
  • sponge for tone
  • drawing brushes, preferably natural
  • sharp and flat brushes
  • wet and dry napkins
  • a glass of water
  • nabbage for a child so as not to stain his clothes
  • hoop, hairpins or bandage to remove hair from the face
  • sequins at will

And, of course, paints. Special sets for aquagrim and body art with dry and liquid colors are sold. For the face of the fox, the colors will be needed:

  • black
  • white
  • orange
  • yellow
Materials and tools for aquagrim.
Materials and tools for aquagrim.

IMPORTANT: Paints for aquagrim can be made with your own hands. You will need food dyes of the desired colors, starch (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), children's cream (15 g), warm water (1.5-2 tbsp. Tablespoons). Children's cream is mixed with starch and water, add the dye to this mass until the color intensity becomes desired.

Remember, aquagim for a child in the form of a fox muzzle and any other should be safe. Before using the paint, an allergy test should be carried out in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe baby's skin. If a child on the face has an allergic rash, wounds and irritation, a face is impossible to make a face.
When everything is ready, you can proceed to direct drawing of a fox on a children's face.

  1. Lay out materials and tools for aquagrim in front of you. The drawing you have chosen should be before your eyes.
  2. Plant the child comfortably, on a chair with a back. Cover his clothes with a cloak. Remove the hair from the forehead and cheeks.
  3. Wipe the child's face with a childish damp cloth.
  4. After a couple of minutes, you can start applying the tone moistened in water and a well -squeezed sponge. For the base to fall evenly and smoothly, make light circular movements. A tone is applied to the entire face: from the roots of the hair to the ears and the chin, as well as the age.
  5. Take a wide brush, moisten it in the water. Type orange paint. Now you will plan the contours of the face of the fox. Start with a child’s lobby: above his eyebrows triangles, indicate the ears of the fox. Out the lines of whiskey, external corners of the eyes and cheekbones. From the cheekbones to the wings of the nose, draw horizontal lines.
    Fill the contours of the face of the fox with orange paint also with a wide brush or a small sponge.
    Apply white paint to the nasolabial triangle and chin of the child.
    Draw two small white triangles inside the orange triangles over the eyebrows in the middle brush to detail the fox ears.
    Apply white paint on the eyelids of the child.
    Draw a black circle on the nose of the child with a pointed brush, fill it with color. It will be the nose of the fox.
    In black paint, circle the child painted with a white nasolabial triangle and chin, draw a line from the middle of the nose to the middle of the lips, draw the antennae.
  6. With a thin brush in black, make a fox cilia, bringing double or triple arrows on the upper eyelids.
  7. To add a fluffy muzzle, draw broken lines on the child’s cheeks, as indicated in the photo. Throughout the face of the fox, draw wool with short and white paint with black and white paint.
  8. Add aquagrim brightness with sparkles.
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 1.
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 2.
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 3
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 4.
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 5.
Aquagrim foxes in stages: Step 6.
Aquaghem on the face of the child: Fox.

Here is another step -by -step photo - the instructions for aquagrim with a fox. Here they begin by applying the “ears” and “muzzles” with white paint, fill the “head” with orange color and then the details are already indicated in black.

Aquaghem "Muzzle of the Fox" for beginners.

Video: Aquagrim "Fox". We make at home

Animal makeup on the face of a child - aquagim fox: options

You can see the options for aquagrim fox on the face of a child and an adult in the photo.

Aquaghem "Fox" on the girl's face.
Aquaghem "Fox" with sparkles.
Simple aquagrim fox for a child.
Aquagrim: a fox muzzle in orange and yellow colors with sparkles.
Realistic fox muzzle: Aquagrim for adults.
Girl with aquagrim fox.

Video: Aquagrim Fox

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Comments K. article

  1. cool

  2. especially the second photo in stages

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