How to get rid of acne? Recipes for the best masks to combat acne

How to get rid of acne? Recipes for the best masks to combat acne

It is not difficult to prepare a face mask at home. There are many recipes that can save any skin from acne and acne.

Effective homemade acne masks, recipes

There are many diverse folk recipes that successfully cope with the problems arising on the face. A rash, acne and acne are no exception.

Cosmetics cooked at home
cosmetics cooked at home

IMPORTANT: Cosmetics prepared at home contains natural components that favorably affect the dermis, caring for it and referring treatment in inflamed areas.

For centuries, people have studied the properties of plants and home remedies to invent an effective way of combating acne. So, masks are unusually effective:

  • yeast
  • from aloy juice
  • with honey
  • sodovy
  • from the body
  • gelatin

Home cosmetics is much more useful than that sold in stores and contains chemical impurities. Even the most expensive products from boutiques are sometimes able to cause allergies, irritation, intolerance and complete absence of the healing property on the skin.

Mask - cosmetic procedure
mask - cosmetic procedure

Acne is a disease of excessively advanced pores. It is time - the place of growth of the hair follicle, it provides air saturation with the upper layers of the skin and produces the skin fat, which is released out. Too expanded time clogs with dust, then with mud from the environment. That is why it occurs in it an inflammatory process that hurts neighboring fabrics.

Pimple - skin inflammation
pimple - skin inflammation

It is important to find an effective tool that could carefully cleanse the pores and narrow them in order to avoid pollution.

Masks treatment can be carried out periodically if necessary, or you can introduce an intensive course aimed at full restoration.

Video: "Home masks from acne"

Aloe mask from acne, recipe

Scarlet is an amazing therapeutic homemade plant that used hundreds of years ago. Its juice has the property:

  • remove inflammation
  • clean
  • eliminate bacteria
  • treat
  • heal
Alley - powerful antibacterial agent
alo - a powerful antibacterial agent

Important: aloe juice can be used in its pure form: rubbed on the purified skin twice a day, but it is much more efficient to prepare a mask out of it.

Video: "Alay juice against acne and acne"

How to make a scarlet mask with clay?

To do mask, need have total two ingredient: aloe and cosmetic clay (buy can in pharmacies)e. Remember aloe in porridge, mix with cosmetic clay.

Mask prepared from gray clay cosmetic
mask prepared from gray clay cosmetic

. Such a cosmetic procedure can moisturize even the dry skin, dry individual areas, eliminate excess subcutaneous fat and refresh the face.

Cosmetic clay
cosmetic clay

It is important to know about the necessary condition for aloy storage. Cut the most fleshy leaflets at the rhizome of the plant. They store scarlet in the refrigerator on a side shelf or in a vegetable department, wrapped tightly on paper or a plastic bag. They use scarlet only after two weeks of its storage. It is this condition that guarantees the effectiveness of the product.

Video: "Mask with scarlet and clay for problem skin"

Masking mask mask, recipe

Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge that is dried, rubbed into powder and receive a therapeutic agent for problem skin. The unique properties of the Bodyagi fight:

  • acne (acne)
  • consequences of acne (post -acne)
  • skin inflammations
  • skin pigmentation
  • wrinkles
Bodyaga is fresh
bodyaga is fresh

It is safe to say that Bodyaga is a way to keep the skin of a young and beautiful face. The secret of the Bodyagi in such a substance as silica. It acts at the cellular level, updating the skin layer.

Mask prepared from bodybags in salon conditions
mask prepared from bodybags in salon conditions

Important: Bodyagi masks are suitable for absolutely all types of skin: oily, dry, problematic and combined. The only condition that should be adhered to is the bodybuilder cannot be applied to the skin suffering from purulent inflammations and having open wounds.

Video: “Bodyaga. What problems she fights "

How to cook a masking mask mask?

The recipe for cooking is quite simple, but depends on the type of your skin. If you are not sensitive skin, then mix a few tablespoons of the boodyag powder with hydrogen peroxide. The mass should resemble sour cream in its structure. Those who have dry skin can replace peroxide with ordinary water or vegetable oil.

Powder -cooked masking a pharmacy body and hydrogen peroxide is the best way to exfoliate the skin from the powder.
powder -cooked masking a pharmacy body and hydrogen peroxide is the best way to exfoliate the skin from the powder.

The mask is applied for 15 minutes and then washed thoroughly. It is necessary to moisturize the skin with a donkey procedure. In some cases, redness is possible due to the fact that the Bodyaga “cleaned” the old layer of the skin, so you should not go out and better rest in a home environment.

Important: Mask  should not touch the lips, eyes and nasal mucosa!

Video: "Mask with a body of acne and acne"

Acne mask mask, recipe

A mask of yeast, prepared at home, can work miracles because it contains many useful trace elements that have a favorably affecting the skin:

  • vitamins PP, E, B and N
  • antioxidants
  • minerals
From the yeast you can prepare a wonderful tool that relieves the skin of the face from the disadvantages
from the yeast you can prepare a wonderful tool that relieves the skin of the face from the disadvantages

Important: a properly prepared mask puts even the most problematic skin in order and it turns into velvet. The mask eliminates all inflammatory diseases on the face, acne and post -acne.

Video: “Face is a yeast mask. Features of application "

How to cook a yeast mask?

There are three recipes for the most popular yeast masks of different planes on the skin:

A mask that eliminates the sebaceous discharge and greasy shine:

  • dry or soft yeast - 10 grams
  • warm kefir - 20 ml
  • not fat sour cream - 20 ml

This procedure is capable of giving a matte tone to the skin, get rid of an excessive rash. You need to hold the mask for half an hour, no less.

You can include both live and packaged, dry yeast in the recipe
you can include both “living” and packaged, dry yeast in the recipe

Cleaning mask:

  • yeast (any) - 10 grams
  • tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • a tablespoon of flour

The mask is applied to the face and hold for half an hour. During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure the peace of the facial muscles of the face. Rinse thoroughly with water. The effect of the mask is no worse than from a scrub: the skin breathes, gets rid of old dermis, inflammation becomes less.

Mask from black dots:

  • yeast - 1 bag (dry)
  • boiled water (the required amount)
  • lemon juice
Skin disease: black dots
skin disease: black dots

Video: “Face is a yeast mask. The secret of perfect skin "

Acne mask with gelatin

Gelatin is increasingly used by cosmetic companies in caring cosmetics. All because in his power to treat the skin and save it from various acne, acne and black dots.

Gelatin mask is very similar to film
gelatin mask is very similar to film

Important: gelatin contains a large amount of natural Christmas tree - collagen, which favorably affects the skin.

It is not difficult to cook a gelatin mask. The main thing is to observe the proportions of one to five, where a larger amount belongs to liquid. The composition of the mask can be included as ordinary water, so milk (nourishes the skin) and a decoction of herbs (cleans). Before use, gelatin is necessarily soaked for swelling, and then dissolve lumps in a steam bath.

Ordinary food gelatin
ordinary food gelatin

Black Points Recipe for gelatin mask

  • a tablespoon of gelatin
  • lemon juice
  • aloy juice
  • egg white

Cool dissolved gelatin, add protein to it and a teaspoon of lemon juice and scarlet (one can one). We apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes. We are waiting for the drying and wash off.

Gelatin mask with the addition of activated coal

Excellent pores activated carbon perfectly cleanses:

  • purified water - 50 ml
  • coal tablet (crush)
  • gelatin food - teaspoon

Melt gelatin, mix with ingredients. Keep in problem areas for half an hour, remove like a film.

Gelatin -based mask with the addition of activated coal recipe
gelatin -based mask with the addition of activated coal recipe

Video: “Despitual face mask. The best recipes "

Oatmeal mask mask from acne

Oatmeal are full of B vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin. The oatmeal mask is suitable for any type of skin and is even able to calm the inflamed areas and eliminate acne.

Oatmeal mask is made both from the main component and with numerous additions: essential oils, decoctions, vitamins. It is necessary to apply an oat mask to problem areas, avoiding sensitive areas.


Important: even the most ordinary mask that is prepared by brewing oatmeal with a glass of boiling water is effective. But if you pre -falling a face on a bath of medicinal herbs, you will contribute to a deeper penetration of therapeutic and nutrients.

It is recommended to make a mask in a decoction:

  • a glass of decoction of any therapeutic grass
  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • lemon juice - a few drops
  • aloe juice - one teaspoon (optional)
A cosmetic product prepared from oatmeal is a sure way to get rid of acne
a cosmetic product made of oatmeal is a sure way to get rid of acne

Important: the mask is kept for up to half an hour, washed off with cold water. The juice of aloe and essential oils added to the recipe can moisturize dry skin, and the jojoba oil can calm down.

Video: »Oatmeal face mask from acne"

Egg mask for acne

The simplest face mask that can get rid of acne is eggs. In order to prepare such a mask, you will need only one egg, blender (mixer) and water.

Whipped egg protein
whipped egg protein

It is recommended to use only protein, but if you have too dry skin, you can use the yolk. Cool protein is whipped in the dishes to stable foam. After that, it is applied to the face. You should completely immobilize yourself and lie down until the mask is completely absorbed and dry. It is impossible to move the muscles of the face.

Face mask
face mask

After the mask dries, it must be thoroughly washed off with warm water and moisturized the skin with cream. The pores after the egg masks are narrowed and white, and inflammation becomes less.

Video: “Getting rid of black dots and acne. Egg mask "

Mask with honey and cinnamon from acne recipe

The benefits of honey are difficult to overestimate. Honey is saturated with many useful trace elements that feed all layers of the skin. It is able to have a bactericidal effect, anti -inflammatory and moisturizing. Honey heals wounds and eliminates acne.

Honey and cinnamon - acne agent
honey and cinnamon - acne agent

To prepare a mask with honey and cinnamon, you will need:

  • cinnamon - third spoon
  • sour cream - one spoon
  • honey (any) - spoon

Honey needs liquid, if you have a sugared - try melt it in a microwave (a few seconds). Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. Keep the mask for fifteen minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Video: "Mask from acne and signs from acne with honey and cinnamon"

Aspirin face mask from acne

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is able to eliminate oily shine and treat inflammation on the face if it is added to cosmetic masks. It is worth attentive to the tolerance of this substance. Acting on the dermis, it improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of new cells.

Aspirin tablets
aspirin tablets

Important: such a mask cannot be used too often, since the excessive effect of aspirin on the skin provokes the manifestation of the vascular mesh. Aspirin mask effectively extends the skin, removing all keratinized cells.

Aspirin mask is suitable for those who are tired of fighting constant acne and eels. If you have very dry skin, mix oil in the mask and do not forget to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

Preparation of aspirin mask
preparation of aspirin mask

Aspirin mask can be very simple: to crush the pill and mixing water, get a slurry. Apply it to the problem area and wash it off after 10 minutes. But there are recipes that, in addition to therapeutic effect, have a nutritious one:

  • oat flakes - four spoons
  • water
  • liquid vitamins
  • aspirin
Aspirin mask on the face
aspirin mask on the face

Claires are poured with boiling water and insisted. The interpreted tablet is added to the slurry of flakes. Pour liquid vitamins there - ten drops. Vitamins can be chosen based on your needs:

  • vitamin A - restores the skin at the cellular level
  • vitamin C - slows down aging
  • vitamin E - moisturizes

Video: »Facial mask with aspirin. The best recipes for aspirin masks "

How to get rid of acne at home: tips and reviews

To get rid of acne with the help of traditional medicine - you can! Moreover, recipes created for years are no worse than expensive cosmetics of famous brands, and sometimes even better. Masks from improvised drugs and medicinal plants narrow the time, eliminate sebaceous discharge on the skin, prevent acne and can even remove acne.

Facial mask - Budget Secret of Beauty
face mask - "budget" secret of beauty

Each time you decide to experiment with one of the masks, make sure that you perfectly tolerate the components, because many people have allergies to honey, aspirin or a body. Try to accurately observe the proportions and apply masks strictly to the required areas. You can not use the mask on the zones around the eyes and lips - since this skin is too sensitive.

Regular cleansing and moistening of a face can qualitatively save you from inflamed acne, acne and black dots. The standard course of treatment is one month, after that it is worth periodically arranging for yourself “beauty courses” and arrange procedures as necessary.

Video: "How to get rid of acne, skin care"

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Comments K. article

  1. In addition to masks, it is advisable to use other methods of skin care. For example, retinoic peels help greatly. I definitely make a course in winter. And in other periods I make masks from vegetables, fruits. I add olive oil if I see that the skin becomes dry.

    1. Affairs. Periodically, clay masks ... you can try and add aloe juice ... And what kind of peels are there, Olga? A friend makes glycol, but they seem to be better for dry skin, but I have oily and problematic

  2. I want to also try masks. And then the ointments do not help very much.

  3. Clay mask? Who tried? Does it really help to get rid of acne? My cosmetologist somehow gave me a very important advice, which I used and the result simply struck me. I treated acne from the inside !! Enterosgel took several weeks and really helped. The removal of toxins and toxins from the body is a very important thing, especially if there is acne and acne on the face.

  4. I don’t know, I have already tried a bunch of masks and I clean the body, but still it jumps on my face. And I can’t resist, I can’t resist (((however, after such procedures, the wounds form and so that they heal well, I process them with arhosulfan. This cream is effective, the healing process accelerates, due to silver sulfatiazole in the composition.

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