How easily and quickly fall asleep in 1 minute, 5 minutes, instantly at home at home: the doctor’s recommendations, special forces method, folk prescriptions, drugs, prayers, hypnosis

How easily and quickly fall asleep in 1 minute, 5 minutes, instantly at home at home: the doctor’s recommendations, special forces method, folk prescriptions, drugs, prayers, hypnosis

How to relax to fall asleep tightly and get enough sleep at home?

First, try to determine why you cannot plunge into the kingdom of Morpheus in any way: maybe you drink a lot of coffee? Or cannot you fall asleep, sorting through the unpleasant moments that happened to you? Perhaps you are leading a sedentary lifestyle, you are little in the fresh air?

You can prepare your body to fall asleep easily and quickly:

  • Drink coffee only in the morning.
  • Do not eat immediately before bedtime, have dinner three hours before bedtime.
  • An hour before bedtime, limit yourself to a noisy pastime, do not watch TV and do not go to bed with a phone, a tablet in your hands.
  • Do not find out the relationship before going to bed with relatives.
  • Write a list of affairs for tomorrow, this will help not think about tomorrow in bed.
  • Take a walk in the evening with a dog or with your soulmate, you can take a walk alone.
  • Take a bath with chamomile or aroma machine (lavender, bergamot, incense, mint).
  • Improte the room before bedtime.
  • Bay down and wake up at the same time daily.

Important: another recommendation - make your bedroom a soothing place intended exclusively for sleeping.

What can be done in the bedroom:

  1. Buy beautiful bedding made of natural fabrics;
  2. Take care of the convenience of your mattress and pillows;
  3. Close the windows with night curtains so that the light of lanterns and passing cars does not fall into the room;
  4. Do not work at the computer in your bedroom, if there is such an opportunity.
  5. Buy a nightlight in the bedroom.
  6. Rejoice your bed after sleep. Thus, the body will develop the installation: "The bed is spread - the time of sleep."

How easy and quickly fall asleep in 1 minute, 5 minutes at night, if you can’t sleep: tips, recommendations, funds

Important: many are aware of the old way of quick falling asleep - the invoice of sheep. But, as it turns out, not everyone falls asleep, counting the four -legged. But there are other methods, more effective.

Method 1.

This method is similar to the one in which sheep is recommended. It consists in the fact that a person takes a convenient pose, closes his eyes and begins to mentally count from 500 to 0. At the same time, each figure needs to be pronounced to himself. The method helps to distract yourself from internal dialogue, thereby getting rid of anxious thoughts.

Method 2.

Quick movement with eyes. Take a convenient pose, and start to drive quickly with your eyes, do not focus on objects. After a couple of minutes, they become heavy, and the body falls asleep.

Method 3.

Visualization of the picture. Imagine any relaxing and pleasant picture, such as a forest or sea. Try to focus on every little thing. If you notice that they were distracted from visualization, return again to the picture.

Method 4.

Imagine an object, such as a ball. Mentally begin to bring him closer and move. Then twist in different directions.

Method 5.

Called 4-7-8. First, calmly inhale the air for 4 seconds. Then hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then exhale for 8 seconds with your mouth.

Which helps to fall asleep very quickly, instantly: the method of special forces

There is another method described by Viktor Suvorov. This method is used by special services. The bottom line is to lie on your back, relax all parts of the body as much as possible, stretch out. Eyes should be closed, under closed centuries, roll up pupils up. In this position, a person can quickly and easily fall asleep and deeply, because this position of eyeballs is natural during sleep.

Video: How to fall asleep in 1 minute?

What to read before going to bed in order to fall asleep tightly and get enough sleep: tips

Reading before bedtime is useful, it distracts from pressing problems and relaxes. Before going to bed, you can’t read action -packed literature, thrillers, etc. It is better to read the classics, interesting stories, an easy novel, an adventure book.

What prayer to read before bedtime in order to fall asleep tightly and sleep: Text

Many Orthodox people pray before going to bed. There are certain prayers that are read before bedtime. Some of them we bring in the photo below.

Important: if you do not know prayers, pray in your own words how you can. Prayer helps someone who sincerely believes in her words.

Prayers before going to bed
Prayer before going to bed

What tea to drink in order to fall asleep tightly and get enough sleep: tips and means

Herbal tea will help to relax. These are the types of tea are shown during insomnia:

  1. Tea with mint. Thanks to menthol, this plant has always been considered a folk sedative. But you cannot abuse tea with mint, otherwise you can earn problems with potency, and women have gynecological ones.
  2. Tea with lemon balm. Melissa looks like a mint, but has a lighter and easier taste. It is advisable to drink tea brewed only on lemon balm, without other impurities.
  3. Tea with chamomile. Positively affects the human nervous system, in addition, it allows you to get rid of headaches.

What to take at night from folk remedies in order to fall asleep tightly and sleep: tips and means

The best folk remedies for improving sleep are hawthorn and hops. The flowers and fruits of these plants can be purchased at the pharmacy. According to the instructions, the infusions should be brewed and taken inside. Hawthorn is a good sedative, and hops have a sleeping pill.

The recipe for infusion from hops and hawthorn:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of both herbs.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Cool, strain, dilute with water to 200 ml.
  • Take 1⁄4 glasses before bedtime.

Important: Put a twig of a hops at the head of your bed, this will help you fall asleep faster. You can also fill your pillow with hay, or fragrant herbs.

I wake up at night and I can’t fall asleep: what to do?

There may be many reasons why people wake up at night. It can be noise or light, high or low temperature in the room. First, try to eliminate external factors that contribute to awakening. For example, buy bears or sleep mask, provide fresh air in the bedroom.

If you still wake up, and you cannot fall asleep later:

  • Try to perform exercises for quick falling asleep.
  • Prepare a glass of tea or milk so you can drink it without going to the kitchen.
  • Do not turn on a smartphone or tablet to get distracted.

In order not to be nervous, do not look at the clock if you wake up. Many begin to panic that there is very little time for sleeping, subsequently cannot fall asleep at all.

How do they use hypnosis to fall asleep?

Many are ready for anything, just to fall asleep. Even on hypnosis. It is quite difficult to master and apply hypnosis techniques on yourself. However, listening to hypnotizing audio recordings is often practiced.

You can turn on your affirmation before bedtime. A pleasant voice and unobtrusive melody will help you go into yourself and fall asleep faster.

What kind of pile to drink to fall asleep and get enough sleep?

Important: it is unacceptable to appoint a sleeping pill on your own. Only a doctor can choose pills based on complaints, age, weight.

There are pills that are released only according to the recipe. It:

  • Phenazepam
  • Phenobarbital
  • Zopyclone
  • Donormal

The doctor may prescribe vegetable drugs:

  • Novopassit
  • Persen
  • Valerian
  • Dormylat

In certain dosages, vegetable preparations are prescribed for children.

How to improve sleep with melatonin?

Important: Melatonin is called the "hormone of sleep." This is a hormone that is produced in the brain. Its main function is to synchronize the work of the human body with sunlight.

That is, if light falls on the retina, the level of melatonin is reduced, in complete darkness it increases. That is why they recommend sleeping in complete darkness.

Reception of melatonin tablets is appropriate in old age, when the natural production of the hormone decreases. It is also appropriate to take melatonin in cases where a person works on night shifts or is forced to fly to countries with different time zones.

The short -term use of melatonin will not harm the body, but prolonged use can adversely affect the endocrine system and cause biorhythm.

If you or your loved ones have problems with sleep, try to normalize the rhythm of life, find a way of relaxation, make yourself the installations not to be nervous by trifles, and the dream will definitely return to you.

Video: how to fall asleep faster? 10 life hacks for sleeping

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Comments K. article

  1. Only prayers did not read during insomnia yet.) In general, interesting tips, took a couple into service. I also liked melatonin from the pills, I bought Evalapovsky, really helps to fall asleep quickly, I also liked it that you can take it if necessary, and not constantly drink, and very affordable at a price.

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