How to understand his wife to a husband? How to understand a pregnant wife to understand?

How to understand his wife to a husband? How to understand a pregnant wife to understand?

Spouses often experience misunderstandings and difficulties in communication between each other. The advice of this article will help to learn to understand your “second half”.

Why doesn't the husband understand his wife?

Relations between a man and a woman - A whole science. It happens that one of the spouses is reasonably or completely groundless loses feelings. Such an event in the family is real Stress for both partners. In addition, the statistics of social surveys shows that a woman to experience such changes in relationships is much more complicated and harder than her husband.

Two, previously in love with each other, are aware of the difficulty that one of them has lost interest in his partner. It is even harder to accept the fact that one of the spouses looks at the surrounding people of the opposite sex with sexual interest. It is not worth ignoring such changes in the family, since prescription and lies can lead to a huge misunderstanding and hatred of each other.

Think about how often it sounds in your pair The phrase "You don't understand me." Analyze for what reasons you tell her to your partner. As a rule, women are more prone to doubts and thoughts than men. Therefore, they themselves need to understand the reason for the discords, scandals and quarrels.

Misunderstanding in the family between spouses leads to quarrels and discords

Why doesn't the husband understand his wife? There are several reasons:

  • Women and men are completely different and opposite creatureswho have different views on relationships, life, completely “polar” psychology. That is why what is perceived by a woman as a “white” man can completely sincerely consider “black”.
  • On the other hand misunderstanding is the reluctance of one of the spouses to try for their “second half”. In turn, such an attitude speaks of obvious disinterest in a person and the absence of sympathy.
  • Perhaps if a man does not understand his woman, the problem is far from in him. Some of the fair sex have the habit of talking not in direct text, but hints, so to speak, "veiled." Naturally, men are not as guessed as we would like, and therefore are not able to somehow react even to the most “straight” hints.
  • Another, not the most pleasant, the reason for such an imbalance in a relationship - a man simply “pretend” to a man. In this case, he simply pretends that the words of a woman are too complicated for his understanding.
How to understand his wife to a husband?

What to do if the husband does not understand his wife?

If the reasons why a man does not understand his woman became more or less clear, another question arises: what to do in case of misunderstanding between spouses? In any case, you should try to find a “common language” and try to do everything so that a man can listen and “hear” a woman.

How to achieve an understanding of a man:

  • Try to stop finding problems in every little thing and where they simply are not there.
  • Do not get hung up on your problems, do not wind yourself up and do not exaggerate difficulties.
  • If a man could not understand you “the first time”, you should not start a tantrum with shouts “You don’t understand me”. Just try to explain certain things again, more carefully.
  • Before you achieve an understanding of your man, you should try to understand it and learn to perceive him with calm and respect.
  • Do not look for dual phrases, subtext and hidden meaning in the words and phrases of your man. Perceive everything exactly as he says - word for word.
  • Try to independently learn to express as accurately as possible not only your thoughts, but also feelings.
  • By your own example, show your beloved man to take each other properly so that he behaves the same.
How to find understanding to spouses?

How can a man to understand a pregnant wife?

The situation gains a different revolution if it reaches scandals and quarrels married couple in which a woman is pregnant. The fact is that women who are in a position, they can not always cope with their emotions and feelings. This happens against the background of an unstable hormonal background, which every now and then is constantly “jumping”.

How to behave to a man in relation to a pregnant woman? The answer is simple - With respect and sympathy. To understand the pregnant wife, sometimes, can be very difficult only because she herself does not know what she wants to: eat, relax, have fun or sleep.

Why is it difficult for a man to understand the pregnant wife:

  • A man does not immediately fully realize what pregnancy is. Most likely, he does not even imagine how many physiological and hormonal changes tolerate the female body during the bearing of the fetus.
  • Men, unlike women, are weak in intuition. That is why a woman, in a position or not, should not count on male confusion and the ability to predict desires. It is best to clearly voice all your whims, desires and requirements each time.
  • Often women do not share their experiences with men and therefore they are not able to understand them. If possible, a woman should regularly share her feelings, physiological changes. This attitude will allow a man to “wake up” responsibility and understanding in a man.
How to understand a pregnant wife?

How to understand that a wife loves her husband, signs

Understand that in the family everything is smooth and there are much easier feelings than to verify their absence. They talk about it many signs:

  • A woman regularly cooks delicious food, tries to please you with a dish, is interested in your food preferences and whether you liked lunch.
  • A loving woman always meets her man from work and escorts him to work: standing at the threshold or just pleasant words because it is difficult for her to separate from him.
  • A woman who loves her man is regularly interested in the deeds and activities of her beloved: how he is doing at work, what he thinks and worries about, what he would like and if he has good mood.
  • The woman in love will carefully monitor the “love nest”, so to speak, “store the hearth”: do cleaning and washing, planning purchases, taking care of children.
  • A clear sign of a woman’s love is affection, kisses are completely unreasonable and spontaneous, hugs during sleep, stroking the head and shoulders.
  • A loving woman will pay attention to any change: a haircut, bad or good mood, a scratch or a bruise.

Important: a woman who loves her husband will not have secrets, secrets from him, will not be able to start a “intrigue on the side”, will accept compliments from other men only out of politeness, and not as a flirt.

How to understand: is everything good in the relationship of spouses?

How to understand that the wife fell out of love?

On the other hand, cooling feelings are also clearly “striking” And any man can notice in his life changes:

  • The constant absence of a wife telling about the unwillingness to spend time with her husband: round -the -clock work, meetings with friends and colleagues, ignoring calls and messages.
  • The woman who fell out of love, the woman will actively communicate with other representatives of the opposite sex: flirt, write messages, make calls. Please note: whether your wife leaves in sight of his phone. If so, she is not afraid that at any moment someone can read the received message or the name of the caller. If the phone is constantly in your hands, in a pocket or in “without sound” mode, you should worry.
  • A woman who is not passionate about her husband will stop taking care of the house. You can notice often not washed dishes, an empty refrigerator, a dirty house and so on.
  • A woman who no longer loves her husband will not be interested in the successes of her spouse and sympathize with his problems. She will avoid any long and spiritual conversations, based on her fatigue and poor health.
  • The loving woman will not be of little interest to or not be interested in sex at all. Most likely, she will not be able to relax during loving, will be low -minute and passive.
  • A woman who has no romantic feelings for her spouse will constantly find the reasons for resentment and dissatisfaction with her husband. For this reason, scandals, quarrels and tantrums will not regularly subside in the family.
  • A woman in love with a spouse will never threaten the possibility of breaking up a relationship, as she herself will be afraid to lose her beloved man.
How to understand that the wife is cheating?

How to understand that the wife is cheating: signs

After many years of married life, it often happens that a woman finds an outlet for herself in romantic relationships with other men. In order not to be a deceived man, devoted and impregnated with a “rotten marriage”, you should find out Signs of the betrayal of his wife, As they say, "in the first pairs."

What can be the signs of cheating on the wife:

  • Returning home after a working day or going to the store, woman behaves too excited and emotionally. Often he forgets something, her memory and attention are absent-minded, and thoughts, it seems, "fly in the clouds." Worse, if you notice such a frequency constantly. Moreover, she does not answer questions about her condition and avoids conversation in every way.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of your wife. If they always returned home from work tired and drooping, and recently began to carefully monitor makeup and styling-she clearly tries to look good for someone.
  • Pay attention to how your wife behaves, communicating with someone on the Internet or by phone: does she hide what she is talking to with, as well as what. It is worth considering your wife's behavior during a conversation: her smiling, jokes, laughter.
  • Special "Bingering" for anxiety is the "secrecy" of your wife And installing passwords on the phone, computer.
  • You should be worried when the wife constantly “disappears” somewhere: at work, visiting, at a meeting with friends and so on.
  • If a woman has become too irritable about and without reason - this is a sign that you do not suit her.
Signs that the wife is cheating

How to understand that a wife wants sex?

Men often do not understand female hints and therefore even in such a thing as sex, follows know about her "signals":

  • Ambiguous views, long glances, views directly into the eyes.
  • Too low inclinations and bends in front of a man
  • Stroking the palm of the inside of the thigh
  • Kisses on the lips, ears, neck
  • Sexy outfits, open robes
  • A demonstration or a question that a woman bought new linen, panties or stockings.
  • The hint that the children will be in the evening with their grandmother and the evening is free.
  • Offer to buy wine or champagne for an evening.
  • Imitation of the behavior of a cat, purring, for example.
How to understand that the wife is hinting at sex?

How to understand his wife in bed?

On the other hand, family imbalance and spoiled relations can to deteriorate only because a man or woman does not receive the desired satisfaction in bed. In this case, you should know the "signs" of your partner, talking about certain preferences:

  • If a woman is silent, maybe she does not like the pose.
  • If a woman does not open her eyes, perhaps the pose confuses her and she is shy to look at you, which does not allow her to relax. Change the pose.
  • If a woman now and then repels you or rests on her chest with her palms, she may experience painful sensations during sex and tries to protect herself from them.
  • They ate a woman touches herself, perhaps she hints that you should do this.
  • If a woman claps her pope partner, she clearly wants the same.
  • A woman who “starting claws” in the back of a partner is clearly waiting for “rudeness in bed”.

Important: spouses should never ignore the desires and requests of each other in bed. We should talk about sex without embarrassment: what you like and what is not, that you would like to try and what is better not to offer. A couple who calmly discusses their sex always achieves success in relationships and in love.

How to achieve harmony in sexual relations?

How to understand that the wife wants to divorce?

There are such life situations when a woman decides to divorce, but she simply “does not have enough spirit about it”. In such situations, hints come to the rescue that she regularly releases her husband. Most often this the words:

  • "You are an independent and adult man"
  • "You can do everything yourself without me"
  • "You are an adult enough to live separately"
  • "I did not have time to get bored for you"
  • "I want to take a break from you"
  • "I need time to be alone"
  • "We need to live separately"
  • "You don't suit me"
  • "I love myself more"

You should also pay attention to the actions of a woman:

  • The desire to go shopping on your own, for walks, to visit.
  • Independently making family decisions
  • Separate sleep: in different rooms or on different beds.
  • A long absence of sexual relations, caresses and pleasant words.
  • Ignoring family holidays and dates
  • Separation of things into different rooms
  • Regular discontent to your spouse, threats and requests to leave.

How to understand that the wife wants to return?

There are also situations when, after parting, a woman again wants to return to her ex. Her ambiguous hints, words and actions will say about this:

  • Frequent calls and messages with greetings, questions and emoticons.
  • Pictures and animations with kisses, winks, hearts.
  • The phrases that they are very worried about and worried about you.
  • Frequent memories of jointly experienced pleasant moments.
  • Gifts, surprises, pleasant souvenirs.
  • Kisses and hugs at the meeting
  • Flirting, flirting, touching.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Requests to help, invitations to visit

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