How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: step -by -step instructions

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: step -by -step instructions

We draw eyebrows with a pencil: step -by -step instructions for beginners

Fashionable, stylish makeup cannot be imagined without neatly drawn eyebrows. And this is what we talk about today: how to choose the shapes of eyebrows by type of face and how to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil.

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil: select the shape of the eyebrows

If you decide to master the makeup of the eyebrows, the question of how to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil is very logical. But before proceeding with the step -by -step instructions of drawing eyebrows, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the trends of broovists so that the makeup corresponds to time. We will not dwell on this, as we described in detail this issue in our article.

Already familiarized with the trends? Have you decided what you want to draw on your face? It is worth remembering - as if, the fashion is not changed, the shape of the eyebrows each has its own and directly depends on the shape of the face, you can make adjustments, but always leave the form suitable for you.

Don't know what form is yours? Check out the instruction scheme and select the shape of the eyebrows for your type of face. At the same time, remember, the graphic eyebrows are no longer in fashion, thin stripes remained in the twentieth century and on the faces of the age, and for those who follow fashion and want to look relevant - the emphasis is only natural eyebrows. This means that they should be of an average natural thickness, and without a heavy graphic drawing. Maximum bubbles and naturalness.

Choose the shape of the eyebrows in the shape of the face
Choose the shape of the eyebrows in the shape of the face

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: step -by -step instructions

Before proceeding with a pencil drawing, it is recommended to cleanse the face, give with tweezers the desired shape, and also apply a cream and tonal base to the face. Remember that the eyebrow zone requires the same pillings as the face, since it is after them that the makeup lies smooth and without slopes.

Work out your eyebrows with a tonic to remove cosmetics and excessive fat content, so the pencil will go better. And we proceed to the make -up of the eyebrows.

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: step -by -step instructions
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: step -by -step instructions

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home (option No. 1):

  • We carry out a pencil along the lower line of hair growth of eyebrows with special pressure at the end;
  • We carry out a pencil along the upper line of hair growth of eyebrows with special pressure at the end. Thus, we get a curved letter V, curved on the side, with a thin and dark tip;
  • We retreat a centimeter from the base of the eyebrow (the beginning of the growth of eyebrows from the nose) and obscure the eyebrow line with a pencil;
  • We take a brush for shading of the eyebrows and carefully work out the painted space, while the upper and lower lines are shaken in the inside;
  • The base of the eyebrow is attached due to the distribution of the upper and lower lines of the pencil drawing, thereby receiving a light haze turning into the ombre to the main color of the eyebrows;
  • If necessary, add strokes with a pencil and additionally blend. Do not be zealous, remember that the eyebrow should remain natural;
  • Above the upper and under the lower line of eyebrows we draw a foundation and shade it, emphasizing the tenderness and accuracy of the eyebrow line. You can add a drop of highlighter.

Video: perfect eyebrows. How to paint your eyebrows with a pencil?

And one more option, which young girls especially like, with a special love for "sable eyebrows" and naturalness.

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home (option No. 2):

For work, two pencils of the same tone (sharp tip and stupid) will be required)

  • It is necessary to give the desired shape with the eyebrows with tweezers, wax or thread to choose, to carefully comb the hairs and finish combing, combing upwards;
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: comb an eyebrow
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: comb an eyebrow
  • Slightly draw the lower line with pencil with the pencil, only indicating its contour, without waiting for the pencil to absorb - blend into the inside of the eyebrows so that there is a delicate powder tint;
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: draw the lower edge of the eyebrows
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: draw the lower edge of the eyebrows
  • Now draw the upper line as in the photo, and also thoroughly blend;
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: draw the upper edge of the eyebrows
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: draw the upper edge of the eyebrows
  • Fill with light strokes the whole space, and also quickly and thoroughly blend. Make sure that all the lines lie down soft and immediately shade. If you shave off, you went beyond the line - remove the excess micellar water and a cotton swab. Carefully work out the tails;
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: filling out space
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: filling out space
  • Inspect your eyebrows, and where there are insufficient hairs, or they are not symmetrical with the second side - draw the hairs with a thin pencil. Do this with barely noticeable strokes, it will turn out as natural as possible. With this technique, you can add a bend, arc, lengthen or expand the eyebrow without loss of naturalness;
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: we emphasize the eyebrow line
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: we emphasize the eyebrow line
  • The last touch remained - to go through a corrector, which is easier in structure than the tonal and add a drop of highlighter, shave and go to the makeup of the eye.
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: the last touch
How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil for yourself at home: the last touch

A year ago, stencils were actively advertised, which could be attached to the eyebrows and for several movements to paint a beautiful shape of the eyebrows. But the girls very quickly realized that stencils are standard, unlike their faces, and look unnatural. And, therefore, it is better to spend several evenings on training beautiful eyebrow makeup and shine with perfect makeup for many months!

And in conclusion, we propose to get acquainted with the video lesson on how to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil at home.

Video: How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil at home?

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