How to get rid of spiders in an apartment, a private house, in the yard, on the street in a greenhouse? How to process a house from spiders?

How to get rid of spiders in an apartment, a private house, in the yard, on the street in a greenhouse? How to process a house from spiders?

Methods of getting rid of spiders.

In total, the population of spiders has more than a thousand species, but only a few are able to adjourn with people. There are very few such arthropods, and they are all not poisonous. These are absolutely harmless insects, which are attracted to heat and enough food.

What are the spiders in the apartment, house?

There are not many reasons why arthropods climb into housing to people. Often the reason for the settlement of spiders in the apartment is the change in the weather on the street and a lack of food.

The reasons for the appearance of arthropods in the house:

  • Autumn time. In the offseason, the temperature on the street gradually decreases, and many insects strive to move into warmer rooms.
  • High humidity. A lot of spiders love moist housing. That is why insects can be found in the bathroom or in the toilet. They are frequent guests of the cellars and cellars.
  • The presence of food. Spiders feed on midges, flies and cockroaches. Therefore, if you have a lot of spiders in your house, that is, smaller insects.
  • Antisanitaria. It is in houses, where they are infrequently cleaned, flies and cockroaches are starting. And this is food for arthropods.
What are the spiders in the apartment, house?
What are the spiders in the apartment, house?

How to get rid of spiders in an apartment, a private house, how to treat a house from spiders?

There are a lot of folk recipes and chemicals to get rid of these insects. The choice of one or another means of struggle depends on the conditions in which you live. Do not use chemicals and powders if a child or pet lives in the house.

Types of means to get rid of spiders:

  • Chemical. These are a variety of poison and poisons. They can be sold in the form of powders or liquids. Apply to the usual habitat of insects.
  • Folk recipes. To get rid of spiders, substances are often used that smell strongly. These are vinegar, essential oils.
  • Ultrasonic repugctors. The action of the apparatus is based on a sound that a person does not hear, but insects feel perfectly. They just leave housing.
How to get rid of spiders in an apartment, a private house, how to treat a house from spiders?
How to get rid of spiders in an apartment, a private house, how to treat a house from spiders?

Boric acid from spiders

This available substance can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is very inexpensive. To get rid of insects, use a solution.


  • Pour a bag of boric acid into a small bowl and pour 1000 ml of warm water
  • Subure the fabric in the solution and wipe all the corners and places where you noticed the web
  • Weekly treat with boric acid. Spiders do not die from her, but leave housing
Boric acid from spiders
Boric acid from spiders

Dichlophos from spiders helps?

Now few people use dichlophos. This is due to the fact that the drug smells terribly and very poisonous. In this case, the risk of poisoning when inhalation of vapors is high.

Instructions for the use of dichlophos:

  • Close all windows in the house, bring children and pets
  • Spray all corners, skirting boards and dark places with aerosol. Also process the areas where you noticed the web
  • Close the door in the room for 5 minutes. After that, open the windows and ventilate the room
  • After 3 hours, carry out wet cleaning and wash off the remaining poison
Dichlophos from spiders helps?
Dichlophos from spiders helps?

How to get rid of spiders in the house with folk remedies?

There are a lot of folk remedies to get rid of arthropods.

Folk remedies:

  • Essential oil of mint. Spider does not tolerate the smell of this plant. That is why dissolve a few drops of oil in warm water and spray in the habitats of insects.
  • Vinegar. This matter of arthropods also do not really complain. Dissolve 20 ml of vinegar in 1000 ml of water and rinse the angles, skirting boards and walls with the resulting solution.
  • Reeds. It is necessary to cut off several stems of reeds with brooms. Tie the stems into the broom and remove the web. This broom perfectly removes dust and presses small spiders.
How to get rid of spiders in the house with folk remedies?
How to get rid of spiders in the house with folk remedies?

How to get rid of spiders in the house forever?

It is quite difficult to get rid of arthropods, but you can use several methods that will help minimize the appearance of insects in the house.

Ways to get rid of spiders:

  • Street all the cracks. Use the mounting foam or alabaster to cover the cracks in the wall, near the window and doors.
  • Carry away wet cleaning. Be sure to wash the corners and skirting boards with a solution of vinegar or boric acid.
  • Turn off the light in the room if you often come out of it. Spiders do not like light, but midges and flies love. It is these insects that attract arthropods.
How to get rid of spiders in the house forever?
How to get rid of spiders in the house forever?

How to get rid of spiders in a greenhouse?

It makes no sense to get rid of the arthropod greenhouse. After all, these insects help you and destroy midges, slugs and flies that eat your crop. Spiders themselves do not eat plants.

Instructions for combating spiders in the greenhouse:

  • Use special tablets
  • Plant mint on the site
  • Spray plants with special solutions from insects
How to get rid of spiders in a greenhouse?
How to get rid of spiders in a greenhouse?

How to get rid of spiders on the windows outside?

Spiders often settle in the corners of the frame outside the house. This is absolutely normal, as they are attracted by midges and flies that fly into the light. To combat insects, you can use a solution of kerosene, ammonia and bite. They need to process window frames.

Instructions for the preparation of solutions:

  • Kerosene. A tablespoon of substance is diluted 2000 ml of water
  • Vinegar. Dissolve 50 ml in a liter of warm water
  • Ammonia. Dissolve the bottle of pharmacy ammonia alcohol in 1000 ml of water
How to get rid of spiders on the windows outside
How to get rid of spiders on the windows outside

How to get rid of spiders in the yard, on the street?

Basically, chemicals are used to get rid of spiders in a private house. But remember, do not carry out processing during plant flowering. You can scare away or poison the bees that pollinate your flower beds or gardens.

Chemicals to get rid of arthropods:

  • Drione Dust
  • Demon WP
  • Cynoff EU
How to get rid of spiders in the yard, on the street?
How to get rid of spiders in the yard, on the street?

How to get rid of the spiders of the crosses?

Many believe that the spider-cross is very dangerous. In fact, this spider is not dangerous for a person. Such spiders are found in Astrakhan and warm latitudes. With a bite, an allergic reaction is observed, a slight increase in temperature and aches in the body.

Ways to combat crests spiders:

  • Mint. Put a saucer with a small amount of mint oil in the corner. You can soak a piece of cotton wool with mint oil
  • Vinegar. Place near places where insects often live, a saucer with vinegar.
  • A vacuum cleaner. From time to time, collect the web with the spiders with a vacuum cleaner
  • Use insecticides
How to get rid of the spiders of the crosses?
How to get rid of the spiders of the crosses?

It is quite difficult to get rid of spiders. Remember, getting rid of flies and midges, you will deprive the spiders of food and they will leave your housing.

Video: Get rid of spiders

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Comments K. article

  1. Regarding chemicals, I can advise one good option. This is the spray "AROX". I was convinced of his effectiveness on personal experience.

  2. Tell Yuri, where did you buy this spray, if not a secret? I can't find him

  3. Olga, this is a spray

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