How to pump the perfect, beautiful press in 30 days: a table for men, guys and girls. Press for 30 days for girls: reviews

How to pump the perfect, beautiful press in 30 days: a table for men, guys and girls. Press for 30 days for girls: reviews

Both men and women dream of a beautiful tightened stomach. In the review: techniques and tips on how to achieve the treasured eight cubes of the press.

How to pump up an ideal, beautiful press in 30 days - training program for girls: Table

Before you start reading carefully, and most importantly, realize, a few general rules of “eight cubes”:

  • Get rid of subcutaneous fat. The first step is the correct balanced diet.
  • Always and everywhere draw a stomach. In this case, the abdominal muscles will strengthen due to constant static tension.
  • Work out all the muscles of the press evenly.
  • Remember, the press loves not efforts, but time, i.e. The longer you work, the faster you advance to the goal.
  • Your friends and assistants in the struggle for the perfect belly: horse riding, skiing, SUP surfing.
  • The technique that will save the lazy and employees is a bar on the elbows. This technique pumps up not only the stomach, but also hands, back, hips. Time of racks in the bar for beginners: from 10 s in one approach. Gradually increase the time to 120 seconds in one approach.
What muscles work when performing the
What muscles work when performing the "clat on the elbows" technique

And if you have both time and willpower, then use a set of exercises for classes at home.

Remember that to activate the muscles of the press, it is enough to tear off the shoulder blades from the floor from the "lying on the back". Well, if during the exercise the legs are lifted, for example, to leaf against the wall. Ideally, if you do not just raise your legs, but you will hold them by weight.

Exercise 1.

IMPORTANT: You can’t take it right after eating! Wait for 1-2 hours.

How to perform the first exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform the first exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise 2.

Proceed from the capabilities of your own body: do as many exercises as you can.

How to perform a second exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform a second exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #3.

If in the process of performing a series of exercises you feel that you are too straining the muscles of the press, perform an exercise for stretching muscles:

  • turn over on the stomach;
  • raise the upper body on your hands;
  • beard back (feel how the abdominal muscles are stretched).

Start the implementation of the main exercise.

How to perform a third exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform a third exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #4.

Remember: it is quite acceptable to make small pauses between exercises.

How to perform a fourth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform a fourth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #5.

Important: at the end, the whole complex of exercises takes about 30 minutes. Consider this, making your daily schedule.

How to perform a fifth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform a fifth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #6.

The proposed set of exercises will help to quickly bring the abdominal press into proper appearance. However, even a very embossed press will be lost under a layer of subcutaneous fat.

How to perform the sixth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
How to perform the sixth exercise from a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Important: six exercises performed in a row are 1 training set.

Duration of 1 set is approximately 36-40 s.

The training scheme is given in the table below.

Day The number of sets
1st 6 sets 1 time per day
2nd, 3rd 6 sets 2 times a day
4th, 5th, 6th 6 sets 3 times a day
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th 8 sets 3 times a day
11th, 12th, 13th, 14th 10 sets 3 times a day
15th, 16th, 17th, 18th 12 sets 3 times a day
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd 14 sets 3 times a day
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th 16 sets 3 times a day
27th, 28th, 29th, 30th 18 sets 3 times a day


Training can and should be continued according to the following scheme (see table).

Day The number of sets
31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th 20 sets 3 times a day
35th, 36th, 37th, 38th 22 set 3 times a day
39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd 24 sets 3 times a day

How to pump up an ideal, beautiful press in 30 days - training program for guys and men: Table

The above training program is suitable for men.

However, if the first option seems too easy for you, use the training scheme #2.

The complex consists of the following exercises:

  • lifting the case by 45⁰;
How to lift the case correctly
How to lift the case correctly
  • twisting with a turn;
How to twist the body with a turn
How to twist the body with a turn
  • lift the legs from the position of lying on the back;
Technique "Lifting the legs from the position of lying on the back"
  • planck (see photo at the beginning of the article).

The training scheme is given in the table below.

Day Lifting the case by 45⁰, since Twisting with a turn, since Lift the legs from the position of lying on the back, since Planck, seconds
1st 15 5 5 10
2nd 20 8 8 12
3rd 25 10 10 15
4th relaxation
5th 30 12 12 20
6th 35 15 15 25
7th 40 20 20 30
8th relaxation
9th 45 30 30 35
10th 50 50 30 38
11th 55 65 33 42
12th relaxation
13th 60 75 40 50
14th 65 85 42 55
15th 70 90 42 60
16th relaxation
17th 75 100 45 65
18th 80 110 48 75
19th 85 120 50 75
20th relaxation
21st 90 130 52 80
22nd 95 140 55 85
23rd 100 150 58 90
24th relaxation
25th 105 160 60 98
26th 110 170 60 100
27th 115 180 62 110
28th relaxation
29th 120 190 62 115
30th 125 200 65 120

Press for 30 days for girls: reviews

The program received positive reviews Body Sculpture / press in 8 minutes.

Here are some of them (the author's grammar and punctuation are preserved).

How to pump up a press: reviews
How to pump up a press: reviews

Video: press in 8 minutes (in Russian)

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Comments K. article

  1. I really want myself a beautiful tummy ((but after childbirth it is not easy to return the figure. I’m drinking now the capsules of model form forms for mothers. The course of the start, when I stopped breastfeed. It has been more than six kilos, there are 10 more days to drink these capsules. There are no side effects, even vice versa there are more strengths. I now think that it's time to do some at home

  2. I was able to achieve a beautiful press only on drying ... And then, I had to make sure that the muscles did not burn along with the fat (I took the BCAA ++ sports examiner) ... And so ... everything is the old-fashioned calorie and training and the whole secret)

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