How to get rid of sleep problems in a short time? Why doesn't a person get enough sleep?

How to get rid of sleep problems in a short time? Why doesn't a person get enough sleep?

What needs to be done to establish your dream?

A full sleep is as important for your health as proper nutrition. Given the intensive rhythm of modern life, there is very little time left for sleep. As a result, many people suffer from a lack of sleep and insomnia. Let's figure out what to do to quickly fall asleep and feel cheerful and rested in the morning.

Why can't a person fall asleep? The reasons

  1. The state of the nervous system. Impressive and overly emotional people are more susceptible to insomnia
  2. Stress. Problems at work or in the family are very difficult to drive out of the head. As a result, you think about it all before bedtime and instead of sleep
  3. Health problems. If a person has a malfunction in the cardiovascular or endocrine system, in the genitourinary sphere, there is some kind of injury or inflammation, all this can cause sleep disturbance
  4. Change of mode. A long move, work at night or shift, a change of clock belt negatively affect the human ability to fall asleep.
  5. Improper nutrition before bedtime. If you drink strong coffee or tea, spicy dishes and alcohol late in the evening, then insomnia is provided to you.
  6. External factors. This includes a new place to sleep, noise on the street or neighbors, too high temperature in the room, bright light outside the window and so on

Medicines for sleeping: for and against

It would seem, why make any efforts on yourself? You can’t fall asleep - take a sleeping pill. But not everything is so simple. Medicines are aimed at eliminating insomnia itself, they will not affect the causes of its occurrence. In addition, there are a number of drugs that are addictive, and soon you cannot fall asleep without them at all.

The most effective medicines for insomnia that do not cause addiction:

  1. Melatonin - The chemical analogue of the hormone of sleep. Sets up the sleeping cycle, has a sedative effect
  2. Donormal - Sedative and sleeping pills make sleep longer and high -quality. A person wakes up fully rested.
  3. Melaksen - It is often prescribed when changing time zones. It normalizes biorhythms, helps to fall asleep quickly and not wake up all night
  4. Imovan - It is used to treat chronic insomnia. Normalizes the mental state, relaxes the muscles and the nervous system, helps to fall asleep quickly

Doctors warn that you can take sleeping pills only according to the doctor’s prescription. Only the doctor will figure out the reasons for the lack of sleep and prescribe a suitable medicine.

Single preparations on herbs are considered the safest. These are infusions of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, hop cones.


Safe ways to fall asleep

It is quite possible to get rid of insomnia without chemicals, it is enough to turn to traditional medicine. But here it is important to understand that folk methods are effective for short sleep problems.

  • Compliance with the regime of the day. If every day to go to bed and get up at the same time, then the configured biological clock will themselves contribute to falling asleep.
  • Aroma oils. Lavender, chamomile and hops oil help to fall asleep. For the effect, 1-2 drops of oil in the aroma lamp are enough
  • Herbal pillows. They can be made independently. Take hop cones, pine needles, fern leaves, mint, geranium, oregano. You can use one type of plant, you can combine several. Dry the greens and fill it with pillows. You can place them on the battery, or you can put small bags with aromatic herbs right under your pillow
  • Tincture and decoction of valerian or hawthorn. Tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy. To prepare a decoction, take 1-2 tbsp. Valerian roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. Several times a day after eating. With this decoction, you can also take a bath, but then the grass needs to be poured 2 liters of boiling water. Similarly, you can prepare a decoction of hawthorn fruits
  • Milk with honey. A warm and sweet drink will instantly relax the nervous system and set you up in the right way

How to prepare a room for sleep correctly? What depends on the quality of sleep?

In order to get enough sleep, it is important not only to know how to sleep, but also where to sleep. What should be the bedroom so that the dream is as healthy and full -fledged?

  • It's good if the bedroom is located far from noisy roads and overly active neighbors
  • In the bedroom there is no place for flowers and flowerpots with a sharp obsessive smell.
  • The color scheme of the room should be calm, pastel, without bright and large ornaments
  • It is advisable to hang blinds or dense curtains on the windows, so you will not interfere with the street lighting, the morning sun or the full moon
  • The most suitable sleep temperature is 18-21 ° C. Before bedtime, be sure to ventilate the room. Fresh air contributes to full sleep, and your body will be able to recover in a shorter time. In the warm season, the window can be completely left open for the whole night, but only make sure that there is no draft

What should be the perfect bed for sleep?

  • After the sleeping room, the turn of the bed came. Let it be of high quality, from natural wood. It is better not to save on this subject of furniture
  • It is advisable to choose the width of the bed based on the size of the room, but it is worth considering some standards for your convenience. If you choose a bed for one, then you will be quite enough for 1 m width. If you sleep with your soul mate, then choose a bed with a width of at least 180 cm
  • Choose the mattress by personal sensations, but it should not be too tough or too soft. Such extremes can cause back pain. The same with pillows, choose those that are convenient for you. Ideally, the presence of an orthopedic mattress and pillows
  • Buy bedding natural, pleasant to the touch, with beautiful drawings, but without bright color spots. Aggressive colors in bed will only annoy

How to prepare for sleep yourself? What can not be done before bedtime?

In order to fall asleep every night every night, try to adhere to several simple rules:

  1. Always adhere to the mode. And on weekdays and on weekends, go to bed at the same time
  2. End an hour before bedtime without a computer, TV or tablet. This will give your nervous system time to calm down
  3. Do not eat before bedtime. Having dinner tightly, you will achieve that the body will be busy with digestion, instead of recovering.
  4. An hour before bed, you can take a warm, not hot bath
  5. In the evening, do not drink invigorating drinks. This is not only coffee, but also black and green tea. It is better to cook a herbal decoction or milk with honey for yourself
  6. Before going to bed, it is forbidden to think about problems and remember the bad. Your brain will digest and think about these situations all night, which can be the cause of a very early rise

Yoga for good sleep: maximum relaxation and sleep

Regular yoga classes help a person control their emotions, increase the reservation and teach to get rid of accumulated negativity.
There are several asanas in yoga that contribute to the normalization of sleep and relaxing the nervous system.


  1. Sit on the floor, straight your legs. Pull your socks on yourself, and press the lower part of the knees to the floor
  2. Take your hands behind the lower leg, keep your back straight
  3. Pull your back forward and up. If necessary, help yourself with your hands
  4. Now relax your back and lower it to your feet. Pull the crown forward
  5. Breathe freely 30-60 seconds
  6. To leave Asana, take the lower back back, bend in the chest and back, raise your head. Very slowly raise your back to a vertical position


  1. Lie on the floor, on your back
  2. Rinse your hands a little along the body with your palms up
  3. Spend 10-20 minutes in this position
  4. During execution, focus on breathing. First breathe deeply, and then - easy and calm

Reading and sleep. Why is it important to read before going to bed?

  • Reading before bedtime is a good habit that contributes to a quick falling asleep. But not all books are suitable for good sleep. For example, thrillers, horrors, books with a tense plot are best left for daylight hours. Before going to bed, do not overload yourself with negative emotions
  • During reading, the nervous system calms down, and the soft light of the nightlight relaxes. The nightlight should be behind your head, so he will not blind his eyes, but the pages will be well lit
  • Read better to sit, lean on the pillow, so the eyes and back will not be overstrain
  • Separately, we note the need to read fairy tales to children before bedtime. This not only accustoms children to books, but also helps to establish a close spiritual connection between parents and children

When to go to bed to sleep? What time is easier to fall asleep?

  • Previously, people lived in the sun. We went to dusk and got up at dawn. Scientists have proven that such a rhythm of sleep is optimal for the human body. But, given the features of modern life, such a regime can be adapted to your personal needs
  • Many biological processes in the body are repeated cyclically. Many scientific research has established that our body is most active from 8 am to 18 pm. Then the decline in activity begins, the smallest level of which is achieved at 21-22 hours
  • Therefore, it is best if you manage to lie down at 22 hours. At this time, you are most relaxed, quickly fall asleep and in the morning you will feel fully sleepy

How to fall asleep quickly: tips and reviews

Ivan: “When he was a student, there was no regime. He fell asleep and got up as it turned out. Sometimes he could have tortured insomnia at midnight, but it really could not be sleeping. Everything settled down when I went to work. The constant regime helped to cope with insomnia. Now I go to bed at 10 pm, I get up at 6 in the morning full of strength and energy. ”

Maria: “I had a habit of bringing problems home from work. The whole evening pondered them, I was looking for solutions. Often it was lying without sleep for a long time. As a result, the eternally irritated and tired. Even with her husband scandalized. But on vacation everything worked out, no problems disturbed me, the dream was getting better, and my husband reconciled. Therefore, now I leave the work at work, and in the evenings I enjoy communication with my family. ”

Natalia: “I am a very emotional person, and I always had difficulties with falling asleep. Different methods help me: my husband makes a light relaxing massage, sometimes I take valerian or motherwort, and warm milk with honey also helps. ”

Video: How to fall asleep quickly? The expert says

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  1. in order for the dream to be good, not alarming, it is necessary to relax and let all the pressing problems of the day out of the head so that they do not pretend you in a dream. Herbal decoctions help for this very well. You can make them yourself, you can buy ready -made fees. Evalar has good soothing bio tea, for example. I take evening, before going to bed, he relaxes very nicely

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