How to get rid of boredom at home: ideas, interesting games, classes. Boredom: What to do, how to get rid of, escape from boredom - methods. What can you do at home if it's boring?

How to get rid of boredom at home: ideas, interesting games, classes. Boredom: What to do, how to get rid of, escape from boredom - methods. What can you do at home if it's boring?

What to do when it is boring at home?

A modern person is surrounded by such a dynamic world that, having left with himself alone, he begins to miss. As a rule, in order to get rid of boredom, a person turns on a TV or simply picks up a tablet or laptop.

In fact, if you show a little fantasy, then even at home you can pass the time with fun and, most importantly, with benefit. In our article we will introduce you to several ideas, using which you can not only get rid of boredom, but also spend time with a friend, mother, sister, child and loved one.

Ideas No. 1: Home Hand-Mad: Origami, Kanzashi, Scrapbooking

Home hand-made: origami, kanzashi, scrapbooking

If you are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to study, then try to master the technique of origami, kanzashi and scrapbooking. Yes, at first glance it may seem that all this is very difficult. But if you try a little, you can make a beautiful product with your own hands the first time, which can be presented to a loved one or just use to decorate the interior in the house.

The only thing you should remember that all three techniques do not like inaccuracies. In view of this, it will be better if you do not do everything by eye, but you will try to adhere to all the generally accepted rules.


Origami flower
Origami flower

Origami - This is a special method of folding paper, thanks to which both very simple and very complex figures are obtained. To create such crafts, you need exclusively colored paper, ruler, pencil and stationery scissors. All that you will need to do in this case, carefully look at the drawings placed a little higher and do everything as shown there.

Yes, and remember that in this case it is extremely important to be as correctly and evenly folding a piece of paper. If the resulting line will double or is slightly curved, then the finished product may not work at all, or it will not keep the correct shape.


Production of a flower from ribbons
Flower stitching

Kanzashi - This is the technique of folding satin ribbons, resulting in volumetric flowers that can be used to decorate clothes or make beautiful female hairpins. In this case, for needlework you will need dense ribbons, scissors, glue and an ordinary candle.

In order to make a flower with your own hands, you will have to get small blanks from the tapes with your own hands, scorch their edges above the candle and only after that they can be connected to each other. If you try to do this with a ready -made product, then you will surely damage it.


Scrapbooking: idea for postcards

Scrapbooking -This is another variety of home hand-made, as the basis of which the technique of jewelry is taken with all kinds of materials, for example, paper, fabric, ribbons, beads, buttons and shareholders. If desired, you can decorate a family album, an ordinary cardboard box or box. Also, the technique of scrapbooking is ideal for the manufacture of original congratulatory cards for family and friends. You can see the idea for such a craft a little higher.

Ideas No. 2: Alteration of old clothes for useful things

Another great way to get rid of boredom, try to breathe life into your old things. Surely in your closet there are clothes that you have not wear for a very long time, but at the same time throwing her hand does not rise. If so, then get it out of the closet and start creating it.

Long denim skirt

Production recommendations
Production recommendations

From this one, which is not very fashionable at the moment, you can literally make two short skirts in a certain hour, which can be used to create everyday bows. Such a bottom will look perfect with T -shirts, light chiffon blouses and fitted jackets.


  • Put the skirt on the table and cut in half
  • Next, put everything to the side and make a cardboard template
  • To do this, take thick paper and draw a semicircle on it
  • Cut it and with the help of a chalk draw a wave -like line on the upper part of the workpiece
  • Cut it with scissors and one skirt will be ready
  • Next, take the lower part of the skirt try it on ourselves
  • If required, we shorten the workpiece a little, and then stir it up and, if necessary, suture the width
  • The second skirt is ready

Old jeans

Recommendations for the manufacture of torn jeans
Jeans painting
Jeans painting

If you want to breathe life into old jeans, then you can try to make them a torn model fashionable this season or to paint beautifully. This can be done both special and acrylic paints. The latter fall well on the fabric, but unfortunately, are washed off very quickly. Therefore, if you want to get a thing that you will wear for a long time, then spend on paints for painting fabrics.

As for how to apply the drawing, this can be done in two ways. If you know how to draw well, you can simply apply any ornament with your hands using jeans like a canvas. If you do not know how to draw, then just make a template, attach it to a certain place and paint it in the desired color of its middle. You can see ideas for such creativity a little higher.

Ideas No. 3: Mastering new culinary dishes - recipes

Mastering new culinary dishes - recipes

Some people consider cooking a very tedious activity. In fact, even this process can be fun and easy. Moreover, it is cooking that can help rally all family members. In view of this, try preparing a new dish with one of your loved ones. While the food is prepared, you can chat sweetly, and then have lunch or dinner together.

Chicken in fault

Control components:

  • Chicken - 2 kg
  • Red wine - 1 liter
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Onions - 400 g
  • Timyan - 1 tbsp. l
  • A mixture of peppers - 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter - 90 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Chicken broth - 500 ml


  • Peel the carrots and cut it with a large cube
  • Rinse and cut the bow of the throat
  • Fold the vegetables in a large pan and add all the spices here
  • Rinse the chicken, dry and cut into pieces
  • Shift it to vegetables and mix everything
  • Pour everything with wine and put it pickled for 6-10 hours
  • After this time, take out the chicken from the marinade and dry it again
  • Strain the marinade, and transfer the vegetables that were in it to a clean pan
  • Melt the butter in the pan and fry the chicken on it
  • Move it to a pan with vegetables and fry the mushrooms in the same oil
  • When they are browned, add them to the rest of the products, pour everything with broth and set to stew
  • Fry the flour in the same frying pan and add a little marinade to it
  • You should get a cream -shaped filling of burgundy color
  • Add it to the chicken and simmer everything over low heat 1.5-2 hours

Green peas


  • Green peas - 400 g
  • Tsukini - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dried tomatoes - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Water - 1 liter


  • Put the water on the stove and bring it to a boil
  • Lay in it tsukini and peas, and boil until cooked
  • Remove the vegetables from the water and cross them with the addition of a small amount of broth
  • Pour the oil into a pan and while it will bask, grind the garlic
  • Get it slightly and add everything to the vegetable puree
  • Salt it, pepper and warm slightly
  • At the very end, add crushed dried tomatoes to it and you can serve to the table
  • You can serve such soup with garlic croutons or krutons

Idea No. 4: Decorate the space in the house

Figure No. 1
Figure No. 2
Figure No. 3
Figure No. 4
Figure No. 5

If you have long dreamed of refreshing the interior, but you don’t have enough finances for a fashion design, then you can transform the space with your own hand done. You can try to make new lampshades for the kitchen using ordinary threads and PVA glue. How can you do it correctly, you can see on figure No. 1. If such an idea seems too simple to you, make a coffee table from the old tire and ordinary twine for the living room.

In the picture you can see how you can make the easiest version of this thing. But if you wish, you can additionally decorate it with a bright border or even paint it. Recommendations for the manufacture of a table can be seen on figure No. 2.

Well, those who are not afraid of painstaking work can try to decorate the living space with paper butterflies. From them you can make an air chandelier, a beautiful panel or decorate a picture or a vase with them. You can see ideas for such a decor on Figures No. 3, 4, 5.

Ideas # 5: photo shoot with the closest, selfie

Ideas for poses # 1
Ideas for poses # 2
Ideas for poses No. 3

If you decide to spend time in the circle of your family, then make sure that all those who will be captured in the photo look quite normal. If you make a comic photo shoot, then choose bright clothes with a large number of small details for this. If you plan to create a classic photo that will hang in the living room in the most prominent place, then dress more dead.

Also, do not forget that a good photo needs a bright light. In view of this, if you see that the room is dark, then turn on absolutely all the lighting. If you do not correct this small problem, then in the end the photo will turn out to be too dark and greased. And remember that the most beautiful and natural photos are obtained in nature and at the moment when a person does not particularly look at the camera lens. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to go to the garden, then feel free to go there and arrange a photo shoot there.

Well, at the very end I want to mention poses. Very often, people consider themselves not very photogenic as they do not go well into the photo. In fact, they simply accept unnatural poses and, as a result, get a bad result. So that you do not make such mistakes, we suggest you use our panic pictures that will help you make beautiful photos the first time.

Ideas No. 6: outdoor and board games

Outdoor and board games

If you like constant movement and do not imagine your life without sports, then you can try to play with your loved ones in outdoor games. True, remember that you need to choose them taking into account the physical capabilities of all those who will play with you. After all, if one person will lose all the time, then the mood will be spoiled first with him, and then everyone else.

Crooked track

This game needs a lot of space, so if you have a very small living room, then you will go out and have fun there. So, for starters, draw a wave -like line with a long line with 5 to 10 meters on the ground. Further, an ordinary binoculars are issued to the participant (it should be upside down) and it is proposed to go along the drawn line as correctly as possible. Whoever does it faster and better than the rest is considered the winner.

Races on hand

For this game, you will need two teams consisting of two people. One member of the team becomes on all fours, the other takes his legs, and they begin to move as quickly as possible to a certain point. When the goal was achieved, the team members change places and return back. If you want to complicate the task, you can put a few barriers in the way of their movement, which will need to be bypassed.

Board games:

  • Checkers
  • Chess
  • Monopoly
  • Marrakesh
  • Jenga
  • Backgammon

Ideas No. 7: Learning to crochet and knitting needles - schemes of simple things and soft toys

Knitted skirt
Knitted bolero
Pink pig
Red -haired doll

If you have at least minimal knitting skills, you can try to bind a fashionable bolero or a beautiful skirt for yourself or one of your family members. If such things are so far too complicated, try making your own toy for children with your own hands. The main thing is to remember that in order for the knitted thing to be perfect, it must be knitted with the right knitting needles.

Remember the thinner you choose the thread, the smaller the size should have knitting needles. If you, for example, give preference to thick yarn and you will knit the product from it with thin knitting needles, then you will probably not really get what you wanted. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to knit loops of the same size, which will lead to the fact that the knitted canvas will not be very even and unattractive.

As for knitting directly clothes, the main thing here is, at the very beginning, correctly determine the size. To do this, you will initially need to measure the girth of the chest, waist and hips and only after that proceed to the set of loops. Also take into account the fact that completely natural threads are prone to stretching. In view of this, if you want the finished product to keep the shape well and bears long, then, in addition to natural yarn, use also artificial.

Ideas No. 8: We make souvenirs of sweets, sweets, fabrics, paper and cardboard - ideas

Now we will tell you how to get rid of boredom at the same time and have fun and carefree time with your child. Surely you already know that children love bright things. Therefore, in order to surprise them, you need to make something grandiose, for example, a cake of sweets and sweets, a beautiful paper flower or a soft toy of fabric. Believe me, all these things will delight your child and give you a lot of pleasant joint points.

Ideas for crafts of sweets and sweets

Basket for a sweet cake
Ready cake

In order to make a cake, first you will need to make a cardboard workpiece, make sure that it has dried well, and only after that begin to fix all kinds of sweets on it. But remember, if you want the child to be able to eat this sweet masterpiece in the end, use to create a delicious one that have individual packaging.

As for the fact that it will be possible to glue on the basis, here you will definitely not be limited in choosing. It can be absolutely any sweets, small biscuits, juices, glazed cheese and marmalade.

Ideas for paper and cardboard crafts

Idea No. 1
Idea No. 2
Idea No. 3
Idea No. 4

Ideas for fabric crafts

Idea No. 1
Idea No. 2
Idea No. 3

Ideas No. 9: Make a puzzle with our own hands

Picture No. 1
Ready puzzle

The easiest way to make a puzzle with your own hands, take the picture you like and cut it into squares and triangles of different sizes. After that, you will have to mix everything and you can proceed directly to folding. If you want to make a puzzle that has a more familiar look and shape, then you will definitely need to transfer a characteristic pattern to the picture. You can see it in the picture number 1.

After application, you will also need to take scissors, carefully cut everything and put in a cardboard box. But remember, if you want the drawing to turn out to be as realistic as possible, transfer the lines to the picture with a thin pencil.

If you choose a thick marker for these purposes, then after folding, dark lines will be visible that will spoil the visual perception of the puzzle. Well, if you do not want to bother, then it can simply print the template, which we mentioned a little higher, paint it at our discretion, and then calmly cut it.

Ideas No. 10: We master manicure skills at home

Idea No. 1
Idea No. 2
Idea No. 3
Idea No. 4
Idea No. 5
Idea No. 6
Idea No. 7

Before you proceed directly to the application of the picture, I would like to remind you that well -groomed nails are the main component of the ideal manicure. In view of this, first put them in order and only after that proceed to the creation of the drawing. So, first, clean the nail plate from the old varnish and make a soda bath with your fingers.

When the nails are steamed, carefully remove the excess cuticle, rinse your hands again and let them dry. At the next stage, give the nails the correct shape, be sure to degrease them and only after that apply the first decorative layer.

Video: What to do if boring - 9 ideas

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