How to beautifully draw the figure of a girl in full growth in a stages with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw a body, arms, legs of a girl in clothes? How to draw a person to a girl on the side, with a pencil?

How to beautifully draw the figure of a girl in full growth in a stages with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw a body, arms, legs of a girl in clothes? How to draw a person to a girl on the side, with a pencil?

Drawing with a pencil of the girl, parts of her body.

The human body is unique in itself and very beautiful, especially female. And this is not surprising, therefore, many professional artists are trying to draw precisely female bends.

There are a huge number of methods for depicting the human body on paper. In our material, we will tell you how to correctly draw a girl with a pencil, her arms and legs in the simplest ways and in different poses.

How beautifully to draw a man’s figure in a full -length girlfriend in a stages with a pencil for beginners and children?

In the first lesson, we will try to portray a girl in clothes in full growth. To do work without errors, you need to first familiarize yourself with human anatomy, study basic skills. Drawing a female body is not easy. For many experienced artists, oddly enough, it does not always work out.

Thanks to our lesson, you will study what the human body consists of and try to portray it on paper yourself using an ordinary pencil. You should have all the necessary tools:

  • Thick paper - 1 pc
  • Simple pencil - a few pieces of different softness
  • Eraser

Drawing process:

  • Draw a simple sketch with the image of a girl to start. She should not stand even, but to be natural and relaxed.
  • Picture your head in the figure a slightly inclined, right leg - left to the side, so that the weight of the body is directed on the left leg.
  • Designate the bends of the joints.
  • As for the spine, it should be flexible, so do not draw it straight.
  • Then designate the feet of your model.
  • If you want to portray it in heels, then draw it on the socks. Draw your head in the form of an oval, a little pointed below.
  • Now, using smooth lines, outline the silhouette of the model. Remember also the muscle mass under the skin.
  • Picture muscles on caviar in the form of small ovals.
Drawing a girl
Drawing a girl
  • Place the largest muscles in the thigh area.
  • Draw one hand, and hide the second behind the body.
  • Designate the rounded knees.
  • If you want the girl’s figure to be more natural, draw a skeleton schematically.
  • Estabitate your hair with a contour so that it freely falls on the left shoulder.
  • Carefully remove all additional stripes. If you were able to build the girl’s body correctly, then it will look proportionally. Designate the chest on the girl's body.
  • Now wear your beauty. Remember that you still need to "build" your face.
  • To begin with, divide the face horizontally into two equal parts. The resulting line will be the tip of the nose.
  • Then divide the lower part again into two equal parts and indicate the lower lip. Draw a completely face.
  • At the next stage, you can put on your model in any clothes, in our case it will be a summer T -shirt with a skirt and sandals. Draw the girl thick strands of hair.
  • Now take care of details and volumes. Plus add decor clothes and jewelry. Focus on a dark T -shirt with a pattern. Using light hatching, designate the skirt folds, sketch the shadow areas in the lower part and near the belt. Using an acute solid pencil, draw a pattern. Then draw the decoration.

Video: Girl: Pencil drawing in stages

How to draw a girl’s body in a pencil?

We will draw the next girl with you from dumbbells and in a sports style. To draw it, do these manipulations:

  • Wait a skeleton of the model and its pose. At this stage, build all the proportions of the body correctly. First, draw your head in the form of an oval, then depict the heading lines, your face with your ears.
  • After that, draw with straight lines the other parts of the girl’s body (neck, spine, arms with legs, hands and feet). Now, with ordinary figures, show the joints.
Girl with dumbbells
Girl with dumbbells
  • Remove the drawn lines, so that they are only a little noticeable and you can proceed to the image of the face. First there is a drawing of the nose, then the eye and eyebrows.
Draw your eyes
Draw your eyes and nose
  • Draw the contours of the face, the shape of the lips and eyes. At the end, draw strands of hair. If you still cannot draw the hotel parts of the face, then practice it in advance.
Now the hair
Now the hair
  • As soon as your face is ready, draw a T -shirt, hands with your fingers, model pants, sports shoes and leggings. Picture shadows in the figure.
Add clothes
Add clothes

How to draw a girl's hands in a pencil?

Very often, many people, especially children, draw parts of a person, for example, legs, simplified. We want to teach you to draw, given the anatomical point of view. Take a simple pencil, an eraser, an album sheet and you can start learning.

  • Draw the frame lines of human hands.
  • To begin with, learn to draw your hands starting with the elbow and ending with your fingers, or rather their tips. Build a straight line. Above the point. From it, draw 5 segments.
  • From these segments, take another 5 segments, which are connected at an angle. On this basis, you will draw a brush.
Hand with a pencil
  • Along the main line, outline the line of the elbow, then the line of the forearm.
  • Draw the forearm from the elbow wide, then still increase it in width and draw a brush.
  • After that, draw your fingers: a little finger, then a ring finger and so on.
Hand sketch
Hand sketch
  • And further. You need to portray skin irregularities on your fingers and palms, all cavities and hillocks, as well as skin folds.
  • Wipe the auxiliary lines, leave only the outline of the hand. Color your hand. To do this, use bodily shades. You can portray bright places and darker, located in the shade.
  • We will now draw a girl’s palm separately. Build to start the frame line.
  • Choose a point on paper. Take 3 lines from this point on different sides.
  • At the end of the 3rd line, put an end. From the point, draw the lines that you need to connect.
  • Open the palm itself, use smooth lines. You should get a palm bent down. Then draw a thumb.
  • Show its thick part, then the phalanx of the finger, plus the lines of those places where the thumb is connected with the index. Draw the index finger, medium. Out the lines.
  • Draw a ring finger and little finger. In the figure, portray folds on the skin, hillocks, convex places and irregularities of the palm.
  • Remove the auxiliary lines, leave only the most necessary. Color your palm, shake some places.
The final stage
The final stage
  • You can now draw a hand, but now you will have to hide it in your pocket. In the figure it will look like this.
Girl drawing, drawing a hand
Girl drawing, drawing a hand

Video: draw a brush, hand

How to draw a girl's legs in clothes with a pencil?

So, now we will try to tell you in detail how to draw a person’s legs correctly. In fact, they are drawn quite easily, but this is only if the drawing itself is simple. If you want to portray your legs in a beautiful and more real picture, then you will have to invest a little effort.

In order to learn to draw your legs correctly, you need to remember The main rule is that the legs are never straight. Think for yourself, they will not look natural, without any bends. The picture will turn out to be beautiful if you transmit the shape of the legs, given every detail.

Now let's move on to the first stage:

  • Start drawing the legs from above, gradually crossing down. It’s easier and easier.
  • Now pay attention to the knees. They should be depicted on paper correctly. There is nothing complicated and special. However, if you make at least one small mistake or draw something wrong, then the whole drawing will not be beautiful.
Drawing the muscles of the legs
Drawing the muscles of the legs
  • When you draw your legs, remember that the knees are considered the main point of the connection. If you draw this point incorrectly, ruin the whole picture.
  • Try to draw your legs carefully, because there are thin, but important details.
  • The next stage is the drawing of muscle tissue. Think right away what muscles you want to draw a girl.
  • Then pay special attention to how to draw the bends of the legs correctly.
  • Do everything here very carefully, pay attention to every detail.
  • And at the very end, draw a foot girl, with them every finger, heel.
The drawing of the feet
The drawing of the feet
  • Highlight each moment of the foot so that they look natural.
Legs in clothes
Legs in clothes

Video: How to draw legs?

How is it easy to draw a person in a full -length girl in cells in cells?

Not everyone can draw beautifully. And those who do not have the ability to draw at all can only dream of it. If you also can’t draw or you can do it with difficulty, then you can try to draw paintings on cells. Yes, it is on the cells! Such drawings are practically in no way inferior to ordinary paintings drawn with a pencil. They look quite beautiful and natural.

Having counted the required number of cells, and then painting them in one or another color, you will be able to portray on paper not only a portrait, but also a girl in full growth. You will have to stock up only with patience and attentiveness.

If you want to draw large paintings, for this it is better to take millimeter paper. However, you can also use ordinary sheets in the cell. Just glue them so that you get one large sheet. You just have to find a special scheme and draw as it is indicated on it.

Video: drawing for children: girl in cells

How to draw a person in a girl in clothes sideways?

We offer you to draw a girl in the outfit of the 19th century. Dresses that had a lot of ruffles, oolons, lace and satin ribbons were very fashionable at that time. At present, such an outfit leaves no one indifferent, since you can look at it for a long time and admire the beauty of the dress itself.

  • Draw on paper the contours of the female figure and outfit. Keep in mind that the correct proportion of the figure in full growth should contain 8 goals.
  • Now output the folds and florses on the skirt. Then draw the upper part of the dress, the chic sleeves of the outfit, which should end with beautiful flashlights. Then, on the girl’s head, draw a headdress - in this case we will have a hat, and do not forget for the strands of hair. Then draw your faces.
  • Yes, it is quite difficult to depict an outfit of the 19th century in the picture. The dress, as a rule, is decorated with enlarges, folds, lace. You must do all these elements well, that is, draw. Therefore, you need to be patient.
  • In order to give along the volume, work out every shadow well. Decide on where exactly the light source will go. Draw immediately the shadows that are obtained from the folds.
  • Under each fold and a stroke, draw the darkest places. Add good light to the oxen, each fold should be noticeable on them.
  • The dress has no buttons, but there is a large number of lace. Therefore, make their texture so that they are clearly visible.
  • Take a soft simple pencil. Pull them the main lines, give the picture of contrast and expressiveness.
  • Well draw your face, a headdress and a hairstyle to your girlfriend.
  • Draw your hands that hold the fan.
Portrait of a lady
Portrait of a lady

Video: a girl drawing with a pencil

How to draw a man in a girl in clothes in a pencil move?

The human body in motion is not an easy job. But we will help you avoid difficulties if you only fulfill our recommendations correctly.

  • Stell all the necessary accessories for drawing. Using a pencil and invisible lines, mix the girl’s silhouette. Draw your head in the shape of an oval, then depict the line of the ridge, the contours of the hips, legs and arms.
  • Sove the points where the joints will be connected. Mandatory them, so that you can see the places of bending of the arms and legs. Draw your head a little raised, the chin is a little in front.
  • Your girlfriend should stand on the fingertips, stretching out the whole body. Draw a sock of the second leg so that the leg is pulled back.
  • Draw carefully the girl’s figure, consider every little thing and all proportions, you can study in advance the anatomical proportions of the human body. Remember the main thing, the length of the human foot should be approximately the middle of the hips. Sweep your knees and legs muscles. Draw a ribbon twisting during movement.
  • At this stage, delete the additional lines that you used when building. Draw the profile of the model and its hair.
  • Draw clothes to the girl. Draw the shadows, highlight each detail so that they are clearly visible.
Girl in a pencil
Girl in a pencil

Drawings of a person, girls in clothes for children for sketching: photo

Photo for regulation
Photo for sketching
Drawings for children
Drawings for children
Learning to draw
Learning to draw

Video: draw a girl with a pencil, the main nuances

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