How beautifully to draw your lips with a pencil in the portrait of a girl, a person on paper in stages for beginners: step -by -step instructions. How to draw a smile on the lips in the portrait?

How beautifully to draw your lips with a pencil in the portrait of a girl, a person on paper in stages for beginners: step -by -step instructions. How to draw a smile on the lips in the portrait?

How to draw your lips with a simple pencil?

Where to start the lip drawing, how to apply a barbell correctly, how does the usual drawing of the lips and the academic and what is the difference between men's lips and female? You will learn all this and much more from the article.

We will dwell on drawing your mouth. It is this part of the face that is given heavily to beginners. It is important not to highlight the contours. After all, a similar technique is permissible only in cases of using a contrasting layer of cosmetics to outline the contour. It is important to remember that the upper lip has a smaller volume than that of the lower. The color is also different: the upper lip is darker than the lower.

How to draw your lips with a simple pencil?

  • The lips can be drawn after the main marking is performed. For this, the face is divided into three equal segments. Measure the segments with a ruler, or is applied for a pencil orientation and notches are made. Two horizontal lines are drawn: the first line in the lower part of the face is a mark for the nose, the line in the upper part of the face is a mark for eyebrows.

Important: so that the proportions of the face are not violated during the drawing of the lips, we check the length of the parts - it should be the same. We correct until the result satisfies us. It is better to start with the drawing of the axis of symmetry - a straight line dividing the face into two equal halves. This will help us draw your face correctly and without distortions.

How to draw lips
How to draw lips with a simple pencil
  • After the contours of the nose, eyebrows, eyes are drawn or outlined, you can begin to draw lips.
    To make the lips symmetrical and did not have to draw a new circuit several times, we will make markings.
  • We draw a rectangle and divide it into three equal parts. We plan a pencil of the closing lip. Without effort, we carry out a pencil to outline the outline of the upper and lower lip. We take into account the size of the lips - the upper lip should be thinner than the lower.
Draw a rectangle and make preliminary marking
Draw a rectangle and make preliminary marking
  • After describing the contour of the lips (if everything suits), we begin to wash the auxiliary lines. We begin to apply hatching to shaded areas. We cover the upper lip with strokes, making it darker, since this part of the lips is turned inside. We do not shake the lower lip strongly. It is more illuminated due to the fact that it is directed out.
We apply hatching on the most shaded lip sections
We apply hatching on the most shaded lip sections
  • To give realism the drawing, select the area around the lips in a dark tone. We apply glare to the lower lip with the help of an eraser so that the lips seem brilliant.
Bubbles and applying glare
Bubbles and applying glare
How to quickly draw your lips with a simple pencil
How to quickly draw your lips with a simple pencil

Video: How to draw lips with a simple pencil?

How to draw men's lips: step by step

Men's lips with a simple pencil: Option 1

  • We begin the drawing with the line of symmetry on the face.
  • We outline our eyes, eyebrows, nose.
  • After that, proceed to drawing the lips. We draw a rectangle and divide it into three equal parts. This will be our preliminary marking.
  • In the central section we have the middle part of the lips. We denote their width. In the two remaining rectangles, we draw the edges of the lips, trying to arrange them in such a way that they are symmetrical at the same level.
Pre -draw a rectangle and divide it into three parts
Pre -draw a rectangle and divide it into three parts
  • After outline the circuit, we proceed to removal of the marking. We do this with the help of an eraser.
  • We apply a hatching, shading the upper lip and leaving a lighter - the lower. We draw glare with an eraser to give volume to the lips.
Apply hatching on the entire surface of the lips
Apply hatching on the entire surface of the lips

Important: when drawing female lips, they should be highlighted more than their contour, as well as give the image of brightness and completeness. The men's lips are thinner, their contour is less noticeable on the face.

Final strokes: highlighting dark sections and applying glare
Final strokes: highlighting dark sections and applying glare

Video: How to draw men's or female lips?

Men's lips with a simple pencil: Option 2

Pre -marking
Pre -marking
We highlight light and dark areas
We highlight light and dark areas
Draw shades in more detail
Draw shades in more detail

Video: How to draw your lips with a pencil?

How to draw a smile?

  • Drawing closed lips is somewhat easier than transferring the image of the mouth to paper if the teeth are visible.
  • Having drawn the lines too expressively, we risk getting a smile with Shcherbins. In the process of drawing, it will be necessary to depict darkened areas. If you skip this stage, then teeth without lighteners will produce the effect of flat figures.
  • It should be borne in mind that when drawing teeth, the edges of which come deep inside the mouth, you need to apply deep shadows. The lower row of teeth is less forward, because they also apply a deeper bar.

Squicking sequence of smile:

Stage 1: marking

  • We mark the marking with a simple pencil - an elongated rectangle. In the center we draw a horizontal and vertical lines. Each of the halves along the horizontal line is again divided in half. We place the lips and teeth inside the rectangle. We draw the contours without strong pressure on a simple pencil, trying to achieve maximum resemblance to the original. To give greater realism, we denote the outline of the gums.
Draw a rectangle and apply the markup in advance
Draw a rectangle and apply the markup in advance

Stage 2: The allocation of dark and light areas

  • After we have decided on the contour of the lips and teeth, wipe the marking and apply hatching to the shaded areas. Those that are in the back of the mouth along the drawn contours. We remember that inside the mouth it is necessary to apply a deeper hatching, darken the upper lip more than the lower lip. There are also no glare on the upper lip.
Add dark colors
Add dark colors

Stage 3: shading and chiaroscuro

  • We cover each tooth with stroke lines to give volume. We wipe the very noticeable sections with an eraser, achieving smooth transitions. To give the volume of the lower lip and transfer the shine, draw a glare.

Important: to convey emotions on the face, it is not enough just to draw a smile. For example, a sad smile will turn out if you add raised eyebrows. In a happy person, a smiling mouth is widely open, and the lower eyelids form the shape of a rainbow. To convey a thoughtful look, just draw a little narrowed eyes, and bring a little to the nose of the eyebrow.

The last stage is shading and applying glare
The last stage is shading and applying glare
  • To draw a smile is not a simple stage of work. Therefore, if something does not work out, it is better to postpone the pencil for a while, and relax, while eliminating the effect of the “soaped” eye. After a small break, you can continue drawing.

Video: How to draw a smile?

How to draw lips: academic drawing

You can draw lips not only inside a rectangular shape. Drawing the mouth in a triangular form is performed in ten simple stages. With this method, you can reproduce different types of lip position. Only some adjustments at the first stage will be needed to show emotions with the help of lips. This drawing method is rarely used by beginner artists, causing seeming difficulties from the moment the triangle is located on paper. But everything is much easier. It is worth only once trying this method, and you will see how effective it is.

How to draw lips correctly
How to draw lips correctly

Stage 1:

  • We draw an elongated isosceles triangle. In the upper corner we draw a line resembling the letter “U”. We draw a straight line between the curve and the base of the triangle. We draw a long line for wide lips. We draw a short line for full and short.

Important: for the exact location of the “triangle” on the face, it is necessary to observe general proportions and calculate the length of the triangle and the width of the lips in the ratio with the rest of the face.

Stage 2:

  • We make a sketch of the upper lip. The form should resemble a brundon bow. We depict the lower lip with a curved line. We make sure that the line does not go beyond the base of the triangle. Between the upper and lower lips we draw a line, depicting a “ajar” mouth. When the initial contours are applied to paper, you can remove auxiliary lines and determine the location of the light source.
  • In our figure, the light source will be located on the right. The most shaded places on the lips will be on the left on the lower lip. We also denote the most illuminated places with a thin line. We apply hatching to both lips, leaving unnoticed areas indicated in the previous step.

Stage 3:

  • We apply a deeper hatching to the site under the lower lip to show the shadow. On the right, the shadow becomes less intense, since the face is lit from the light source located on the right. We draw folds on the lips without strong pressure on a pencil, giving them the greatest effect of naturalness under the desired tilt.
How to draw lips: step by step
How to draw lips: step by step

Stage 7:

  • With the help of shading, darken the lower lip, not forgetting about the bright areas left earlier. The lightened areas will give the lips of volume and roundness. We make lip folds thin in shaded areas, but they should not completely disappear.
  • We turn the gear to the side to one side and the acute angle pass through the most lit areas, giving the image a neat appearance and adding the effect of the glue. We repeat all manipulations with clarification and shading on the upper lip.
  • We work out the shadows in more detail along the outer boundaries of the lips, the folds of the lips and deepen the color in the corners. We use a 6V pencil for this.

Important: to change the size of the lips, we shift the horizontal line higher (such a simple technique allows you to make the lips thinner). If you need to achieve the effect of more puffy lips, then we shift the horizontal line down. If you need the lips to look chubby, add the gleam with an eraser.

Important: a beginner in drawing needs to be prepared for the fact that not everything works out on the first attempt. To achieve the desired result, you need to continue to work and carefully disassemble each stage.

Ready drawing
Ready drawing

Video: Why can't lips get? What is the difference between female and men's lips?

Academic lip pattern: Drawing features

  • For a beginner, to master an academic drawing, drawing the right lips is not an easy task. Mandatory setting on the drawing in the lessons before the transition to the portrait of a person is the lips. The volumetric image of the lips is possible after studying the plasticity of the parts of the face. To master the exact and reliable transfer of the complex plastic of the human body, students of art educational institutions train, drawing David's lips.
  • The barrel of the lips when drawing a gypsum cast is carried out in an increased register of the tonal capabilities of the pencil. However, it should be borne in mind that the darkest places at all stages of the lip drawing remain brighter than the darkest tone. For example, when compared with a black depth of plastic. In order to prevent excessive blackness of the picture, it is recommended to arrange something completely black next to the workplace. This will make it possible to withstand the foundation in the right register.
Lips: cast
Lips: cast
  • We portray the lips with voluminous, trying not to resort to the technique of a long pattern made by the lines. The drawing of the lips in the bend (in an active perspective) is difficult to convey on paper to a novice artist. There are problems with the angles that create the direction of the gathering points. The problem will help to solve the problem of a simple form of a prism or cube in the same turn.
  • Detailing and outline of parts is carried out taking into account the axis of symmetry in the perspective. It must be remembered that the middle line with a symmetrical drawing of the lips is not straight, but is located along the contour of the lips.
  • Drawing lips, you should keep in the head parts located in the deep plane, closer or further to the foreground. You need to draw lips in three dimensions, because their shape is three -dimensional. The vertical and horizontal planes are transmitted without any problems. The deep plane (secant) is more complicated.

Video: How to draw lips with a pencil?

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