How can you salt Ketu deliciously at home: tips on choosing and salting fish, recipes of dry salting of chumes and in brine. How to salute ketu quickly, with mustard, lemon and thyme, vodka: recipe

How can you salt Ketu deliciously at home: tips on choosing and salting fish, recipes of dry salting of chumes and in brine. How to salute ketu quickly, with mustard, lemon and thyme, vodka: recipe

Keta is a delicious red fish. If there is such a salty appetizer on the table, then the guests eat it in the first place. Therefore, every housewife does not prevent you from finding out how to salivate Ketu at home.

Salt Keta is the first decoration of the festive table. Almost all strong drinks can be eaten with such fish, naturally - just not sweet. Both women and men love a cold appetizer, so it will not be superfluous to know how to pick it up on their own. Since the finished product is not always of high quality, and its price will be more expensive and this is an important fact in our time.

How to pickle ketu: choosing fish for salting

When you salt Ketu, be sure to choose the best fish, good spices, etc. Your fish will be without different chemical dyes, flavors, flavor amplifiers. But the fish, salted in production, will necessarily be with such additives. So, consider how to independently salute red fish - Ketu.

If you choose a keta between frozen and chilled, it is better to buy frozen immediately. Because the chilled fish was definitely already frozen more than once. Fishermen are still on the ship to keep the product as long as possible, freeze it.

Salting chutes at home
Salting chutes at home

For salting you can choose a keta boldly, after salting it has excellent taste, but for frying or extinguishing it is better to take more fatty fish. After heat treatment, such a fish may seem dry.

There is still a minus when cooking salted chum. This is that you will have to cut it on the fillet with your own hands. To do this, you will have to spend about half an hour to an inexperienced cook.

How to pick up Ketu fish: salting tips

Even a beginner in the kitchen, i.e. A person who only masters the cooking technique. Only to get a good result, first study the subtleties of this process.

Keta - Fish salting advice
Keta - Fish salting tips

Delicate, soft, juicy meat is obtained with the right choice, pickling of fish.

  • If you bought the freshest ketu, then it is impossible to ruin it. In any case, it will be delicious after salting.
  • But such an opportunity falls extremely rarely. Basically, frozen carcasses are sold in fish stores.
  • And this is not so bad. The main thing is to be able to correctly defrost the product.
  • To do this, you will need to prevent too sharp jumps in temperature. It is best to defrost the fish in the refrigerator on the lower shelf or in the room, away from hot objects.
  • You can heat the fish meat. It will become tough and not very tasty after salting.
Keta - how to salute fish at home?
Keta - how to salute fish at home?

Of great importance is the quality of the chumes. When you choose fish, pay attention to its color.

  • If the meat has an uneven color, and the fins are black and the carcass is covered with a thick layer of ice, then it is better not to take such a fish. When defrosting, a keta can still issue an unpleasant aroma.
  • Take a better unrequited carcass for planting. You can divide it yourself, and the taste of the chumes will turn out to be much better after the process both more likely and softer. And sometimes in fish, sometimes caviar comes across, which can also be salted with your own hands. The result is a delicacy that many gourmets love.
  • Before you start dividing the ketu into pieces, be sure to defrost it to the end.
  • In order for the caviar to remain intact, open the fish belly of the fish with a sharp knife, neatly. To preserve the shape of the pieces, do not rush to separate the skin from the fillet. This should be done before serving on the dining table.

If you decide to salt a whole carcass of fish, then also cut it only before designing a dish to the festive table.

Fillet Keta salted at home
Fillet Keta, salted with your own hands

When the capture of the chicks is carried out, then the proportions indicated in the recipe should be accurately observed. And fish lovers do not advise adding too many spices. They can ruin the fragrance of the fish and kill the taste.

Not all spices harmonize well with red fish, some can finally ruin the dish.

How to pick up Ketu fish: a simple dry greasy recipe


  • Keta - 975 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Salt - 55 g
Dry hog recipe
Dry hog recipe


  1. After defrosting, rinse the fish under a stream of cold water, wipe with paper wipes, put the carcass into two identical layers.
  2. In the container, mix the bulk components (salt, sugar). And with this composition, grate Ketu well so that the salt with sugar remains on the fish.
  3. After these two filles, fold the friley parts to each other and carefully wrap the fish in a clean napkin made of cotton material.
  4. Now put the finished keta in a container and wrap it with a film. Put in a cold place.

After 72 hours, Keta will be ready. You can treat it with it after this period of time, but before that, get rid of the remains of salt, sugar and cut into portioned pieces.

How to quickly pick up Ketu fish: recipe


  • Keta - 975 g
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Salt - 55 g
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Fragrant pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1/2 pcs.
Quick cape of capture
Quick cape of capture


  1. Rinse the thawed keta, wipe it with a dry paper towel. Divide the carcass into pieces to make the smaller slices. Use a knife with a wide blade for the process.
  2. Prepare a saturation container. Mix sugar, salt there. And in this composition, roll pieces of chumes.
  3. Then squeeze the juice of citrus fruits onto the fish. Carefully stir and put the lavrushka, pepper there.
  4. Cover the dishes with a film, leave on the saline table. It is enough to wait 35-55 minutes and thin pieces will be salted.

IMPORTANT: Fishermen in the north prefer to consume raw frozen red fish meat. It is considered a delicacy. Therefore, in half an hour, Keta, cut into slices, will easily be salted.

How to pick up Ketu fish: a recipe for preparation with mustard in a brine


  • Red fish (keta) - 975 g
  • Mustard seeds - 35 g
  • Water - 975 ml
  • Bay leaf - 5 g
  • Fragrant pepper - 4 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Sugar - 18 g
Silen with salty keta and black bread
Silen with salty keta and black bread


  1. Rinse the thawed carcass of fish thoroughly under a stream of cold water, peel from bones, fins, divide into pieces. The size of the fillet should be 1.5 cm per 2 or 3 centimeters.
  2. Bring the water to boiling, pour salt, sugar into boiling water. Let it boil about five minutes.
  3. Then add pepper, bay leaf, turn off the gas after boiling.
  4. When the prepared solution has cooled, you can pour mustard seeds there.
  5. After the fillet of red fish, place in a glass dish and pour the finished brine.
  6. Cover with a lid, place in a cold place.

Keta will suck in three hours. After all, pieces of fish are quickly burned with saline. Therefore, by dinner, the delicacies can be served to the table.

It is very comfortable to salt the fish in this way, and the result will exceed all expectations.

How to salute Ketu fish in a brine with lemon and thyme: a recipe in a brine


  • Keta - 975 g
  • Fragrant pepper - 6 pieces.
  • Water - 975 ml
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Greens - 75 g
  • Thyme - 4 g
  • Lemon 1/2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 g
Keta with lemon and herbs
Keta with lemon and herbs


  1. Rinse the carcass of fish, wipe with paper wipes. Divide by fillet.
  2. In the pan, boil water, then pour salt, sugar. Add spices, bay leaf, thyme.
  3. When the brine has cooled, pour them fish with chopped greens and lemon juice.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, put in a cold place.

You can try the delicacy after ten to twelve hours.

Keta fish with vodka - this ambassador: recipe


  • Carcass carcasses - 975 g
  • Salt - 35 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Vodka - 25 ml
  • Greens - 25 g
This ambassador of red fish
This ambassador of red fish


  1. Separate the fish meat from the bones, get rid of the fins and divide it into two filles.
  2. Grind the greens with a knife. Then mix dill with sugar, salt. Pour vodka into the resulting gruel.
  3. Lubricate the cutter fillet with the composition, which turned out as a result of mixing salt, herbs, vodka, etc.
  4. Place the fish in a glass dish and close the lid. Send the product in the refrigerator.

After 72 hours, Keta will be ready for use. Gurmans believe that a fish, in thus, the most delicious.

Video: How to make a ketu delicious?

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