How to draw a unicorn with wings with a stages with a pencil for beginners and children? Unicorns drawings for children

How to draw a unicorn with wings with a stages with a pencil for beginners and children? Unicorns drawings for children

Children learn about fairy -tale unicorns from the cartoon "My Little Pony". The girls especially like unicorns. Let's try to draw a beautiful cheerful creature, so similar to an ordinary horse.

How to draw a unicorn with a pencil wings in stages for beginners and children?

Fairy -tale unicorns have very unusual coloring pages. Therefore, do not limit the child in the choice of pencils or felt -tip pens to decorate the finished drawing. Let him come up with and try to transfer the conceived color or shade on paper.

But first you need to draw a unicorn. How to do it? Just following step -by -step instructions.

Let's draw cartoon unicorn with wings. After all, the child may like the topic of “unicorns” and then you will need several options for drawing.

  • In the center of the sheet, we set the basis of the drawing: draw the oval body of the unicorn.
We draw a character’s body in the form of an elongated large oval


  • We draw another oval of a smaller size - the head of a fairy -tale character.
Draw another elongated oval, but smaller
Draw another elongated oval, but smaller
  • We give ovals the desired shape. We connect them with smooth lines.
Connect two figures and give the correct shape to the body and head
Connect two figures and give the correct shape to the body and head
  • At this stage, you can get rid of the interfering and distorting the general picture of additional lines: we wash them with an eraser.
We wash the extra lines
We wash the extra lines
  • Now let's start drawing the legs of a unicorn. Look at the picture how to do it correctly.
We draw our legs
We draw our legs
  • We clarify the shape of the head and draw the details: nostrils, mouth line, add ears.
We give the correct shape to the head
We give the correct shape to the head
  • Do not forget to draw hooves. To do this, we draw one below each paw, separating a small area from the rest of the leg.
We draw hooves
We draw hooves
  • We draw a fabulous character horn, wings and a beautiful wavy mane.
We draw a sharp horn and a magnificent, wavy mane
We draw a sharp horn and a magnificent, wavy mane
  • There is very little left: we draw a big eye with our beauty-single, thick eyelashes and draw a line of the eyelid above the eye.
Final stroke - eyes and long eyelashes
The final stroke - eyes and long eyelashes

The video instruction to this figure is presented below.

Video: How to draw a winged unicorn?

But unicorn with lowered wingswhich can be drawn with a simple pencil, and decorate with felt -tip pens.

  • We begin with the outline of the total contour of the mythical animal. We draw an egg -shaped head, neck, torso in the form of an elongated oval of irregular shape, draw lines of the legs.
We draw the original unicorn circuit
We draw the original unicorn circuit
  • We draw a horn and give the small oval the shape of the head.
    We begin to draw a long and lush mane. We draw the horn with stripes, paint over the eyes.
We draw the head and horn
We draw the head and horn
  • We draw the pointed ears.
  • We draw a long neckline and draw a smooth, curling mane.
We draw a mane
We draw a mane
Add the ears
Add the ears
  • On the other side of the neck, we also draw the curls of the mane and finish the visible part of the neck on this side with a short curved line.
  • Right on the back of the unicorn lies the wing. We draw it flat, because it is not open. Add marks on it.
We draw a mane
We draw a mane
  • We draw the second wing, which rises slightly above the first.
  • We draw feathers on the wings. They are almost invisible, but several parallel curved lines need to be drawn.
Draw the mane from the other side
Draw the mane from the other side
Draw a wing folded on your back
Draw a wing folded on your back
Draw feathers and second wing
We draw the second wing
  • We draw the lower part of the body of the unicorn: the line of the abdomen and legs with hooves.
  • We draw the anterior lifting leg and outline the rear circuit.
We draw feathers
We draw feathers
We draw legs and stomach
We draw legs and stomach
Draw the front lifting leg
Draw the front lifting leg
  • We draw a lush tail. He curls up a little up. Add short lines on hooves to highlight them.
We draw a lush tail
We draw a lush tail
  • This is what should turn out:

We decorate the finished drawing as the soul wishes. It is possible as in the finished picture, but it can be in its own way.

Video: How to draw a pony to Princess Celestia?

You can draw a unicorn with a pencil easier:

  • We draw the contours of a fairy -tale character. Look at the picture and repeat all the lines. Do not press the pencil: draw, easily touching a sheet of paper so that the work remains neat until the final stage.
  • We draw the body, adding volume to outlined contours and giving the body, head, legs the desired shape. We finish the wings: they are large at our unicorn and opened above his back.
  • We draw feathers on the wings, add the mane of volume with wavy lines. We devote a little time to draw a lush tail and the hooves of a fabulous horse. We draw the face: eye, nostril, mouth line.
  • Add a few strokes on the horse’s body, on the legs and under the wings. This will give a picture of realism. We decorate the hooves, mane and tail gray. Wings can be decorated with colored pencils.

You can draw unicorns and without wings. For example, such cartoon characters, as these:

  • Let's start the drawing with simple forms: we draw four circles, placing them in pairs at some distance from each other.
  • Inside those circles that are above, draw horizontal lines, then then symmetrically draw your eyes. Combine the upper and lower circle with a short line - it will be the neck of a unicorn.
We draw several simple shapes, two circles for heads and two forms, as in the figure for bodies
We draw several simple shapes, two circles for heads and two forms, as in the figure for bodies
  • Do not forget that at the beginning you should not press the pencil, otherwise the drawing will turn out to be dirty and will be visible traces of lines that could not be erased.
  • You can draw first one unicorn, and only then go to the second drawing.
  • We draw a corner of the nose, add the eyes on the face and large eyelashes. Speech the nostril on the nose.
    We draw a unicorn with a magnificent mane. Do not forget to depict a couple of ears and horn on the forehead.
We draw a pretty corner of the nose and eyes with large eyelashes
We draw a pretty corner of the nose and eyes with large eyelashes
We draw a lush mane from which a horn and a couple of ears sticks out
We draw a lush mane from which a horn and a couple of ears sticks out
We draw a line from the neck, draw a raised leg and the supporting second.
We draw a line from the neck, draw a raised leg and the supporting second.
  • From the neck we begin to lead the oval down - it will be the body of a unicorn. We finish 2 legs (one - raised, the second - supporting) and hooves.
  • Now we draw hind legs with hooves. The tail of a unicorn is magnificent and curly, it falls to the ground. So we draw it.
We draw hind legs and tail
We draw hind legs and tail
  • We proceed to drawing the second unicorn. We draw him a muzzle: eyes with centuries, a nose with nostrils, an ear.
    We finish the horn and the mane around the horn.
We draw the head of the second unicorn
We draw the head of the second unicorn
The bangs should curl, and the other side dangles the tail from the hair, around the neck
The bangs should curl, and the other side dangles the tail from the hair, around the neck
  • The bangs of this unicorn curls, and the rest of the shock of the hair almost reaches the ground. Now you can portray the second ear: it is almost not visible, because it is hidden in the hair.
  • We draw the front legs with hooves, draw a line of the torso and the hind leg.
We draw the front legs
We draw the front legs
  • We draw the back and rear leg, which is visible. We wash all auxiliary lines and examine the drawing. It remains only to finish the wings.
  • We decorate with felt -tip pens, because only with their help can you achieve bright colors.
We finish the hind leg
We finish the hind leg

If you want to draw a pencil not a cutie, but graceful amazing creature with a corneal process on the forehead, then draw in steps according to the instructions proposed below and you will definitely succeed!

Go to business! We will focus on this picture:

  • We draw circles to indicate the head, body and legs. We will draw another lines to connect them together.
Donote the head, torso and legs with circles
  • We draw the shape of the head, neck, torso and legs. Our unicorn has a thick mane, which we denote the lines near the neck and at a certain distance from above. In the same way we set the tail and finish the eyes, nostril.
Draw the eye of the horse and mane
  • We draw a horn and point out the contours of the body with more fat lines. We clarify the shape of the tail and mane.
  • The horn has a special shape: it seems to be twisted in a spiral. So we will draw it. We draw legs and hooves. We will devote more time to draw a lush tail and mane.
Circle contours
  • In short stroke lines, add volume to the body, mane and tail of a fabulous horse. We paint over the eye.
Detail the horn and wipe the extra lines


We clarify the shape of the legs
We clarify the shape of the legs

This is what should turn out in the end:

This is what should turn out in the end
This is what should turn out in the end

Let's try draw the princess of the moon pencil.

How to draw a moon for the princess
How to draw a moon for the princess
  • We draw lines along the edges of the sheet to determine the boundaries of the picture.
  • Let's start the drawing with two circles: the head and bodies of the unicorn. We outline the line where the wings of a fairy -tale character will end. Let's start drawing a muzzle.
We draw two circles
  • With smooth lines, connect the head with the body, and continue the tully oval. Let's draw a tail line.
    We outline 4 legs and horn with light lines. Look at the picture how to do it right.
We connect the circles with smooth lines
  • We draw one more curved line on the legs, draw a muzzle and a horn. We draw lines for the wings.
    Add one line on the wings, on the tail. We draw a circle for the eye and draw a line of mane.
We draw horn and legs
  • At this stage, we need to draw small details: on the wings - feathers, on the tail - curly hair. We draw short strokes on hooves, denote the mane and eyes.
We draw wings
  • A few more details, winding lines on the legs, on the wing, on the mane and horn, and our unicorn is ready!
We clarify the details
Draw a mane and a magnificent tail, feathers on the wings of a unicorn
We will adjust a little more and an ecrid lines

Video: How to draw a pony to Princess Luna?

How is it easy to draw a unicorn by cells?

Children love to draw in notebooks in a cell. Why not draw a unicorn? For example, according to the proposed schemes-blocks.

To draw on the cells, you just need to find the diagram you like and correctly place the pattern on the sheet. It is recommended to start a drawing from the lower part, and on top to “set up” the rows of cells.

This section contains funny images of unicorns that can be portrayed in a notebook in a cage.

How to draw a unicorn by cells?

Video: How to draw a unicorn by cells?

Significance unicorns drawings

It is much easier for children to draw schematic drawings. Therefore, invite them to see the selection presented below with you and choose which of the unicorns is better for drawing.

The girls will like cute unicorns with a long beautiful hryvnia and large eyelashes, and the boys will suit drawings that depict bold and warlike unicorns.


Video: How to draw a unicorn oncao (ONCHO) from the cartoon "MIA and I"?

Video: How to draw a sweet unicorn?

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