How to draw beautiful Chinese, summer and acrylic flowers on nails? Manicure with flowers for long and short nails

How to draw beautiful Chinese, summer and acrylic flowers on nails? Manicure with flowers for long and short nails

At any time of the year, each of their women wants to smell like a paradise flower. Even if there is bad weather outside the window, then your life, and at the same time, can be decorated with a floral print manicure. How to make a greenhouse on the nails with taste - we will tell in detail in this article.

Fashion does not stand still, it is constantly changing, and we are changing with it. And if earlier there was a trend abstract nail art, now women are increasingly preferring beautiful drawings of flowers and eastern patterns.

The technique of performing such drawings has reached its perfection, and it seems that real ones bloom on the nails incredible beauty flowers. A truly summer exquisite manicure will add femininity and mystery to your image. And certainly will not leave without attention!

How to draw a flower on the nails for beginners?

In order for a beautiful flower to bloom on your nails, it is not necessary to go to the salon. Such beauty can be made at home on your own. Even a beginner can cope with this work. It will take a little patience and zeal, but believe me, the result is worth it!

Creating a whole greenhouse on your nails is very simple
Creating a whole greenhouse on your nails is very simple

You'll need Ordinary nail polish and toothpick. The process includes several stages. First, carefully prepare your nails. Remove the varnish from the nails, clean well and cut them. After that, use it basic coating.

When the coating dries, you can proceed to applying the picture. Dip the tip of the toothpick in the chosen varnish and put the point on the nail. Thus, you will identify the middle of the future flower. Then, around this point, also using a toothpick, apply several circles or ovals. A simple flower is ready.

You can thus draw several colors on one nail. If you want to add the stem, you will have to work a little more. Draw a thin curve with varnish with a toothpick from the flower and add petals for the stem. Now let the varnish dry well and you can apply a layer of fixing varnish.

Video: flowers on the nails - easy and simple!

Flowers on nails

Among the most popular floral prints are considered poppies, tulips, sakura and others. Here are a few examples of how to portray these flowers on the nails.


  • Black varnish lines are applied to the jacket.
  • We draw several buds and open flowers with delicate shades.
  • In the middle of each flower, put a black dot.
  • We apply a fixing varnish.


  • From the middle of the nail plate we draw three wide lines - this will be the petals of the tulip.
  • Between these lines we draw small protruding cloves.
  • Cut the petals with a black contour, add lines and green leaves.
  • We apply a fixing varnish.

Before drawing on your nails, it is better to practice on tips or paper.

If you are confident in your abilities, then you can safely draw a drawing - nail polish remover And a cotton wool will help eliminate all inaccuracies.

We offer several simple flower printing schemes:

A simple floral pattern
Multi -colored Chinese flowers on nails
Rounded buds on nails

Acrylic flowers on nails, photo

Acrylic paints are very popular. They have no smell, are easily applied and affect the palette of colors. With their help, you can depict on the nails great volumetric flowers. At the same time, it is not necessary to use professional manicure paints. You can use stationery. They are no different in structure.

Volumetric acrylic flowers
Volumetric acrylic flowers combined with French manicure

To get a professional result, it is necessary follow certain recommendations:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials: basic, color and transparent varnish, acrylic paints, a piece of cardboard, water and thin brushes
  2. First of all, give the nails the desired shape. Then polish the surface of the nail with a file. This will allow paints and lacquer to go more evenly
  3. Apply basic coating. Let it dry well. Then you can apply a background varnish and dry the nails again
  4. On a piece of cardboard, press acrylic paints of the necessary colors and proceed to creativity. If the colors are too thick, they can be diluted with water
  5. Fasten the picture transparent varnish. This will make the manicure more durable.

Summer flowers on nails

What flowers you will not meet in manicure. The design directly depends on the nature of the woman, her preferences in the style and even from the season. Summer flowers will look great on the nails, both young beauties and older. The choice is huge - chamomile, lilies, pansies, eyes, cornflower etc.

Summer pattern on nails
The summer pattern on the nails can be either in one range or combine bright summer colors

Roses will decorate the nails romantic persons, peonies will add charisma, and bright poppies are suitable for purposeful women who are not afraid to experiment.

Creating a summer sunny mood is very simple. Decorate your manicure with light flower art and feel all the charm of summer. Cute daisies, delicate violets, passionate roses or bright poppies - it does not matter what you choose.

Original floral print in manicure
Original floral print in manicure

They emphasize your personality and create a slight summer mood. Remember the main thing - there are no boundaries in flower design!

Chinese flowers on nails

Chinese painting It was known many millennia ago. Gradually, she smoothly migrated from paper to her nails. Volumetric flowers, incredible beauty patterns now decorate the fingers of beautiful ladies. This painting is not as complicated as it seems.

Chinese flowers on nails
Chinese flowers on nails
Chinese flowers on square nails
Chinese flowers on square nails
Flower manicure option in Chinese technology
Flower manicure option in Chinese technology

Any the detail of the pictureWhether it is a flower or ornament, it implies drawing in one smear. But the technique of such strokes can be varied:

  1. Surface - the brush is not torn off the surface, the smear should be even
  2. Power technology - rearrangement of the hand in intermittent mode from the bottom up
  3. Wave - smear with a brush without tearing off
  4. Openwork - the brush moves from top to bottom and abruptly breaks away, as a result of which a smear with an uneven edge is obtained
  5. Aqua - transparent varnish is used to give details volume

If you want to apply a simple flower with Chinese technology, then just use only one trick. A more complex and voluminous flower will require the use of several techniques.

Video: Flowers in the technique of Chinese painting with gel-paste

Volumetric flowers on the nails

The flowers made on the nails look original on the nails based on 3D. To create them, a soft supple mass is used. It is made of special gel and acrylic powder. In this case, the drawing is performed with a brush, and it looks like a three -dimensional figure due to special equipment.

Volumetric roses on nails
Volumetric roses on nails

You can decorate volumetric flowers with rhinestones or crystals. Then the drawing will acquire a special originality. 3D patterns are best applied on long nails. So the picture will look more advantageous.

Frank nail design with flowers

Restrained and elegant french manicure Always remains in trend. But now it is customary to combine several techniques in Neil-Art. Therefore, more and more often you can see nails with jackets and beautiful floral prints. To make such a manicure at home is quite simple. Let's look at one of the examples of French manicure with purple flowers.

French with flowers
French with flowers

To do this, you need a varnish-base, a wide brush, varnish of several shades, sparkles and a fixative.

The sequence of creating manicure is this:

  1. Apply on the nails. Next, the tip of the nail must be made up purple varnish, dry. Apply another layer of purple varnish to the tip of the nail and sprinkle with sparkles
  2. Now you can start To the drawing of the flower. Using several shades of varnish, draw the petals.
  3. Circle the contours and attach several rhinestones or sparkles. Apply a fixing varnish

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this technique. Even a beginner can cope with this. BUT original French manicure With magnificent colors will decorate your nails and attract attention.

Manicure with flowers for long nails

The main rule for long nails is do not overdo it. Long nails are wide horizon for fantasies and experiments. However, do not lose a sense of proportion, otherwise a pile and too intricate manicure can spoil the impression. Therefore, when applying a flower print on the nails do not forget about simple rules:

  • Do not apply a pattern on the entire nail plate so that the manicure does not catch my eye
Manicure with flowers on long nails
Manicure with flowers on long nails
  • You can turn to the master and create a real masterpiece on your nails-a picture-picture. Separate elements on each nail will merge into one pattern
  • On long nails, the modeling looks especially attractive. But on all fingers, such a technique will look good at solemn events. But for everyday manicure, modeling on one or two fingers is suitable
Flower print on long nails
Flower print on long nails
Option of manicure with flowers
Option of manicure with flowers

The choice of palette and types of colors depends from individual wishes. On nails of sufficient length, any flower prints will look great.

Manicure with flowers for short nails

A well -chosen ornament will allow you to hide the errors on the hands and emphasize their advantages. On short nails flower patterns they also look interesting. However, it is worth listening to several tips before applying flowers to the nails:

  • It is better to place flowers closer to the free edge of the nail, this will help visually lengthen your fingers
  • So that the nail plate seems narrower, in the figure several dark accents should prevail
Short nails can also be decorated with flowers
Short nails can also be decorated with flowers
  • When applying a flower pattern on a color base, leave not painted one millimeter on the sides of the nail
  • For short nails of a square shape, clear lines are suitable. On other forms, smooth and blurry lines will look great

Remember that the manicure should not dissonate with your way. Otherwise, show imagination and act!

Flower manicure for short nails
Flower manicure for short nails

Flowers on extended nails, photo

In order for a floral print on extended nails to look neatly and exquisite follow the simple rules:

  1. A floral pattern in which there are many small details, additional lines are better to apply not for all nails. It will be enough to draw on one or two fingers on the hand
  2. For a manicure on extended nails to look more richly, be sure to add to floral compositions green color. It can be leaves, stems or buds
Flowers on extended nails
Flowers on extended nails
  1. Think in advance where the floral arrangement will be located. It should be combined with the length and shape of the nails, background varnish
  2. A large flower, located at the base of the nail plate, is surrounded by more small colors

When creating floral manicure do not forget about the season. Spring Lilacs, tulips or daffodils may bloom on your nails. Summer It is better to give preference to summer colors: roses, peonies, forget -me -nots. In winter You can transfer clove flowers to the nails, and In the fall Conduct your nails with Astra or dahlias.

Long extended nails decorated with a flower print
Long extended nails decorated with a flower print

Experiment and be beautiful. And the original ideas will tell you nature itself and your imagination. Do not be afraid to look bold and non -standard, after all, this can be a bright highlight that attracts views and emphasizes your originality.

Video: design gel polishes "Sagura branch"

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