How to measure and calculate the volume of the room, calculate the cubature of consumables?

How to measure and calculate the volume of the room, calculate the cubature of consumables?

In this topic, we will consider how to calculate the volume of any room.

If you started repairs or just want to refresh your apartment or house a little, but do not know how to measure the volume of the room, then this article is for you. She will tell you about all voluminous nuances that you may be interested in, in order to correctly calculate everything.

How to measure the volume of the room and calculate the quadrature for consumables?

By the way, the volume of the room is not always needed only to overpower the wallpaper or new painting of the room. When installing radiators, air conditioners or sleep systems, you also need to know the data of the dimensions. We will start with the general concept of what volume is, and we will also analyze, for which it must be known when repairing it.

Important: by such formulas, you can calculate not only the dimensions of the room itself, but also Cubature of costly materials for repair. For example, to calculate the sand or cement for screed. But in this case, you will need to know the future height of the coating.

For any repair work and each room, calculations of the area and volume of the room are required
For any repair work and each room, calculations of the area and volume of the room are required

Volume - This is the term necessary for measuring the height, length and width of the vessel or other space. Therefore, you can calculate the volume, knowing the height, length and width of the measured space, as well as its shape.

  • Each room has its own volume features. But the calculation formula for all one. The height of the walls of the room must be multiplied by the size of the floor, more precisely by its width and length. It's so easy to find out the volume of the room:
  • V \u003d A*B*C

  • If you resort to the knowledge of initial mathematics, then the formula is slightly reduced. After all, the width and length give us the area:
  • a*b \u003d s

  • We replace the height with the calculated letter and also get the formula for calculating the volume of the room:
  • V \u003d S*H

This is the simplest formula that is useful to every tenant for repair
This is the simplest formula that is useful to every tenant for repair

How to measure the volume of a room that has the correct size?

  • This refers to the correct norm in terms of construction - that is, square or rectangle. Agree that the square room is extremely rare. The layout more often has a second option for the size of the rooms. And we do not forget that it is not simply identical in size to millimeters. After all, we do not exclude that over time there is a slight shift of the walls themselves.

Important: if you really have an equilateral room, then you just need to put one size in a square, multiplying by the height of the room. And if you also have equilateral dimensions, then for a cubic room, put one size into a cube. But this is only a cognitive theory. The taps are rarely found on almost similar rooms.

  • Therefore, always We measure the length of two walls, that are at right angles to each other. That is, you need to measure the length along a large or long wall and width along a shorter or small wall.
When playing, roulette must be kept as smooth as possible
When playing, roulette must be kept as smooth as possible
  • Ideally Pass the floor But if there is no possibility, then you can follow the free sections of the walls themselves. Only Keep the tape as smooth as possible.
  • Also measure Height to the ceiling. The roulette should be as smooth as possible. You just need to catch the edge of the roulette lightly for the baseboard to fix the tape run.
    • If this can not be done, then you should arm yourself with the help of other family members or comrades. By the way, do not round the obtained sizes. It is advisable to take into account even millimeter indicators. Although when the wallpaper or paint is still circulated, with the subsequent sketch of additional materials.
  • In conclusion, it remains only to change two sizes of the walls with each other, which protrude width and long, to the height of the room. And get what you were looking for - the volume of your room.
    • Example: The length of one wall is 4 m, and the second is 3 m. The height is to the ceiling of 2 m. The volume of such a room will be equal \u003d (3*4)*2 \u003d 24 m³.

It is important to remember that all the results that you learned should be considered in some units. It can be meters or centimeters if the space is very small, etc. But if you do everything according to the rules, then the unit of measure in this case is a cubic meter.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated
As you can see, there is nothing complicated

How to calculate the volume of a room that has the wrong shape?

  • The wrong form means various protrusions or recesses. For example, a rectangular room has the so -called "appendix".
  • In this case, just Calculations for two parts are underway separately According to the same formula. That is, we change the width of the room along the floor by its length, and multiply the resulting amount with the height of the entire room. In conclusion, we simply summarize the resulting volumes.
    • Example: The room has a total length of 4 m, but 1.25 meters occupies a small niche in the wall. Therefore, one width is 3 m, and the second is also 1.25 m. The height of the room is 2 m.
    • So we have a practically cubic room, so 1.25 we have a square and get 1.5*2 \u003d 3.1 m³.
    • Now we remove those 1.25 m from the total length. We get 3.75*3*2 \u003d 22.5 m³.
    • 22.5+3.1 \u003d 25.6 m³ is the total volume of our room.
Your actions if the room has rounding
Your actions if the room has rounding

How to calculate the volume of the room if it also has a complex shape?

Sometimes I have various arches or niches of irregular shape, or rather - In the form of a circle or triangle. Most of us are unlikely to recall the formulas in geometry, especially since the nuances in this area are more than enough. But we will consider the most common options.

For example, you have a ledge in your room, which is going on a semicircle

  • In this case, we also break the room into different figures, starting from the rectangle. And you get the second part as part of the cylinder. And it is calculated according to this formula:
  • V \u003d π*r²*H

  • Who forgot, we remind you that π is 3.14. But the radius must already be measured in its room. It will be a little more complicated here, because you need to find the center of the circle. By the way, for convenience, stretch along the wall, where a round ledge, thread or tape. And already in her middle, you will find the right point. The radius must be measured by the maximum depth of the circle.
  • The second part of the room, which has the correct shape, calculate by the first example. In conclusion, you simply summarize the amounts received.
    • Example: The length of the room is 3 m, and the width is 2.5 m, the height is 2 m. The room has 20 m³, but it has a round protrusion along a small wall in the form of a semicircle.
    • Therefore, you need to find out the radius of this recess. To do this, along the small wall we pulled the thread, and in the middle of the segment and found the central point. Our radius is 1.5 m.
    • Therefore, the volume of semicircle \u003d 3.14*1.5*2 \u003d 9.42 m³.
    • Total volume \u003d 9.42+20 \u003d 29.42 m³.
With a complex design, just break the room into several simple sections
With a complex design, just break the room into several simple sections

But there are triangular recesses or parts of the room

  • We will not touch on all varieties of triangles. We will take a rectangular triangle as a basis, which is more common in the layouts of houses and apartments. The formula for calculating its area is as follows:
  • S \u003d ½*A*B

  • For volume The amount received will need to be multiplied by height. And then again connect with the resulting rectangular section of the room, which is considered according to a simple formula.
    • Example: The triangular ledge has 5 m dina and 3 m width. The area we have (5*3)/2 \u003d 7.5 m.
    • For volume, we multiply by 2 m of heights and get the same 15 m, but already cubic ones.
    • If you add, for example, 20 m³ of another part of the room, then 35 m³ will be released - this is the total volume of the entire room.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the calculation or measurement of the volume of the room. It is important to just make all the measurements correctly and arm yourself with a margin of some school formulas, the basic of which we provided you. And do not forget that during the repair it does not hurt to make small sketches in unnecessary materials.

Video: How to calculate the volume of the room and cubic meter?

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