How to get rid of freckles once and for all? Removing freckles in the clinic

How to get rid of freckles once and for all? Removing freckles in the clinic

Freckles are an unpleasant cosmetic defect, the removal of which, sometimes, is simply necessary. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a number of procedures that allow you to get clean skin without flaws.

Careless freckles do not cause physical discomfort and can exist on the face of their owner all their lives, but these small spots do not fit into the traditional canons of beauty, so most girls with freckles dream of getting rid of them and declare a real war without sparing forces and means.

What is freckles and how to deal with them correctly-few know, and because of this, the fight against freckles seems to be searching for a black cat in a black room.

Why are freckles appear? What are the freckles?

Freckles are small rounded pigment spots on the face formed by excess melanin. As a rule, the cause of freckles is a hereditary factor, but there are other causes of their occurrence:

  • hormonal balance violation
  • frequent stress and nervous overstrain
  • liver diseases
  • excess of some vitamins in the diet
  • frequent peeling procedures that damage the skin

Most often, "hemp" are subject to people with light skin color, red hair and blue eyes, but freckles can also arise people with other types of skin and hair.

The color scheme of these melanin spots can vary from light brown to reddish and even black. As a rule, freckles for tone differ from the main color of the skin. Depending on the color, localization and nature of the manifestation of freckles are classified into:

  1. Simple freckles-genetically determined formations of brown and light brown color, which are constantly present on the skin, regardless of the time of year
    2. Freckles from tanning - form with intensive effects of ultraviolet rays. Most often, this type of freckles is localized on the arms and shoulders, where the skin is most prone to burning

Scientists did not agree on a consensus regarding the nature of freckles obtained from tanning, there is an assumption that their occurrence is a skin disease.

Is it worth it to remove freckles?

For a long time, freckles, like moles, were considered dangerous due to the possibility of rebirth into cancer cells. But multiple studies have shown that such a transformation is unusual for freckles, they are only an indicator of the skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Thus, age spots are only a cosmetic defect.

The issue of removal of freckles is solved depending on the individual preferences of their owner: someone considers them unaesthetic, spoiling appearance and seeks to get rid of any way, while others consider them their highlight and, conversely, seek to preserve “kisses of the sun” on the face.

Which clinic to choose to remove freckles?

If you treat people who consider freckles a defect and are seriously configured to remove them, then you need to carefully approach the choice of the clinic to carry out the plan, because in the event of an unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, you risk getting an even greater defect in the most unfavorable place - your face.

First of all, it should be clarified the presence in the clinic of modern equipment for removing freckles, as well as the qualifications of a specialist who will carry out the procedure.

It is important to understand that removal of freckles is not a salon procedure that a cosmetologist who does not own a medical education can perform, but a case of doctors who have appropriate knowledge and skills.

It will not be superfluous and the reviews of patients who had similar services were provided in the clinic.

Laser method for removing freckles. The essence of the method of removing freckles with a laser

The problem of freckles lies at the cellular level, therefore, its solution should be carried out using methods of influencing the cell. One of the most effective and modern methods of removing freckles is laser removal.

The essence of the procedure is to use special equipment that can regulate the force of the laser on the skin cells. The point effect of the laser on cells containing melanin leads to their destruction, which provides rapid and high -quality removal of age spots on the skin.

At the same time, neighboring skin areas do not get laser exposure with the right and qualified procedure.

How is the laser removal procedure of freckles?

After a thorough examination, the doctor evaluates the condition of the skin and calculates the number of procedures required to completely eliminate freckles. The removal process itself occurs in several stages:

  • diagnosis and collecting information about the patient's health status
  • carrying out a trial outbreak to establish an individual reaction
  • the laser impact procedure itself

The removal of freckles with a laser is painless and does not cause uncomfortable sensations. Despite this, after the procedure, redness of the skin occurs, in the future, crusts are formed in their place, but they quickly heal and the skin remains without any defects.

With a large number of freckles, their removal is carried out in several sessions.

The advantages and disadvantages of removing freckles with a laser

Laser removal of freckles is a quick and effective way to get rid of an undesirable skin defect. This procedure is absolutely painless and convenient, but the method also has a number of contraindications. So, you can’t make the removal of age spots on the skin with a laser if you have:

  • diabetes
  • there are malignant formations
  • poor blood coagulation, the presence of varicose veins and thrombosis
  • location to the formation of scars
  • herpes
  • increased skin sensitivity to light
  • exposure
  • skin diseases
  • pregnancy

The implementation of laser removal in the presence of these contraindications can cause undesirable consequences, aggravation of the problem, severe skin damage, scars and more severe complications.

Phototherapy is a procedure for removing freckles with light. Benefits and harm

Unlike laser removal of freckles, phototherapy does not have such a huge list of contraindications. This procedure does not imply the destruction of cells, as it consists in light effect on the skin in which melanin is destroyed.

Phototherapy is painless and effective, but to achieve the effect it is necessary to undergo a course of up to 10 procedures, and then beware of solar exposure, because the skin prone to the formation of freckles can purchase them again.

Chemical peeling as a means for removing freckles once and for all

The chemical peeling procedure is aggressive and, to some extent, dangerous for the skin, but this is the most effective way to remove freckles, after which pigmentation will no longer return.

The essence of the method is to apply glycol and lactic acid on the skin of a specially prepared mixture, which “eats” the upper layer of the skin along with hated freckles on it. Of course, such a procedure should be carried out only by a specialist and in no case should be carried out at home.

Removing freckles by quartzing: the essence of the method, for and against

Quartzing is a procedure that is widely used to treat many skin diseases. It also helps from freckles that do not just disappear, but leave irrevocably. When quartzing, a specialist using a special quartz lamp acts on the skin in which it is overdried and begins to peel off. Thus, a kind of peeling is made.

As a result of quartzing, the skin becomes little susceptible to sunlight and freckles do not upset their relapse. Unfortunately, the procedure has a number of contraindications and requires many sessions.

When can not be removed freckles? Contraindications to remove freckles

Even if freckles deliver severe discomfort, sometimes their removal is contraindicated. As a rule, it should be abandoned:

  • pregnancy
  • increased skin sensitivity
  • the presence of viral and infectious diseases
  • damage and ulcers on the skin
  • oncology

Removing freckles should never be carried out at home, otherwise it may lead to deplorable consequences.

The consequences of removal of freckles

In addition to getting rid of such a “misfortune” as freckles, the procedures for their removal can bring not entirely expected result. Often the professionalism and competence of specialists in the removal of freckles leaves much to be desired, which entails the provision of poor -quality service.

So, an inexperienced cosmetologist can easily confuse a freckled with a small mole, which can lead to its rebirth in the melanoma.

Very often after removing freckles, they appear again, but already in much larger quantities, but an incompetent procedure can not only not eliminate the problem on the face, but also aggravate it with the formation of scars and wounds, cause an allergic reaction or deterioration of any existing disease .

How to remove freckles from a cosmetologist in a clinic: tips and reviews

Despite contraindications and fears, most women who removed freckles are satisfied with the result. The main thing is to find a worthy clinic that can carry out their services efficiently and not hide information about the state of his health from a specialist, then the result of the procedure will please, and will not bring disappointment.

Video: Removing age spots. No freckles

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Comments K. article

  1. I am the opponent of removing freckles and pigmentation in a natural way, it is not clear how everything can turn out. There are creams that whiten to and after using it, it brightens the spots and levels the complexion, does not dry and does not irritate the skin. Try masks from cucumber, lemon, you can also parsley or parsley root.

  2. Everything related to the intervention is all the more of the person, I am afraid of non -natural methods. At home, she tried to bring freckles at home, but they only lightly brightened, now she found the cream whitening before and after the company Twins, she contains a natural bleach, which brightens the freckles and they are not visible, the skin becomes lighter.

  3. I tried to bring my freckles with folk remedies, they appeared after the birth of the baby, and did not pass over time. The cream was advised from age spots before and after. And I probably used more for a month until the pigmentation has completely disappeared.

  4. A friend advised me from freckles will get rid of a bleaching cream before and after. It gradually lights up freckles, and they become less noticeable.

  5. Freckles are good while you are a child, but many teenagers would like to get rid of them. I am also no exception. True, I was lucky, I did not have to look for a tool for a long time or resort to the services of cosmetologists. Mom banally bought Clear Cream in the pharmacy on the advice of the pharmacist and he did not fail - after a month of use, my freckles became almost invisible. There, there is a whitening substance Arbutin, it works very effectively against freckles and age spots. In the composition of natural extracts of rare plants and herbs, they have a good effect on the skin - they level color, remove inflammation, moisturize. In general, for that kind of money the cream is just super!

  6. Eva, hello! Do not try to withdraw freckles. My children are the model, and when we hear that you won’t find people with freckles with freckles during the day. I remember you. Put on model sites, register on the Instagram and take you off with your hands ... Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes…

  7. I used to have freckles on my face before, and I was very complex about this, but then I found for myself the cream whitening Twins TEK with a natural bleach. It regenerates, exfoliates, reduces the growth of melanocytes, thereby lightening and aligns the color of the skin of the face.

  8. I like Twins TEK from age spots. I have dry skin and is acne. The cream is absorbed quickly and does not give fat content, removes peeling. The skin has become lighter, but the most important thing is that acne is less noticeable.

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