How to change the shape of the eyebrows? How to make eyebrows yourself?

How to change the shape of the eyebrows? How to make eyebrows yourself?

How to put your eyebrows independently: various forms of eyebrows and tattooing at home.

The trend of the last few years is considered beautiful eyebrows. Even if a woman for some reason does not have makeup and hairstyle, her eyebrows should be on top. But how to make perfect eyebrows? Having resorted to the services of a professional cosmetologist, you can easily put your edge in order.

However, to maintain them in good shape, it is necessary to regularly visit beauty salons. Such procedures require a lot of time and money. Therefore, another question arises: "What can be done with the eyebrows at home?" This article will answer this and other questions related to the improvement of female eyebrows at home.


How to make an eyebrow with a break?

In order to give the eyebrows the form of fracture at home, it is necessary for a start to draw the very desired arc. Here you need a ruler and a pencil. You can do with one pencil. Using a ruler or pencil, you need to find three main points of future eyebrows: beginning, hill and end. All this is done very simply:

  1. First, we put one end of the ruler to the wing of the nose from the side of the eye we need. On the way between the nose and eyebrow, the ruler should come into contact with the inner corner of the eye. In the place where she meets with an arc, and there will be the beginning of the eyebrow
  2. To identify the bending place, we rearrange the ruler so that now it passes through the center of the pupil. And the point where it crosses with the eyebrow will be the bending point
  3. Naturally, to determine the end of the arc, we direct the ruler through the outer corner of the eye and put a mark at the place of its intersection with the eyebrow. Thus, all three vertices of the future eyebrows with the bend will be calculated, and it will only remain to draw its width. After the arc is drawn, you need to take tweezers and remove all the extra hairs around it

How to make eyebrows thicker?

  • Following the crowded eyebrows popular today, many women are trying to visually increase the width of their arcs at home. But along with the question of thickness, another question faces them: "How to make eyebrows thicker?"
  • In order to make eyebrows thicker and thicker, women with rare and thin eyebrows will have to resort to the services of a tattoo master. No matter how convincing folk craftsmen and manufacturers of various hair growth products are, genetics cannot be deceived
  • True, today another newfangled procedure has appeared - building eyebrows. This manipulation is similar to eyelash extensions. As in the case of eyelashes, it is advisable to repeat it once every two weeks. And it is also decent
  • Cosmetic pencil and shadow for eyebrows remains unchanged assistants to lady with meager vegetation. With a pencil, carefully circle the eyebrow along the contour, and then obscure it with shadows
  • If a woman has a thick eyebrow by nature, but for some reason their density was lost, it can be returned with the help of traditional medicine. Grandmother's advice is to strengthen the hairs on the tunes with vegetable oils every day (castor, almond, burdock)

High eyebrows

In addition to thick thick eyebrows, today there is a tendency to raise their level. However, lovely ladies, before making eyebrows above, consult a professional or make a computer selection. Otherwise, there is a risk of seeming funny. Sometimes such eyebrows look unnatural, it seems that they were stuck.

It is unlikely that those who are too thin will be able to raise the level of eyebrows at home. Only permanent tattooing can help here again. But the owners of thick thick eyebrows are just enough to pluck a couple of rows from below, and the eyebrows will look higher.

How to make even eyebrows?

Eyebrow plucking procedure is a rather unpleasant and responsible manipulation. This is especially true for thin eyebrows - you need to be very neat with them. Before making thin eyebrows itself, you need to prepare tools and process the skin of the face. Here are some tips for those who are going to pluck the eyebrows at home:

  1. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime, since after it irritation may appear on the skin
  2. It is important good lighting
    Attention! For the first procedure for giving the eyebrows an ideal thin and flat shape, you cannot use an increase in a mirror - it is better to use the usual one. This is due to the fact that the approaching mirror can slightly distort the image, and it is difficult to compare the two eyebrows at the same time. With repeated corrections, such a mirror will already be more appropriate
  3. Before starting to pluck the eyebrows, we remove all cosmetics from the face. To reduce pain, we heat the skin slightly above the eyes with cotton pads and warm water
  4. All tools are necessarily treated with alcohol or iodine
  5. After thinning the eyebrows, comb out with a special comb and cut the upper sticking hairs with scissors
  6. In no case do not use a razor in the care of eyebrows. Inattentive handling with it can lead to a deterioration in the form and random removal of the necessary sections of the edge

Makeup artists and cosmetologists recommend using a special gel when creating beautiful makeup, which will give shine and gusts to the hair in eyebrows.

How to make eyebrow tattoo yourself?

Permanent makeup or tattooing is desirable in salon conditions. However, if there is a great desire and necessary equipment, it can, in principle, can be done at home. This will require:

  • paint the desired shade
  • tattoo machine
  • disposable needles
  • trimmer
  • antiseptic
  • deafer
  • makeup brush
  • face cream

Here is an approximate algorithm of actions when performing tattooing at home:

  1. Before starting work, we remove unnecessary fat from the working areas of the skin using a special agent
  2. The trimmer finally adjust the shape of the eyebrows
  3. Dip the brush into the paint and outline the contour of the eyebrows, after which we obscure it
  4. Insert a new needle into the tattoo apparatus and collect it paint with it
  5. We begin to clog the skin with the thickness of the eyebrow
  6. Throughout the procedure, we change the needles several times

This method of tattooing is called shabby. There is also a hairy method, however, it will require certain knowledge and a stuffed hand.

  • Experts recommend that their clients not rush to choose the final shape and make trial makeup. To do this, they can draw a woman the desired eyebrow shape with a selected shade of paint and give her time to walk and look at herself
  • If, after a certain time, a woman does not bother and does not cease to like her new image, then this drawing is perpetuated on her face. Sometimes a photo is used for such purposes. The master takes a picture with preliminary eyebrows, and the client has the opportunity to carefully consider it herself, as well as consult with a loved one
  • Over a week after stuffing eyebrows, they need to be treated with antiseptic, anti -inflammatory ointment (levomekol, tetracycline, synthomycin). The place of tattoos before its healing cannot be wetted and delivered by direct sunlight
  • Crusts are formed at the place of tattoo, which in no case should be torn off, as this can lead to rimming

How to change the shape of eyebrows: tips and reviews

  • Before giving any recommendations for the care of women's eyebrows, it is worth finding out which form is considered ideal. For the third year in a row on world catwalks, fashion for thick and thick eyebrows dominates. When selecting models for display, designers always prefer fashion models with "violent vegetation" above their eyes. But this does not mean in any case that the girls of the entire globe should immediately rush to grow her on her face
  • In second place in popularity after their thick eyebrows are eyebrows made by tattoo masters. The tattoo became just a squeak of fashion 2014-2016. Each self-respecting lady ran to a tattoo salon and “stuffed” new founds. But this option is a little risky in nature, since the fashion is a very changeable lady. Today, women create popular thick eyebrows for themselves, and tomorrow they do not know what to do with them, since thin eyebrows returned again
  • However, the essence remains not that it is popular today and what others choose. The shape of the eyebrows should be selected individually and fit perfectly under the oval of the face, eye color, hair and skin. Such eyebrows will be considered impeccable

Using all the listed methods of caring for eyebrows, you will always look great!

Video: How to grow perfect thick eyebrows?

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