How do contractions begin? Fights at the first and second pregnancy?

How do contractions begin? Fights at the first and second pregnancy?

How to recognize the beginning of fights? How to distinguish false and true contractions? How to behave?

For nine months, a woman is preparing to go through the birth process. But when the treasured moment comes, many of us are lost. Everyone knows that the signs of beginning genera are the discharge of traffic jams, water and the first contractions. But how to recognize them in practice? And what to do when we realized that this is really the beginning of childbirth?

Signs of starting fights

So, the cherished day prescribed by your doctor is getting closer. You are afraid to miss the beginning of childbirth. What you should pay attention to?

Pregnant woman with her husband

  • Owl of the bottom of the uterus. The people say "the stomach sank." This happens 2-3 weeks before childbirth. For you, this process can bring long -awaited relief. The fetus ceases to exert pressure on important organs, it becomes easier for you to breathe, ceases to torment heartburn
  • The lower back is aching. This is due to the new position of the fetus. Now the lower back has a large load and pressure

Pregnant woman holds on her lower back

  • Food tract disorder. A woman often starts to run to the toilet, signs of toxicosis may even return
  • Weight loss. Associated with the previous paragraph. In addition, you may decrease edema. The body drops all the toxins and toxins before the difficult process of childbirth
  • The fruit moves less. This is due to the fact that the stomach sank and the baby took an unusual position. In addition, he is now too big, and he has little space
  • Lethargy, passivity. Even if you have an active lifestyle for all nine months, shortly before childbirth, the body will require a break in you
  • Softening the cervix. This can be diagnosed by a doctor when examined on a chair

If you find several of these signs, you have a reason to immediately contact your doctor and describe the situation. All this may indicate the beginning of labor, even if you do not feel the fights themselves. According to the obstetrician-gynecologist and the author of many books by Elena Berezovskaya, some women may not feel fights at all.

Video: DR. Elena Berezovskaya - whether attempts are all feeling

What week do training contractions begin?

Pregnant woman and husband during the fight

Training contractions are not a sign of approaching births. This is a "rehearsal" that the body performs before the main action. They can occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy. How to distinguish them from real ones? Here are a few signs:

  • training contractions are irregular, they do not increase and do not intensify
  • they cover a small part of the uterus without spreading to the stomach and bottom of the back
  • they are almost not painful, bring only discomfort, but not pain
  • take place when taking anesthetic

Training contractions can be provoked by your excessive physical activity, stress or excitement. Thirst or, on the contrary, strong urge to the toilet can make their increase. Even false contractions can occur after orgasm.

How to understand that the fights of the original ones began? How to understand that the contractions of multiparrons began?

The beginning of fights in women who give birth for the first time, are no different from the sensations of those who give birth again. The "beginners" in this matter may have stronger impressions due to the effect of novelty. In addition, inexperienced women can confuse them with training contractions.

Therefore, you should not call an ambulance or rush to the hospital at the first painful sensations. If you give birth for the first time, then the opening of the cervix before childbirth will be held long enough. It is better to wait until their frequency reaches frequency every 8-10 minutes.

Pregnant woman

In women who give birth to repeatedly, the period of contractions passes much faster. Experienced mothers say that the pain during a fight is similar to sensations before menstruation, only they are much more intense.

What should be the interval of starting fights?

Pregnant with a clock

  • Most often, the period when a woman feels contractions lasts from 8 to 12 hours. But this does not mean that a good half of the day you will suffer from pain
  • Most of this period is occupied by the so -called latent phase. It is called so because it is invisible to a woman, or at least does not cause her strong discomfort. Beginning contractions last for about 20 seconds. Interval between them - from 15 minutes to half an hour
  • Then the fights enter the active phase. Now pain can last up to a minute, and the break between them is less than 5 minutes. At this moment, it is best to be under the supervision of doctors

Next, the fights turn into attempts.

How long after the cork is released, contractions begin?

How do contractions correlate with other harbingers of the beginning of childbirth? Real, not training contractions are an exact sign of imminent birth, while, for example, the departure of the cork is not such a signal.

Throughout the pregnancy, the cervix is \u200b\u200btightly blocked by the mucosa. She protects the baby from infection. Her exit is one of the signs of approaching births. But this can happen both in a few weeks and a couple of hours before birth.

Therefore, after the cork is left, it is still worth waiting for the appearance of fights, and only then go to the hospital.

Water left: when will the fights begin?

Pouring amniotic fluid is a more obvious sign of the beginning of childbirth. After his appearance, you need to immediately go to the doctor, since without water the baby may not exist for a very long time. By the way, the discharge of water is not always a simultaneous phenomenon. Water can ooze in small portions. They may include small fragments of mucus and blood - elements of cork.

Usually the waters pour out when the fights have already passed into attempts. But it happens the other way around. Water can be leaked already in the second trimester of pregnancy. In some women, contractions do not begin even after the discharge of water. Then doctors prescribe the stimulation of labor.

What to do to make fights?

There are many funds in the arsenal of doctors to cause contractions. A woman is prescribed vaginal gels that stimulate contractile activities. But more often a dropper with oxytocin is used.

However, oxytocin is also present in our body. Some simple procedures that can be carried out at home increase this hormone.

  1. Breast massage. Particular attention should be paid to stimulation of the nipples. Their irritation causes the isolation of oxytocin, and it makes the uterus contract. That is why a pregnant woman can not breastfeed the older baby. In the early stages, this can cause a miscarriage
  2. Unprotected sex. Male sperm contains prostaglandins. They help the cervix soften. Nevertheless, you need to be very careful with this way. It cannot be used if you or your partner has a suspicion of sexual infections. If the cork has already gone away, then there is a risk of bringing them to the baby
  3. Physical training. Well -known folk methods - walking on the stairs and washing of the floors. But be careful not to harm the baby. Prefer less extreme methods of physical activity - walking in the fresh air, Yoga for pregnant women, pool
    Yoga for pregnant women
  4. Enema. Many women note that contractions are similar to attempts when bowel movements. Having done cleansing procedures, we can speed up the onset of this process. But the enema can lead to dehydration. Do not forget to make up for the fluid balance

How to behave when contractions begin? How to determine the beginning of fights and what to do: tips and reviews

  • Women notice that in some poses the fights are easier. The World Health Organization claims that during this period the woman in labor is free to choose what position to take. No special recommendations are given
  • Nevertheless, experienced mothers who went through the birth process not at once, recommend choosing one of the following poses
  • Vertical position with support on hand. You can lean on the windowsill, the back of the chair or the battery. Sometimes relief brings a position on the knees

Pregnant holds the stomach

  • The pose of the rider. Take a chair, sit on him, face him to the back. Put the pillow in front of you. During the rest between the fights, you can lower your head on it
  • Husband's help. If you have chosen the position of standing, then you can rely on your husband’s hand, hold it under the elbow. You can put both hands on his shoulders


  • Sitting on the knees. Cut to your knees. Put several pillows under the basin. The legs should be divorced. Try to keep your back a straight line
  • The position of the cat. This is a pose on all fours. You can hand over your chest slightly forward, and on exhalation - back

Woman in a dress in a cat pose

  • The meaning of any position is to hold the back straight. Then the strength of gravity will act on the baby. In addition, in this position, the fetal head will rest on the cervix exactly
  • Try to go as much as possible in between fights. This will help strengthen the birth activity
  • Do not forget to empty the bladder. There should be as much space as possible inside, so that the baby can calmly move along the birth canal
  • So, fights are the contractile activity of the uterus that helps to “push” the baby outward. Training contractions can appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, but the true ones will come only with the beginning of childbirth

Video: Fights before childbirth. False and real. How the birth begins

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