How to draw viburnum? How to draw a branch and a viburnum bush with a pencil?

How to draw viburnum? How to draw a branch and a viburnum bush with a pencil?

Kalina is a bright bush with red berries. It is easy to draw viburnum, relying on templates and sketches proposed in this article.

How to draw Kalina with a pencil in stages for beginners?

Kalina - A low bush with bright red berries. Berries hang lush clusters with branchesWhat makes the tree noticeable from afar, bright and very picturesque.

Most often the viburnum bush decorates pictures of winter and autumn landscapes. You can draw viburnum with paints and pencils. The main thing is to give a bright red color to the berries.

You should start a drawing from the sketch of the trunks and branches of the bush. Kalina has a fairly thin trunk and a magnificent crown. In summer, it is covered with many coronal leaves, in spring flowering with white small colors and berries in autumn.

What does the viburnum tree look like?
Kalina bush
How to draw branches of a bush?
Valina branch

How to draw a bush in stages:

  • Draw several main bush trunks
  • Each barrel should have at least five branches, which in turn have small cuttings.
  • There should be a sheet or bunch of berries on each cuttings

Video: "Draw Kalina"

How to draw a viburnum branch: drawing for children

The viburnum branch or bunch of berries is often found in Petrikovsky painting. Bright and contrasting colors (red and green) are impressive with their saturation.

Except for a simple pencil that is best to make a sketch, you will need paints:

  • Brown
  • Green
  • Red
  • White (for depicting glare on berry)

We draw a branch:

Viburnum branch with sheet and berries
Viburnum flowering and with berries
valina sketch

VALINA branch, drawings:

Viburnum branch with berries
VAZA vase branch
VALINA branch: Petrikovskaya painting

How to draw a viburnum bush: drawing for children

The viburnum bush is very magnificent in the crown and “thin” at the rhizome. On average, it has four or five trunks. The branches of the bush are thin, long. From the severity of leaves and berries, they fall to the ground, making the bush round.

How to draw a viburnum bush:

Kalina bush, children's drawing
Kalina bush: drawing with pencil and paints
Viburnum bush with a bird

Video: "How to draw viburnum and berries?"

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