How to draw doctors of Aibolit in a stages with a pencil for children? How to draw a doctor and a nurse with a pencil in stages?

How to draw doctors of Aibolit in a stages with a pencil for children? How to draw a doctor and a nurse with a pencil in stages?

The article will help to draw a doctra of Aibolit, Dr. Plyushev, a doctor and a nurse. See simple phased instructions with descriptions in the photo and video.

Let's learn with the child to draw fabulous, cartoon and very real doctors and nurses.

How to draw doctors of Aibolit in a stages with a pencil for children?

Dr. Aibolit is a character of a series of works by the famous children's writer K.I. Chukovsky. He treats animals from different ailments. Small children love to listen to fairy tales in verses and watch cartoons about this kind, responsive, disinterested, is always ready to help the character. He also teaches them not to be afraid of doctors.

Dr. Aibolit: Children's drawing.
Dr. Aibolit: Children's drawing.

If the child wants to draw Aibolit, it will be very easy for him - the image of the animal doctor has repeatedly flickered before their eyes in illustrations for books, in cartoons and sanbulets of children's clinics. He has gray hair, mustache, beard, white robe, and in his hands - a tube or a bottle with a sweet mixture. Often, the good Dr. Aibolit is depicted surrounded by animals cured by him - hares, moths, lions and hypopotes.
Preschool child suggest drawing a simple and cheerful pattern with Aibolite. For example, as in one of the pictures below.

Dr. Aibolit: Picture for a child for sketching.
Dr. Aibolit: Picture for a child for sketching.

The student can draw Aibolit as he appeared in the Soviet cartoon. In the figure, he will treat a lion.

  1. A sheet of paper should be divided in half: the patient will be depicted on the right - a lion, on the left - Aibolit. They both will sit.
  2. In thin pencil lines, the child should sketch the silhouettes of the characters. At this stage, the most difficult thing is to draw the contours of the head and face of the lion. First you should draw a circle, and to it horizontally, a little under the slope, to finish the cylinder, which in the future turns into the nose and the mouth of the king of animals.
  3. At the second stage, the frames are clothed in shape. The smooth lines of Aibolit should draw a long white robe similar to the dress. The head of the animal doctor will be small, similar to a triangle with a cut vertex. Most likely, he has a bald head, but it is hidden under a white hat with a cross. Aibolit hairstyle is funny-two mugs depicting hair, casually knocking out from under the hat. The animal doctor should draw a large, fleshy nose. But the mouth is not needed - it is hidden under a thick mustache. He will have small glasses with round lenses on his nose.
  4. Lev is drawn a lush mane and a tail with tassels. Since it is cartoony, he will be dressed in a T -shirt and shorts.
  5. Concluding the work, the child should gently erase all the contour and auxiliary lines, with the help of strokes of different thicknesses to draw folds on the Aibolit dressing, hairs on the mane of the lion and shadows, which betray the image volume. Good Dr. Aibolit is ready at work!
Aiboit from the cartoon step by step with a pencil: Step 1.
Aiboit from the cartoon step by step with a pencil: Step 21.
Aiboit from the cartoon step by step with a pencil: Step 3.
How to draw-Dettor Aibolita-470x352
Original scene from the cartoon.

Video: How to draw Doctor Aibolit?

How to draw doctors Plyushev in stages with a pencil for children?

But - the hero is more modern. The little girl Dotti Plyusheva is a character of the animated series, which started on Disney channels in 2012. It is called the dock, as it treats "plush and other toys." A kind, informative and entertaining cartoon, its very pretty main character was very loved by the children of the whole earth.

Dr. Plyusheva: Children's drawing.
Dr. Plyusheva: Children's drawing.

It is very likely that the child will want to draw Dr. Plyushev. It is very easy. You should start with the head and the face:

  • the head of the dock is quite large, round
  • the face should immediately be drawn with the contours of the ears and the oblique parting
  • plush hairstyle - two fervent pigtails on the sides
  • the girl should draw large widely set eyes with thick eyelashes, an upturned nose and freckles
  • the companies will be in the form of a bracket, on one side it should be drawn a vertical bracket, then a smile will turn out very fervent
The head and face of Dr. Plushyova: Step 1.
The head and face of Dr. Plushyova: Step 2.
The head and face of Dr. Plushyova: Step 3.
Dr. Plushva's head and face: Step 4
The head and face of the doctor is plus.

Drawing Dr. Plyushev in full growth will help the scheme below.

  1. The child outlines the parts of the Doc's body - a round head and a trapezoidal body. To make the girl’s face symmetrical, it is also marked with horizontal and vertical lines.
  2. Hands and legs are still drawn schematically, in the form of straight and curved lines (the girl will rest on her hands on her sides).
  3. Next, the child should draw the face of Dr. Plyushova as described above. Let him add another detail - a rim with a decoration in the form of a flower, which the dock is almost always.
  4. It's time to proceed to the details of clothing. It will be a sweater under the throat, a short skirt and a white robe with cuffs on the sleeves and two pockets.
  5. The dock has a stethoscope, but it is not simple! If the girl presses the button located on it, her toys come to life. Be sure to draw such an important attribute to her.
  6. It's time to move on to the legs: let the child make them voluminous. Show, Dr. Plyusheva Sneakers with laces.
  7. Detailization of the picture includes the image of the stripes on the sweater, folds on the skirt, buttons on a robe and rubber bands on pigtails.
  8. After the auxiliary lines are erased, the children's drawing of Dr. Plyusheva is ready!
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 1.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 2.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 3.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 4.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 5.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 6.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 7.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 8.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 9.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 10.
Dr. Plyusheva in stages with a pencil: Step 11.
Dr. Plyusheva with a pencil.

Important: by coloring the dock, you need to remember that it is dark -skinned.

Dr. Plyusheva: Picture for sketching.
Dr. Plyusheva: Picture for sketching.

Video: Draw Dr. Plushev?

How to draw a doctor with a pencil in stages?

Doctor: Children's drawing.
Doctor: Children's drawing.

Draw a person not cartoon, but realistic, observe the proportion of the body, to depict a pose or movement is not an easy task. Therefore, do not set a similar task for the child. Let him try to draw such a thick good doctor, as in the picture below.

The doctor is in stages for children.
The doctor is in stages for children.

You can already try to portray a male doctor and an adult.

  1. In such a figure, body proportions are very important. Therefore, you should start with a sketch from an oval for the head, straight vertical, horizontal and inclined lines for the body, shoulders, arms and legs. It must be remembered that in an adult, the ratio of the head to the body is approximately 1 to 8.
  2. The head itself should be divided into four segments: to the middle of the forehead, from the middle of the forehead to the tunnels, from the superfluous arcs to the tip of the nose, from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin.
  3. The length of the body with the head should be even the length of the legs.
  4. The width of the shoulders should be equal to two widths of the head.
  5. When the proportional frame is ready, it should be put into shape. It is drawn very smoothly.
  6. A man - a doctor will be dressed in a long robe, trousers and boots. They are first thrown, then detailed. The dressing gown will consist of two floor, a double -deep collar and a clasp for 4 buttons. It should also draw 4 pockets (2 above, on the chest, 2 below, at the level of the hips) and folds. A shirt and a tie are visible from under the dressing room.
  7. On trousers, they draw arrows. The boots have soles and heels.
  8. In his hands, the doctor holds a tablet with the history of the disease, a pen is clamped in his fingers.
  9. The stethoscope at the doctor is thrown across the neck.
  10. Particular attention should be paid to the expression of the face of the doctor, it should be disposed. You can bend his lips in a slight smile.
  11. Our doctor is a middle -aged man. His hair is laid in a neat hairstyle. You can depict gray hair with hatching.
  12. At the last stage, the slanted lines are wiped, the shadows are drawn to the entire drawing.
Doctor with a pencil in stages: Step 1.
The doctor in stages with a pencil: Step 2.
The doctor in stages with a pencil: Step 3.
The doctor in stages with a pencil: Step 4.
Doctor with a pencil.

Video: How to draw a doctor?

How to draw a nurse with a pencil in stages?

The nurse helps the doctor and cares for patients. Usually, it seems very kind, smiling, pretty.
A child can draw a cartoon nurse:

  • depict her head in the form of an elongated oval
  • make the eyes of a round shape, place them close to each other
  • draw her hair in the form of a trapezoid located behind the head
  • place a rectangular hat on your head
  • sketch the body of the nurse in the form of two trapezes, and then round them to turn them out to get a dressing gown to the knee
  • first draw arms and legs in the form of rectangles, and then make them more streamlined
  • detail the drawing: draw a nurse mouth and nose, highlight breasts, draw a robe and buttons, and a medical cross on a hat on a hat
Cartoon nurse in stages: steps 1 - 3.
Cartoon nurse in stages: steps 4 - 6.
Collageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehi of
Cartoon nurse in stages: steps 7 - 9.

Important: let the nurse smile at the picture!

A teenager or an adult can try to draw a nurse with an animal female figure.

Anime nurse: Step 1.
Anime nurse: Step 2.
Anime nurse: Step 3.
Anime nurse: Step 4.
Anime nurse: Step 5.
Anime nurse: Step 6.
Anime nurse: Step 7.
Anime nurse: Step 8.
Anime nurse.

How to draw a military nurse?

Military nurses are real heroines. They work in very difficult conditions, nurse wounded soldiers and raise their spirit, do not depart from their patients for days.

Important: the image of a military nurse is very far from the image of a modern nurse - there should not be a short robe, a fashionable hairstyle and sexuality!

It will be possible to draw a military nurse according to a step -by -step scheme below.

Military nurse kaoandash in stages.

Dr. Aibolit drawings with a pencil for sketching

Frame from the cartoon "Doctor Aibolit" for sketching.
Good Dr. Aibolit: picture for sketching ..
From this picture you can draw doctors of Aibolit.

Drawings on the theme of a doctor and a nurse for children

Doctor: Picture for phased sketching.
Doctor: Picture for phased sketching.
Woman - doctor: picture for sketching.
Children's doctor
Children's doctor: picture for sketching.


Cartoon nurse for sketching.
Picture for children: nurse step by step.
A nurse with a syringe: a picture for sketching.
Girl - nurse: picture for children.
A pretty image of a nurse for sketching.

Video: How to draw a beautiful nurse with a pencil in stages?

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