How to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the summer toilet with chemical, biological means and folk methods

How to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the summer toilet with chemical, biological means and folk methods

Ways to get rid of the smell in the country toilet.

The smell in a country restroom is a fairly common problem that fans of suburban areas faces. The fact is that the smell is a mandatory companion of toilets in connection with the decomposition of organic substances. In this article we will tell you how to eliminate the stink in the toilet.

Ways to combat the smell in the summer house


  • Chemical
  • Folk
  • Biological

There are many ways to fight. The simplest is the correct installation of ventilation. But most often, few people think about ventilation during the construction of the restroom. Accordingly, you can take care of this directly after construction. It is necessary to make a hole in the very box of the cesspool, install the pipe and take it about 80 cm above the roof. The approximate height of the pipe should be 3 m from the ground level.

Now the pipe must be painted black. This needs to be done so that on sunny days it heats up, it works on the principle of ventilation. That is, the products will rise up due to heating the pipe.


How to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the summer toilet with folk methods?

In addition, there are a lot of folk ways to eliminate the fetid smell in the restroom.


  • Sawdust. After each visit to the restroom, it is necessary to fill in the drain hole about one piece of sawdust
  • Ash. Similarly, after visiting the restroom, it is necessary to pour the mug of ash. This will impede the appearance of a fetid ombre
  • Nettle, tomato or potato top. It is necessary to fill up about 2 kg of potato or tomato top once a week in a week

These methods are folk, but they clog the cesspool. Accordingly, it will have to be cleaned more often.

The restroom in the country
The restroom in the country

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor in a summer toilet with chemicals?

Therefore, you can cope with the stink, using special chemical reagents.

Chemical drugs based on inorganic substances:

  • Nitrate. They accelerate the process of decomposition of feces. But their price is quite high, not every summer resident can afford such a manipulation. Such funds include: Deo Tural, Devon-N.
  • You can also cope with unpleasant ombre ammonium reagents. Their price is much lower, the principle of action is similar with nitrates. They also decompose feces with the elimination of stench. Ammonium includes BIOSAN.
  • In addition, one of the chemicals is chlorine lime. The price is the lowest, affordable, but at the same time one of the lowest efficiency. At the same time, the reagent is quite aggressive. You need to use it very carefully. Please note that it is used ineffective lime, it falls asleep into the cesspool and prevents the appearance of a stench.

The fight against the smell in the country toilet with biological means?

In addition to all these methods, there are very interesting, unusual, so -called biological methods. These are tablets or concentrate, can be sold in liquids that contain special microorganisms that decompose feces and help get rid of stench.

Please note that biological preparations, which include bacteria, must be used in certain conditions. That is, in early spring or late autumn, it is useless to use them, because they begin to work at a temperature above 0 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then bacteria simply die, respectively, this method is ideal for spring and summer, as well as at the very beginning of autumn. The most common and proven are Dr. Robik, SanEx, Micopan. All these substances are made in the form of tablets or liquids. The consumption is minimal, only one tablet is required by about 1 cubic meter of organic substances.

Using biological substances, it is necessary to carefully treat the state of the cesspool. Please note that now any chemicals cannot be drained there, because they will contribute to the destruction of biological microorganisms. Therefore, bacteria can die. In no case do not pour water here after washing or some chemical processing of plants. Over time, the amount of feces in the cesspool when using biological reagents decreases. The action will be noticeably in about a week. It is after this time that the fetid smell almost completely leaves.

Cesspool liquid
Cesspool liquid

Peat fillers from the smell in the summer toilet

At the moment, the use of peat fillers is the best option for eliminating the stench in the country restroom. The most interesting thing is that from the cesspool, it will not be necessary to pump out the feces and take them out. Such fillers turn feces into compost. They consist of peat, lime filler, which eliminate the smell, loosen bowel movements, and eventually turn the mixture into compost.

Thus, you will receive absolutely free fertilizers for the garden from your own bowel movements. The method is quite good, because it completely eliminates the stench in the summer cottage. At the same time, it will be of great benefit. When using such additives, feces very quickly turn into compost, much faster than standard waste reputing.

Country toilet
Country toilet

The most optimal option for eliminating the stench in the summer toilet is the combination of methods. That is, it is best to establish a ventilation system, use chemical, biological or peat fillers in order to get rid of the stench.

Video: Daching toilet without smell

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