How beautifully and correctly there are Chinese sticks: tips, recommendations. Etiquette Rules while eating with Chinese sticks

How beautifully and correctly there are Chinese sticks: tips, recommendations. Etiquette Rules while eating with Chinese sticks

In this article, we will try to talk as clearly and effectively as possible about how to learn how to eat with the help of Chinese sticks.

Do you know that, according to archaeologists' research, the first Chinese meals for food appeared about 3,000 years ago? And, most interestingly, they do not lose relevance in our days. Want to learn how to eat with these cutlery? Then welcome!

How to learn how to hold correctly, there are Chinese sticks: tips, recommendations

In order to learn how to eat it correctly by Chinese sticks, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • One of the sticks situated between the thumb and forefinger - Lates in the place of their intersection. And this should be put in this way wide end.
  • Continuation This wand passes a hob of a thumb And it comes to the average. On the average table device and should be fixed. However, some people are more comfortable to arrange it on the ring finger.

Important: the most basic is to fix this first wand well. You can hold a thing for fixation with a pillow of the index finger.

This is how the first Chinese wand for food is fixed
This is how the first Chinese wand for food is fixed
  • Now the turn has come second sticks. It is located between index and large fingers. But higher than the first. That is, you need to take it with the usual movement of the capture of the handle or pencil.
  • Now you need to try Combine and disconnect the thin ends sticks. That is, to create such a movement as if a bird clicks with a beak. This will be a check of whether it was possible to take the table device correctly, whether its components will cross somewhere in the middle.
As a result, sticks for food are kept in this way
As a result, Chinese sticks for food are kept in this way
  • You can try a little Publish the hand of the hand relative to the sticks. The main thing is to maintain their main position scheme. The fact is that it is more convenient for one users of this device to capture it closer to the base, others closer to the middle.
  • As soon as the convenient position is chosen, you can start training. Newcomers should hold sticks at an angle of 45 degrees. After getting addicted, the angle can be increased.
  • In order to capture a piece of food, it is just worth straighten the index, as well as the middle fingers - So sticks open. Then the food is captured so that from it to the ends is some distance And she did not slip. Then the indicated fingers again bend - So the ends of the sticks close.

Important: it is impossible to squeeze the sticks-they will either fall out of the hands due to overvoltage of the owner’s fingers, or crush food.

When the index and middle fingers bend, sticks close and are ready to fix a piece of food
When the index and middle fingers bend, sticks close and are ready to fix a piece of food

General recommendations that will help you effectively learn to eat Chinese sticks: tips

The general scheme was clarified. We will also advise you to listen to the following recommendations, how to eat Chinese sticks correctly:

  • First you need to practice with pieces of various types and size. Only after they can succumb, you can get acquainted with the noodles - it is the most difficult to master, so it is better to postpone it for later.
  • Patience and once again patience - The main, perhaps, commandment. No need to be upset or angry after the first fallen piece. Excessive nervousness will not lead to anything.
  • It is believed to keep this table device exactly in the middle - the most uncomfortable for newbies. It is better for them to capture sticks Closer to wide or narrow ends. The middle is the next stage of skill.
  • At the same time, the most convenient option is to capture sticks in the wide ends. So you can capture even large pieces. And with the capture angle you can also practice, choosing the most convenient.

Important: it seems to many novice Asian fans that grabbing sticks in narrow ends is most convenient. But, as practice shows, such a look is erroneous.

Capture Chinese sticks is best closer to wide ends
Capture Chinese sticks is best closer to wide ends
  • In order to produce scooping movements, you need to open the sticks so that they are parallel each other. This can be useful, for example, when working with rice. Rice, by the way, is correctly scooped up from the bottom up.
  • It is better to start training from pieces of lambs or flexible food. For example, you can train on pieces of cheese. Food in the form of cubes is the next stage.
  • Beginners should ask themselves Bamboo or wooden cutlery. It's all about their texture - the tree holds food perfectly. Plastic ones are offered more often, but using them is a little more difficult. And finally, the most troublesome option is metal sticks. Asians adore them, but in this case they are not suitable.
  • Next advice on choosing sticks: the thinner they are, the more difficult it is to adopt To their use. Therefore, if possible, it is definitely worth asking to bring sticks thicker.

Important: it is recommended to rub your hands before each training - this is a great way to prepare small muscles. After all, it is possible that after the first samples the fingers will whine.

How to eat Chinese sticks: the rules of etiquette during eating

Well, it turned out to master the technique. It remains to learn the rules of etiquette. So, this is what you need and what should not be done, unless there is a desire to cause a heart attack in the Chinese:

  • As a rule, food is served in a common bowl - and only then the guests put portions on their plates. But to lower the sticks that have already been in the mouth into the common container, indecent and simply non -hygienic. In this case, either use common sticks, not belonging to anyone specifically, or apply food reverse wide ends of their devices.
  • Ask to convey a piece  a neighbor through his sticks is not the best venture. The fact is that the Asians are usually done at the funeral. Why bad associations for friendly gatherings?
  • Rule of good tone - put after eating or in the interval between meals of food devices on special stands. They are called hasioki.

Important: if Hasioki is not and is not foreseen in the foreseeable future, you can arrange sticks in paper envelopes in which they were brought.

Hasioki - stands for Chinese sticks
Hasioki - stands for Chinese sticks
  • You can also, in extreme cases, put sticks On the table, but not a cross.
  • It is advisable to arrange the devices so that their sharp ends did not look in any direction.
  • If there is a desire to look after one of the friends, You can convey They have a piece. However, you need to use wider parts of their sticks, which are closer to the wrist.
  • Stick devices into food - For example, in rice, it is considered not just an uncultured gesture, but bad sign. The fact is that this design reminds the Asians of a funeral incense.
  • Extremely It is undesirable to pierce food As if you eat a fork. Even newcomers are non -resistant to such a gesture.
  • Indicate sticks on the neighbors at the tables, beckon the waiter, conduct and perform other similar nonsense Unprofitable. However, the same applies to the use of the usual forks-clads.
  • Bringing a plate to the face is normal and decent. Although, of course, this item will probably surprise many of our fellow citizens. However, rice or noodles in a different way will be extremely difficult-everything will begin to fly away.
To bring a bowl to the face is a frequent practice when eating with Chinese sticks
To bring a bowl to the face is a common practice when eating with Chinese sticks

Important: however, in Korea to bring a bowl to the face, most likely, disapproving.

  • Try small food, use sticks as toothproof substitutes -  not the best solutions. Remember that all that you can do with them is to pick up pieces of food and bring them to your mouth.
  • However, there are exceptions. So, with the help of these simple devices it is allowed to stir the sauce, separate pieces, grind They are in a plate.
  • Knocking with sticks on a plate is a bad venture. Previously, Chinese beggars did this.
  • They don’t need to clamp in a fist either - Such a gesture, albeit unconscious, is perceived as a sign of aggression.
  • If you touched to some piece on a common plate-it needs take.
What piece of a man was touched by Chinese sticks, he must take himself
What piece of a man was touched by Chinese sticks, he must take himself
  • It is necessary to choose above. Poking around in search of the most tidbit from below - the top of indecent.
  • If you have a bad habit bitter Pencils, it can be transferred to sticks. We will have to follow themselves, because Asians will not understand such impulses.

Important: licking devices is also not worth it. Even if everything was very tasty.

  • Tighten the plate You can, of course, even need to be closer. But not with the help of devices! Even if it is convenient.
  • A piece of food is too hot? Let it cool down a little on a plate. Shake food, clamped between sticks, ugly Yes, and simply non -hygienic - just imagine how the food is picturesquely scattered around!
  • At the end of the meal, the devices must be put on the left side of the plate. But not across her.
Laying Chinese sticks as follows is wrong
Laying Chinese sticks as follows is wrong

At first glance, it seems that it is correct to eat Chinese sticks - this is very inconvenient. And it is better to use a spoon or fork. In fact, you can learn quite easily, and then you will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of Asia at 100%!

Video instruction on how to use Chinese sticks:

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