How to translate minutes in seconds?

How to translate minutes in seconds?

This article will teach you to translate seconds into minutes and vice versa.

A minute is a unit or an indicator that is measured by a specific period of time. It is equal to 60 seconds. or 1/60 hours. A second is an instant - an indicator that is also measured by a period of time. It is equal to 1/60 min.

How to translate minutes in seconds: 3, 5, 10 minutes - how many seconds are it?

In one min 60 sec. If you need to convert this period of time into SEC and you know a specific Min indicator, then you need to change this amount by 60. Example:

  • 3 min - how many s: 3*60 \u003d 180 sec.
  • 5 min: 5*60 \u003d 300 sec.
  • 10 min: 10*60 \u003d 600 sec.

If you need this in the condition of the task of the time indicator in minutes to transform into seconds, you already know how to do it correctly.

Transfer seconds to minutes: how to do it right?

As mentioned above, 1 min 60 s. If you think logically, it turns out that 1 S is 1/60 min. We repeat: to find out how many seconds are in a specific number of minutes, you need to multiply by 60. See the example in the text and in the picture below.

Translated minutes per second
Translated min to sec

To translate seconds into minutes, you need to divide the number of seconds by 60. For example:

Translation of seconds in minutes
SEC translation into min

If you are less than 60 seconds, for example 30, then the fraction of 1 min will be in the response. And thinking logically, this is right, because 30 seconds. - This is less than 1 min. Solution:

  • 30 sec./60 \u003d 0.5 min., That is, half min.

Now you know how to translate minutes per second, and vice versa, seconds in minutes.

Video: Units of time. Hour minute | Mathematics grade 2

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