How to ask for a girl, a woman home to visit: Pikapa Rules

How to ask for a girl, a woman home to visit: Pikapa Rules

Three rules helping tactfully receive invitations of the lady of the heart to her home.

The pickup rules are aimed at the formation of a thin and harmonious thread, connecting the newly originated sympathies of two people of the opposite sex.

Learning to build a new relationship correctly

The excellent moments spent together, in the end, lead to evening, night, and maybe even morning parting. As a rule, this happens at the entrance of the house of the chosen one.

Emotions overwhelm, I want to continue. Naturally, the young man has the question: “Can you come to visit you”?

Since there is an opinion that such a question implies a sentence of sexual relations, a decent girl will answer: “No.”

Here is here, and the tips necessary for the tactfully and beautifully ask for a new passion to visit.

Regardless of the reason for the desire to continue communication at the lover, the tactics of resolving the issue in a positive direction can be divided into the following stages:

  • Building a trusting relationship
Create a positive attitude

The first stage can take a very long time. Use the following tactics to speed up the process:

  1. Tune in to the condition of the partner, feel it with your whole body.
  2. Be confident.
  3. Direct your eyes into her eyes, smile, facial expression should be calm and friendly.
  4. Do not fuss, do not twitch, make smooth and predictable movements.
  5. Any weakness shown even internally is transmitted to the girl non -verbally. And if you are configured for sexual relations, and you are talking with an internal shudder, mentally asking the question: what if you refuse? One hundred percent-the lady will feel this, will communicate during a meeting only because of a sense of tact. At a convenient moment he will say: “Sorry I have to go. Bye." And he will never answer your phone call again.
  6. To prevent this from happening, you need to feel a partner and a general atmosphere of the relationship.
  7. You should not go deep into its personal space.
  8. If there is a not quite comfortable sensation in communication, look for the cause of this state. Perhaps inconvenience is due to the fact that when talking, the girl does not look into your eyes. Tell her tactfully about it. Do not forget to smile, in response to the adopted remark. The situation will instantly change, communication will become easy and enjoyable if the reason was precisely in this.
  9. In the presence of internal exalted and positive emotions, when you want to stupidly look at the girl and enjoy communication, with an involuntarily shining smile on her face, we can safely say - trust is completely established. Here it is necessary to focus on the topic of the conversation itself.
  • Take an interest in her dream
  • Ask about her life goal
  • Tell me about your life interests
  • Remember childhood: who was in which kindergarten, what leprosy did at school?
  • Talk about parents
  • Do not be afraid to cause different emotional surge. Show yourself not only from the good side. The story of some difficult life situations helps to establish contact, when the guy did not behave very correctly. This brings together and causes a maximum of trust, as it makes it clear to the girl that you are the same person as she
  • You can also talk about banal things: politics, attitude to children, previous relationships (how long they lasted, why ended), the guy of her dreams

To cause trust, it is necessary to show with all your appearance that you are completely indifferent to the result of joint communication

If the pleasant feeling of comfort and lightness does not leave the guy, then everything is done correctly.

  • The next important step is relocation

To get to visit the lady, you need:

  • Tell her about her desire
Get void your desire
  1. For example, offer to go to watch a new film from her. The main thing is to indicate all your joint actions at the time of being in her house. We can say: let's see photos, drink tea with a cake, help you choose a new interior (if it turned out in time, the conversation that she wants to do this), for this you need to see the previous one, etc. But you should not talk about your plans for sex. This will definitely push her away.
  2. If there is only one goal - sex, it is necessary to steam the companion. To warn in advance that you are going to her for a very important business. To paint colorfully how cool you will spend these passionate watches at her house. This option is to be allowed only if a complete sense of trust is achieved, and the new passion is quite heated and ready for such a relationship.
  • Next, you should start moving towards the girl’s living, under any pretext.
A pleasant walk in the direction of the residential building of the chosen one

For example, ask to show which side she lives in. Offer to see what is interesting nearby with her housing

  • H aplifier stage - cunning manipulations

Those who are in complex to behave, as described earlier, will have to be cunning.

Will have to freeze, to the detriment of your appearance
  1. For example, a young man knows that a girl lives near the place of their meeting. He may ask permission to go to her as needed. Or carry out a banal manipulation with spilled tea or coffee, when it is necessary to wash off a stooped thing. If the construction point is made competently, then the girl will not refuse the guy in this request. In the future, he will also offer to drink tea or coffee at her house.
  2. You can, in the period between the dates, pretend that you are passing by her house and calling her about it. Do not forget to offer to buy something necessary so that in response to this offer be sure to hear-yes. The method is tested by 55%, as it works due to the arrogant admission of a guy.

Using these boiled three main keys, a man can easily get into the apartment of the lady of the heart of interest. Any intimate meeting, with this approach, will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Application of proper tactics, the key to successfully obtaining a goal

Video: How to ask for a visit to a girl?

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