How to seem more beautiful than you are: rules, tips

How to seem more beautiful than you are: rules, tips

The beauty of every woman is unique. But not all women consider themselves beautiful.

Every woman, not to mention girls, always wants to look more attractive than she sees herself. Such is the female nature: strive for perfection. How to get closer to the ideal?

How to seem more beautiful than you are: 11 basic rules

It turns out that there are many ways to please yourself, and not all of them are connected with expensive cosmetics and exhausting diets. So how is it more beautiful than you are?

Rule 1: Away of unnecessary information!

  • The less you will consider the focused beauties on the Internet, the better. Remember: they are also not perfect, like you, because often their beauty is the result of the skill of the photographerwho managed to find the right angle and then worked on editing the picture.
  • After all, there is something that brings you sincere pleasure: cooking, interest groups, cats-pillows, in the end!
  • So look at these pages, rejoicing and enjoying, and not complex. Thus, you will focus less on your shortcomings and think how to become more beautiful.

Rule 2: Feel your sexuality

  • As you know, our desire to look perfectly largely determined in order to arouse interest in men. And in this case crucommint and dissatisfaction with oneself - One of the main reasons for the lack of proper amount of male attention.
  • Therefore, it should be understood that there are no unbearable women, there are women uncertain in their sexuality. We proceed from this rule and radiate self -confidence.
Feel sexuality
Feel sexuality

Rule 3: Hygiene - the key to attractiveness and confidence

  • You will always feel self -confidence if your hairstyle is well laid, your body makes a barely tangible aroma of purity and good spirits.
  • Daily shower, regular washing of the head, fresh breath, the use of antiperspirant - and you are at any time ready to meet with that, the only and unique.

Rule 4: Do not forget about the smile

  • Smile Pains any person, making him attractive to the interlocutor. Give smiles to an old and random acquaintance, even those with whom you met your eyes inadvertently.
  • The smile has politeness on both sides, not to mention the fact that in the eyes of others your attractiveness will be much more than if you appeared before them with a frowned and preoccupied face.

Rule 5: Find the job to your liking

  • Do not think that all problems lie only in appearance. So as not to feel "worse than others" and it seem more beautiful, engage in dancing, sewing, drawing, music - anything, which will allow you to feel your viability as a person and thereby attract interest in yourself precisely as an extraordinary and talented person.
  • This will again give you confidence, namely, it attracts the attention of others.

Rule 6: Nails should be perfect

  • Even at home, when no one sees you, yours nails should be clean and well -groomed. Follow their condition regularly, make special nail baths with the addition of various strengthening products, starting with lemon and salt to olive oil.
  • After all, you will not specifically put your nails in order, if necessary, for example, to urgently run to the store? But there are many people, among whom you should feel confident.
  • And do not get involved in building up, overhead nails and other tricks, which most men perceive far from enthusiasm.
  • Pastel tones of varnish, the use of respectable French manicure in everyday life - and you are fully armed.
Perfect nails
Perfect nails

Rule 7: Rejoice for compliments

  • No need to underestimate your charm and charm. Never explain in response to admiration for your hairstyle or brilliance of the eye that you should achieve this.
  • Do not find the shortcomings in the dress that caused a compliment - just say “thank you” with self -esteem, which others will appreciate additionally.

Rule 8: Delicious and healthy food

  • Fruits are tasty and healthy! How to spend money on cakes, buy strawberries or apples on them. Eat more vegetables and dairy products - because yogurts and cottage cheese are no less tasty than sweets.
  • Do not limit yourself to either meat or fish, choosing low -fat varieties.
  • So you will enjoy food it seems more beautiful And your figure every day will begin to bring you more and more satisfaction.
Eat correctly
Eat correctly

Rule 9: Love yourself as it is

  • You are individual and unique, and even minor disadvantages can be turned into highlights, “giving” yourself to others with a smile, charm and friendliness.
  • It is not difficult to convince yourself of your uniqueness, you just need to focus on the fact that you yourself consider the disadvantages (which, by the way, may not be such in the eyes of others).
  • Rejoice yourself Within with pleasant massage procedures, entertainment and your favorite activities - this joy will certainly allow you to feel better and more beautiful than you considered yourself before.

Rule 10: Change the hairstyle

  • When a woman wants to change her life for the better - she changes her hairstyle. This capital truth is quite suitable for increasing self -esteem. Just do not get down to business yourself and do not consult your girlfriends, it is better to contact a professional.
  • In a solid salon, you will be offered the right -handed hairstyle and professionally and high -quality it to your face. Do not spare money for yourself and your charm.
Perfect makeup and hairstyle
Perfect makeup and hairstyle

Rule 11: Do not abuse makeup

  • Even if you really do not like your own face, the shape of the lips or eye cut, do not rush to correct problems with the help of kilograms of cosmetics. Light natural makeup - Weapons of any woman, the main thing is to use it skillfully.
  • Slightly emphasize the part of your face that you consider the most winning - it is she who will attract the attention of others.

How to seem more beautiful in the eyes of guys?

In addition to the above rules, there are many more ways to seem more beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex.

Be perfect
Be perfect

They will allow you to feel more confident, which means it seems more beautiful than others:

  1. Hold the posture Make sure that the shoulders are straightened, and the head is in no way lowered - look right in front of you.
  2. Think about your virtues, not about the shortcomings, because thoughts are material.
  3. Be sincere and direct Do not put on a mask of meaningful thoughtfulness.
  4. Take a fitness. In the pluses - a slender figure, satisfaction from the fact that you could, which means you will achieve even more.
  5. Grace - An integral part of beauty. Dance, do gymnastics, sign up for yoga - in a word, work on your movements.
  6. Take a look at yourself from the side of the one who loves you. After all, he finds attractiveness, beauty in you, so you will love it in yourself.
  7. Love nature. After all, it is beautiful in any manifestation, so you, becoming part of it, are irresistibly beautiful, as nature itself.
  8. Do not avoid hugs - Friends, relatives, loved one. They will let you feel how love and beautiful you are.
  9. Find time for a full sleep - This will positively affect both well -being and appearance.
  10. If you smoke - Get out the cigarettes. You will see how to bury how the skin will change for the better, freshness in breath will appear.
  11. Do not avoid companies, be interested in other people - and you will feel a return interest in yourself.
  12. Remember the beauty of your smile, take care of your teeth, visit the dentist in time.
  13. Make beautiful everything around you: an apartment, food, an environment. In this beauty you yourself will bury.
  14. Avoid stress They frown with your face, add stoopers.
  15. Feel free to thank others for the most insignificant service, be grateful to life for what is happening - this location of the spirit always causes sympathy.

How to seem more beautiful: why do you think you are ugly?

  • Why do you think you are ugly? Psychologists believe that the main reason for the desire to seem more beautiful is execution of the majority opinion. The generally accepted beauty standards affect a woman’s self -esteem, which does not correspond to these parameters.
  • And the more time she spends at the mirror, the more she finds such inconsistencies, sometimes even far -fetched.
  • Sometimes such an opinion about themselves is formed by girls who were little praised and encouraged in childhood, on the contrary, often using phrases such as “who will you need you?”, “Look at yourself - where else do you have!” and so on.
  • Similar reasons, alas, inspire self -doubt and its attractiveness, Although in fact the girl is very sweet and is of interest to the guys. Just in her low self -esteem, she stubbornly does not notice this or does not consider a sincere manifestation of attention.
Be sure of your beauty
Be sure of your beauty

In a word, the majority of reasons to consider themselves ugly are actually in the field of psychological uncertainty, and not at all in real unattractiveness. But standards of female beauty Constantly changing, so take all of the above tips and be in service and be more beautiful than the rest!

Video: tricks to become more beautiful

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