How to punish the offender without magic, on the Internet? How to punish a person in a Christian method, by Wanga? How can you punish the offender with magic: conspiracies, rites, prayers

How to punish the offender without magic, on the Internet? How to punish a person in a Christian method, by Wanga? How can you punish the offender with magic: conspiracies, rites, prayers

Ways to punish the offender with conspiracies, magic, with the help of the law.

Often people rashly do very unpleasant actions that can hurt relatives, friends, or acquaintances. In this article we will tell you how to punish the offender, and what methods are used for this.  

How to punish the offender without magic?

There are many options to punish a person who offended you. The easiest, but not quite familiar to our people, is an appeal to law enforcement agencies. The fact is that if the skirmish happened on some Internet resource, an open forum, you have the right to sue the offender. There is an article in the Criminal Code that punishes people who insult their opponents.


  • Not so long ago, several new articles have appeared in the Criminal Code that punish with extremism, or terrorism. Therefore, now even in social networks you need to think a hundred times before placing some post. Perhaps he touches someone, and you will inadvertently be attributed to terrorists or people who violate the territorial integrity of Russia. The easiest option is to contact the prosecutor's office.
  • The Criminal Code shall indicate the punishment, that is, an administrative fine, the amount of which can be up to 50,000 rubles. The amount of compensation is determined directly in court. You can set any compensation that you consider necessary, but not the fact that you will receive it. Very often in court they revise such a decision, and approve the reimbursement of minimum damage.
  • However, it is worth paying attention to opening the case, contact a notary, and write a statement, you will have to spend a small amount of money. In the case of your winning in court, the loser will pay all the costs associated with the opening and conduct of the case. However, in most cases, few people resort to such actions, nevertheless, ship lawsuits are more associated with European countries, as well as America. Our people are used to getting rid of troubles somewhat differently, to punish offenders.  

How to punish the offender on the Internet?

Now most of the communication, especially in young people, is on the network. Accordingly, resentments can also be carried out using the Internet and various forums, social networks. In order for the user to control his words, and thinks before writing, it is necessary to punish him, proving the guilt for the insult on the Internet. This can be done in several ways.


  • Now it is quite easy to prove the guilt of a person with the help of correspondence, as well as screenshots. It is necessary to take a screenshot, and assure it from a notary. After that, attach a screenshot certified by the notary to the application with a complaint and accusation of a person of committing a criminal or administrative offense.
  • In this way, it is necessary to prove the guilt of the offender. There is a second, more complex option, but challenging it is much more difficult. It is necessary to take two witnesses who are not your relatives or friends. It is necessary that they impartially evaluate the situation.
  • Using a video camera, you need to make a video of your computer, as well as make screenshots in advance, with evidence of the offender's guilt. All these materials are attached to the case along with the statement of slander, or inciting racial, sociological situation.
  • Thus, the issue of punishment of the offender will be resolved in shipping. This method is quite serious, and recently it is often used not only when considering civil cases, but also in rather serious high -profile matters, according to which people are punished for political views.
Criminal penalty
Criminal penalty

How can you punish the enemy in a Christian?

For punishment, conspiracies are often used, using dark forces and the world of spirits. You can use any of them. However, it should be understood that any intervention of otherworldly, dark forces always promises some kind of evil. That is, in any case, this can turn into a very poor state for you. Many psychologists believe that resentment is only your attitude to what has happened.

A person could not want to offend you, it just happened, or you yourself came up with an insult. Usually this often happens to women, because they are very emotional and close to the heart. In men, everything is much easier. That is why among sorcerers, magicians, as well as people using magic, mainly women, and not men.

In order to avoid troubles, it is necessary to use bright magical forces and the help of saints. It is best to use prayers, and church paraphernalia. We do not advise resorting to the help of dark forces, especially if you have no experience. Very often, otherworldly forces through amateur performances and inept rites can penetrate the house, the worsening well -being of households.

Therefore, with dark forces you need to be extremely careful, and try not to resort to their help. If the offender really touched you a lot, then we advise you to seek help from a magician or sorcerer, and in no case do not conduct rituals with spirits and demonic forces on your own.  


How to punish the offender: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists advise you to let go of the situation, and put yourself in the place of the offender. Perhaps resentment and unpleasant words addressed to you are just a response to a provocation. Try to remember what you said before a person called you or offended. Perhaps you provoked it, and you yourself caused a flow of discontent and negative energy in your direction. If so, then it makes no sense to punish anyone, since only you are to blame.

Unfortunately, most people are not able to look critically at their actions and evaluate them objectively. In most cases, a person always considers himself right, it is precisely because of this that unpleasant situations arise. If the resentment is great, and the person really deliberately offended you, as he wanted to hurt and unpleasant, you can punish ignoring. When emotions will decline a little, just talk heart to heart, and the problem will be solved.

Desire for revenge
Desire for revenge

The most interesting thing is that our religion indicates that if someone does evil, hits the cheek, you need to substitute the second cheek. However, in real life, everything happens exactly the opposite. The fact is that the offender, without receiving an answer, very often concludes that he can do everything. Accordingly, he can offend a person with great effort, humiliate him, harm him. Therefore, it is advisable for him to answer.

If you follow Christian customs, just forget about resentment, and forgive a person. You need to come to the church for service, and put a candle for its health. Say: "God is a judge to you." It will say that you have forgiven a person and do not want him to be evil.  

How to punish the offender for the insult: Wanga method

Vanga conspiracies are very popular, which relate to any situation in life. This seer said that it was necessary to act according to conscience. Accordingly, there is no need to cause any harm to a person, but you only need to forgive him.

She advised to come to church and ask the guardians to protect the persons to protect a person, and not to cause him evil, but to wish only health. This can be done in a simple form. There are no special prayers that need to be read. Just ask a person to help a person, as well as protect you from his resentment.


How to punish the offender with the help of magic: ritual with rose

There are many magical, interesting, unusual manipulations that allow you to take revenge on the offender. To do this, you can use a lot of methods. The safest is the use of rituals with church attributes. That is, these are candles, holy water, as well as other objects from the church.

The simplest option is the ritual using a flower. You need to purchase a red rose and put in a vase. It is advisable not to pour water, and every day look at how it fades. Every day it is necessary to tear off one spike from the stem, while you need to pronounce the following words:  

“A spike in an evil tongue!
You will not flas it anymore!
You can’t build it,
From your evil, you yourself will be with anger!
May it be so. Amen"  

Beautiful flower
Beautiful flower

How to punish the offender by name?

The easiest way to punish a person with his name. You need to take a white sheet of paper and write his name. After that, it is desirable after sunset, and it is best to light three candles that you brought from the church at 12 in the morning. That is, they must be consecrated. They must be set fire to, sit in front of these candles and burn paper with the name of the offender. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following words:  

All your evil will return to you,
It will pour out on you.
I don't wish you angry
I pour water out of my threshold.
Now you will not enter my house,
You won’t be erected! Amen  

It is necessary, before burning the paper, to pronounce our prayer of our father. Now you should deal with ash. During combustion, you need to put the sheet in a metal cup, or a saucer. Please note that the ashes should not crumble and develop around the apartment. Now it is necessary to pour this ash behind the threshold.

If you want the conspiracy to act as quickly as possible, you need to bring this ash to the offender’s house and pour directly on the porch near the doorway. This ritual is carried out using white magic, and church candles. Therefore, he will not do any harm to you.  


How to punish the offender from the photo?

There are also rituals with the participation of dark otherworldly forces that will help you avenge the offender. They should be treated with great caution. The fact is that such manipulations can very often harm you. This is especially unsafe if you have nothing to do with the world of spirits and demons, and you are an amateur, or simply on your own initiative you want to take revenge on a person.

The fact is that such manipulations with the other world, perfumes, hell can adversely affect your health and life. It is not for nothing that they say that evil always returns. The easiest way to carry out such a manipulation using ordinary photos.


  • It is necessary to image your offender on which he is captured one, and looks forward directly. If earlier it was problematic to get such a photo, now with the popularization of the Internet, in any social network you can find a photo of a person who offended you.
  • You can print on a regular color printer. Now it is necessary to perform several manipulations. You need to purchase two candles: one red, second black. Manipulation is carried out at night, it is desirable that there is no one at home.
  • At three in the morning, you need to put two candles on the table and put a photo between them in the center. Now on one candle you need to heat the needle. It is best to purchase a new one in advance, and wipe with alcohol. When the needle heats up well, you need to pierce your finger.
  • Now, using the resulting blood, it is necessary to draw a cross on the offender's forehead. In this case, certain words are read.  
Manipulations with a photo
Manipulations with a photo
The words of the conspiracy
The words of the conspiracy

How to punish the offender: Magic

There is another rather strong option used by magicians.


  • You will need a pencil or pen with red rod. The ritual is also carried out at three in the morning. It is necessary to expose several candles in front of you. At the same time, it is desirable to turn off the electricity so that the magnetic flux does not interrupt the action of magic.
  • Take the paper, preferably a white sheet, with the help of a red rod, write what you want to happen to your enemy. Try to write to a minimum, and as specifically as possible.
  • That is: I want the offender to get sick or get into an accident, or something like that. I don’t need to write to a person poorly. Describe specifically what needs to be achieved. Now you need to take the needle and incur it reddened over the flame of the candle.
  • Pierce the ring finger, squeeze a little blood, apply a bloody cross to the indicated words. Now fold it several times and hide. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the words below.  
Book for magic
Book for magic

The words:

Blood is written, with blood fastened. In your life, I will enter the dark power, let the bitterness and tears will flush into it. You can’t hide from my court  

The fact is that such a manipulation must not be carried out daily, but on certain days of the month. It is carried out on the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th. It is these days that the ritual works best. At the same time, it is carried out at three in the morning. This time was chosen for the simple reason that it is in such an hour that the activity of evil spirits occurs.

After the manipulation, hide the paper and burn it after misfortune happens to the offender. It is worth noting that the ceremony is quite strong, and can cause a deterioration in the state of health of the one who pronounces this conspiracy. That is, you need to think a hundred times before resorting to this method. It is used only in extreme cases if a person really selected a piece of health from you, or a huge amount of money. This manipulation is not carried out in vain.  

Flame candles
Flame candles

In order not to harm anyone, try to keep your mouth behind your teeth, and do not independently provoke a person to aggression. If a person began to speak nasty things to you, imagine that he has a cotton wool in his mouth and he chews it. In addition, you can say such words to yourself: “Let him return to you what you want me.” In order to calmly relate to the words of the opponent, try to pay less attention, and not participate in conflicts. This completely does not exclude the possibility of your resentment, and participation in the conflict.  

Video: take revenge on the offender

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