How to get rid of parasitic words in speech? Parasite words: List and their replacement

How to get rid of parasitic words in speech? Parasite words: List and their replacement

It often happens that a person can not remember the right word. And then there are two lines of behavior: someone is silently rummaging in memory, and the other begins to “help” himself with the words “this is the most”, “well”, etc. These are parasitic words that clog our speech and make it primitive and ugly.

Parasites mean certain words or a stable combination of several words that are pronounced without putting an informative component in them. Usually they are used by people who do not have a sufficient culture of speech, or those who are not confident in their words. In its syntactic essence, these words are introductory.

Parasites in Russian

  • Remember, because you, too, sometimes use it to the place and out of place, just to fill in pause, such parasitic words as “In short”, “type”, “as if”. And at the same time, many do not even think about the fact that the use of, for example, the last two expressions make the subject that is in question, as if fake.
We pronounce
We pronounce
  • “He is kind of good” - an absolutely incomprehensible and completely superfluous insert “as if” immediately gives the definition of “good” ironic hue, which involuntarily forces doubt the truth of the statement.
  • The use of parasitic words not only clogs speech, but also makes the thought that a person expresses incomprehensible, confusing. And vice versa, a speech in which there are no extra inserts, inappropriate interjections and other “husks”, is clear, pleasant for the hearing of the interlocutor, causing a location to the speaker. How to avoid a possible ambiguous interpretation of your words and make your speech clear, intelligible and beautiful?

What are parasitic words: examples

  • Lingering in oral speech interjectionsthat can be called conditional words-parasites. These are absolutely unjustified sounds with which the phrase “breaks”: “I was yesterday uh in the cinema and watched an interesting mmm movie". It is hardly possible to imagine that the pronunciation of this person recalled the words “cinema” and “film”, most likely he simply does not follow the purity of speech at all.
Sufficiently appeared in our life
Sufficiently appeared in our life
  • Sometimes a person, trying to convey emotions, begins to abuse the means of their verbal expression. "You really You can’t imagine how many mushrooms are there, ”he says excitedly to the interlocutor, without thinking that“ really ”in this case does not carry a special semantic load and is a classic parasite.
  • Words for "Plach", preceding the very phrases, "In short", "see", "generally" They are not informative, but only overload speech.
  • Parasites, as a reverse reaction, are manifested in the case when you turn to the interlocutor: "Imagine", "You know"... You don’t expect that he will answer you “represent”, “I know”?

Parasites: Psychology

  • The use of parasitic words often stems from the psychological characteristics of a person and his character. For example, if you often pronounce the word "simply", then it is quite possible that the opinion of you will take shape as a person, not having its own opinion, In addition, enough irresponsible.
  • If you say to the place and out of place "by the way" - An experienced psychologist will immediately describe you as constantly trying to attract attention Personality.
  • Appeal "You know", as well as "see", "hear", from which many begin the conversation, hints at your speedity, sometimes not always appropriate and desired.
  • Using such a parasite as "shorter", most often perceived by the interlocutor as surface indicator of your knowledge and possessions of the topic of conversation.
  • "I think" - It sometimes sounds peremptorily, unless, of course, the interlocutor did not ask your opinion.
  • And if you insert a stroke in the phrase "in fact", then you can impress snobanot respecting the point of view of another, but considering himself truly expert In this matter.
Who can use
Who can use

Parasitic words and their replacement

  • Words that came from another language and have become “ligaments” in sentences, without prejudice to the meaning of what has been said, can be pronounced in Russian. Infinite "OK", often consumed out of place, is quite understandable in the option “good”, “okay”, “It suits me”. If you welcome friends with a slang word "Hai", Try to just say "hello", "hello", "good morning." And those who have only learned from all the wealth of the German language "Forstein", You can recommend saying "understand."
  • Parasites from youth slang are also not appropriate in all situations. If you say about the actress in the theater that she "Cool" Played for it and her "Respect and respect", you are unlikely to understand theatrical regulars. Try to put it as follows in this situation: "The actress played excellently, she worthy of admiration."
  • Words overwhelmed from curses still carry the original meaning, which everyone understands perfectly. Therefore, do not use the word "pancake", after all, in the understanding of the interlocutor, it still remains obscene. And if you instead "Damn, not a load of me" Say “you don’t need to insist”, any interlocutor will perfectly understand you, regardless of the level of his culture.
  • Suscaning in style "Fish", "sun", "bunny" It is permissible only in relation to a small child, in other cases these are typical parasitic words. Such an appeal to each other with strangers looks especially ridiculous and funny. Therefore, it is better to turn even to your most "cat" only by name.
  • "Classic" Word-parasitic "type", word parasite "in short" who have become a real disaster of the modern conversational Russian language. Follow your speech, catching yourself in pronouncing such words and avoiding this if possible. No need to say “tell the teacher that I like I went to the doctor”, instead build a sentence like this: “Tell the teacher that I feel bad and therefore went to the doctor.”
  • Very spoils the impression of your speech and the meaning of what you said "Ekaniya" or "Minker" between words. Than pulling lingeringly "Well-oo", Better to pause for a couple of seconds, for which you will select a suitable word.
  • But such words as "pancake" or "well it" There is nothing to replace, since there is no sense in them. Therefore, they must simply be avoided.

Parasite words: Examples

Probably not to count all such words, because often they become parasites in the context of what has been said. But there are certain examples that should be listed so that everyone can control their speech and think about whether he uses “vain” such parasitic words as:

  • it
  • Exactly this
  • Briefly speaking
  • As if
  • That is
  • However
  • All in all
  • Type
  • Suppose
  • Means
  • Well
  • So
  • Okay
  • How to say
  • Seems
  • Here
  • You know
  • Probably
  • So to speak,
  • Crap
  • In fact
  • Yes or no
  • Basically
  • Understand
  • Just
  • It is hard to say
  • Generally
  • Actually (or actually)
  • By the way
  • Listen (hear)
  • For example
  • Really
  • Specifically
  • Hike
  • As the saying goes
  • Actually
  • Like him
  • All that

This, of course, is far from all, but the most commonly used words and phrases that are parasites, if applied in speech not in their main meaning.

Full list
Full list

Modern parasitic words

  • Among the words-parasites that have appeared in recent years, expressions such as "type", are the leading “Nishtyak”, “as it were”, “real”, “specifically”. All of them were originally slang used in certain social groups. Many words came from films or youth series.
  • And, of course, unfortunately, many “garbage” words arise, the basis of which is non -normative vocabulary. The same "damn", and with it - "EPRST" or "Epere Theater" -This is nothing more than pseudo-adapted by social and cultural standards obscenities.

The harm of parasitic words

It would seem, well, what is terrible in them, in such repeated words-parasites? Of course, they do not carry a deadly threat, but are harmful to the following moments:

  1. The interlocutor, listening to such "inserts", perceives what has been said worse Since a coherent presentation is interrupted, in addition, such parasitic words are unpleasant for hearing.
  2. In parasitic words there is no semantic load.
  3. Using such “weed” words, you emphasize the limitation and scarcity of your vocabulary.
  4. Frequent use of unnecessary words can indicate to the interlocutor that you are worried or simply not confident in yourself.
  5. If you use not easy "E" or "well" To fill in a pause, and interrupt your speech with obscene words, this indicates a low level of culture, which will reduce the number of people who want to communicate with you.
  6. Overloading the speech with additional words in large quantities, you reduce the chances of the interlocutor to understand you.
  7. Parasites are dangerous in that the pronunciation of them often does not notice this, but others draw certain conclusions.
Harmful words
Harmful words

The benefits of parasitic words

  • Of course, parasitic words are not always harmful. Sometimes they are intentionally used to give speech a certain emotional coloring, acting as a kind of marker to emphasize belonging to a particular social layer. In this case, they serve to simplify the creation of the atmosphere of mutual understanding and "Simplifying" speech.
  • In a sense, the use of parasitic words help to think. Saying the meaningless “this, well, like him,” a person at this time selects the right word.
  • Such words, appropriately selected and expressed in time, can in a certain way dissolve a tense atmosphere, serve as a reason for laughter.
  • Add emotional coloring in dialogue, but only if they are expressed as an independent word, and not an introductory.
  • And finally parasite words Often are an element of acting, necessary to embody a reliable image on the screen or on stage.

How to get rid of parasitic words in speech?

It is noticed that most often parasite words They begin to sound at the moment when a hitch, a pause occurs in a conversation or monologue. Most often, this is due to the fact that the speaker does not occur to the right word and, trying to remember him, he involuntarily “fills” this pause with parasitic words. What to do to avoid such a situation?

Get rid
Get rid
  • The best thing really pause Small, in a few seconds. Then you will not distract your memory for unnecessary words, but make her work precisely in the subject related to the subject of conversation. In addition, during a pause, your interlocutor can think about what you said. And, of course, short -term silence will make a much better impression on others than “well”, “this is the most”, “like him” ...
  • Practice. Talk to people, speak at meetings, participate in discussions, thereby improving both the vocabulary and oral speech. It is very important to be more often among intelligent people, to listen to their right speech, taking it for a model.
  • When you are painful choose the right word, Perhaps you are aware of yourself that you are ready to use some word, just to stop a long pause. If you caught yourself at such a desire, hold your breath or take a deep breath. This will help you not use a parasitic word and will give time to find the right word or its synonym.
  • Try to attract friends or relatives to solve the problem. Let them, communicating with you, point to every parasitic word uttered during the conversation. You can even keep records - it will be useful in order to understand how often you abuse this verbal garbage, and draw conclusions. In addition, knowing that you are controlled, you will involuntarily monitor your speech, so this will gradually become a habit. And you can even introduce Film system For each extra word spoken.
Interesting ideas
Interesting ideas
  • Talk without haste and excitement. It is they who “click” thoughts, forcing you to skip from one to another, thereby losing the thread of the conversation or the presentation of the topic. This is doubly good reception, because people perceive calm coherent speech much better.
  • How can it be Read more So you subconsciously perceive the correct meaning of the words and the principles of constructing sentences, enriching your speech and making it correct. Try to retell what you read in your own words, controlling yourself or with the help of friends.

Video: How to remove parasites from speech?

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