How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of legs at home? Folk remedies for the smell of legs

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of legs at home? Folk remedies for the smell of legs

The smell of legs is a fairly common problem with which almost every person has met. In this article, we will describe in detail the means that help get rid of this problem quickly enough.

  • The body of an adult is covered with a large number of sweat glands, most of which are on the limbs. In addition, bacteria are present on our skin, which intensively multiply and in the process of their life a rather specific “aroma” appears
  • It is because of this that the legs begin to publish not quite pleasant smell, which reduces quite strongly the quality of our lives
  • After all, if the legs sweat quite strongly, then just a couple of hours after leaving the house they begin to smell too good and itching, and a person has to either endure or look for a secluded place where you can lead a hygienic procedure
  • But the worst, increased sweating can provoke the development of a fungal infection, which is unlikely to cure care products
  • Therefore, it will be better if you try to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible or at least reduce its manifestation to a minimum

How to process the legs from the smell?

Deodorizing agent
  • If you have a not very pleasant smell of legs, then the first thing you should do is learn to conduct hygienic procedures correctly

Try to wash your legs at least twice a day, and after the ablution procedure, process them with ointment, which will block the selection of sweat

  • Of course, she will not remove the problem itself, but you can still feel more comfortable in public for sure
  • In addition to this ointment, you can also use other means that will not only flavor the skin, but also disinfect them

Foot processing tools:
• Deodorants-antiperspirants
• Dry powder
• Starch
• Setarine powder
• Pasta Teimurov

Folk remedies for the smell of legs

Treatment with folk remedies requires patience
  • There are a lot of people not even trying to treat excessive sweating, they simply regularly treat the skin of the limbs with aromatic properties and continue to do their everyday affairs
  • Of course, this helps to disguise the unpleasant odor of the legs for some time, but after the deodorant begins to disappear, you have an even more specific aroma

Therefore, this method of combating sweating is best used in extreme cases.

Better try to find time and process dermatological surfaces using folk remedies. Although such treatment will take a lot of time, but as a result you can, in general, forget what the smell of legs is.

  • All that you must remember when you prefer folk remedies is that the procedures should be regular. They must be done even if it seems to you that the specific aroma does not disappear anywhere
  • Usually somewhere after 5-6 the procedure the work of the sweat glands begins to normalize and sweating gradually disappears

Boric acid from the smell of legs, how to use?

Boric acid
  • Since boric acid has anti -info, anti -bacterial and disinfectant properties, it is widely used to eliminate the smell of the legs
  • Most often this tool is used in the form of solutions that are used to rinse or accept the foot baths
  • Boric acid in the form of powder is best applied to dermatological covers in unnecessary form
  • And if you do not have time or you simply do not want to mess with the preparation of therapeutic solution, you can always buy ready -made products made on the basis of boric acid in a pharmacy

Methods of using boric acid from the smell of the legs: a bath with boric acid and lemon, vinegar

• Bath with boric acid and lemon from the smell of the legs. Take a spacious basin, fill it with warm water and add boron and citric acid to it, solve everything in the liquids well and lower your feet there. If desired, you can cover your legs with a towel. Hold your legs in the solution for at least 20 minutes, and then take them out and get wet from excess moisture. It is best not to wipe the feet dry, but to let them dry naturally. Do this procedure every evening before bedtime for three weeks

• Home lotion from the smell of legs. So, take a 4% solution of boric acid, cologne with a pleasant smell and natural apple cider vinegar. Mix all ingredients in the same proportions and pour the resulting liquid into a hermetically closing container. Apply the therapeutic lotion to pre -peeled skin 1-2 times a day

Feet baths from smell of mint, milk, black tea

Therapeutic bath
  • We all know that sweating is a completely natural process that our body needs to regulate the temperature indicators of the body

Sweat itself does not have a sharp and specific smell, because in its most part it consists of water. But the bacteria that live in it provoke the appearance of a not very pleasant “aroma”. This problem is especially aggravated in the warm season, when our limbs begin to overheat and sweat regularly.

  • Special baths can help you get rid of this problem

Useful bath recipes:

• Mint - nettle bath. For its preparation, both dry and fresh leaves of plants can be used. So, take the crushed leaves and stems of mint and nettles, pour them with boiling water and let them brew. When the liquid changes its color, it must be filtered and added to the water for the procedure. Hold the legs in the healing fluid for 15-20 minutes, and then take it out and wipe it dry. Repeat the procedure every day for a month

• Tea bath: This treatment method is considered the most affordable. All you need to do is to buy high -quality black tea, brew a fairly strong tea leaves from it and add it to the water water. Tannins that are in teaspoon will kill pathogenic microorganisms, narrow the pores and reduce the amount of sweat secreted

• Military bath. Narrow fresh milk, chop and boil it in the water. In the resulting liquid, get the limbs, and then rinse them with a warm salt solution and let it dry naturally. Repeat manipulations 2-3 times a week

Iodine from the smell of legs: recipe

Foot odor treatment with iodine

Another rather effective method of combating the smell of legs is considered to be all familiar iodine.Most often in pharmacies it is sold in the form of a solution, which, as a rule, is added to water for hygienic procedures.

RECIPE: Try to prepare a therapeutic agent of a small amount of iodine 2-3 ml, 1 liter of water and 10 g of sea salt and rinse their limbs after you are washed out. Such a simple, at first glance, manipulation will allow you to quickly eliminate the unpleasant aroma and will contribute to a decrease in sweating.

RECIPE: Grate the feet with glycerin and densely grease with a 5% solution of iodine. After that, put on socks. Repeat these actions 2 to 3 times. The effect will not be long in coming.

But still, although this method is considered quite effective, it has some contraindications.
If you, for example, have urticaria, dermatitis or furunculosis, then you better not use iodine for treatment. This can aggravate the condition and so inflamed dermatological covers.

Oak bark from the smell of legs

This is what oak bark looks like

Constantly wet feet and not very pleasant smell of legs cause a sufficiently strong discomfort. Usually, such a person always tries to keep a distance with the surrounding people thinking that they will not notice his small problem.

But no one can hide it for a long time, so it will be better if you do not mask the smell of aromatic substances, but try to get rid of it once and for all. It will help you do this oak bark.

Ways to use oak bark from the smell of sweat of the legs

• Rinse tool. Take the bark, pour it with water and boil for 5-10 minutes. As a result, you should get a fairly dark and concentrated decoction. It needs to be diluted with water and rinsed with clean legs

• Bathwood. Prepare a decoction of the bark, cool it a little, and then add a propolis tincture and natural honey to the resulting liquid. Add the medicinal product to the bathroom water and keep the feet in it for 15-20 minutes

Salt from the smell of the legs

  • Absolutely every adult knows that salt kills almost all known bacteria. Therefore, it can also be used to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the legs
  • But for treatment, it is necessary to use the table salt that is not familiar to us since childhood, but English (bitter) or, for example, marine
  • They contain much more astringent substances that contribute to drying dermatological covers and do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply
  • Most often, solutions for rinsing and healing baths are prepared from salt

Essential oils from the unpleasant odor of the legs: patchouli, cypress, tea tree, mint, chamomile, coniferous

We get rid of an unpleasant odor with essential oils
  • Another popular method that quickly eliminates the smell of legs is essential oils
  • Substances that are in these therapeutic agents quite well kill all specific aromas, normalize all the metabolic processes that are in the skin, and also have an antimicrobial effect
  • All this can significantly reduce the amount of sweat secreted, which is the main habitat of bacteria

Essential oils that help get rid of the problem:
• Oil patchouli, cypress and tea tree. Have antifungal and aseptic properties
• Mint oil. Cooling the dermatological cover of the foot quite well
• Oil of chamomile, pine and juniper. Get rid of unpleasant odor and reduce sweating

Soda from the smell of legs

Foot soda

Soda can become a faithful assistant to a woman in the fight against an unpleasant odor emanating from her feet. Soda solution has anti -inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing effects.

All this allows him to effectively fight bacteria, normalize the balance of the pH of the epidermis, absorb odors and reduce the secretion of skin fat.

The recipe for therapeutic bath: Take soda 5g and 5g salt in equal parts and thoroughly dissolve them in 1 liter of warm water. Follow that the liquid is not hot, too high the temperature will reduce the beneficial properties of soda.

Lower it into the mortar of the foot and leave them there for half an hour. After this time, take your feet out of the basin and let them dry. You need to do this procedure every day for 30 days.

Furatsilin from the smell of sweat of the legs

The tablets must be dissolved in water.
  • With regular use, this is an inexpensive tool in just a few days will be able to normalize sweating and will help eliminate the not quite pleasant aroma
  • This antimicrobial drug is most often sold in the form of yellow tablets, which must be dissolved in water and use it for rinsing or foot baths
  • Unpleasant odor compresses from furatsilin solution also help to eliminate well
  • But do not leave it on the skin for more than 15 minutes, because if you overexpose the compress, then the skin will dry out greatly and you will have to fight with this problem

What are folk remedies from the smell of legs: tips and reviews

Folk remedies will help to cope with the unpleasant smell of legs

Although in any pharmacy you can find ready -made products that help eliminate the smell of sweat, some people prefer home decoctions, lotions and ointments. Both women and men love them for accessibility and ease of use.

But when buying a folk remedy, monitor it has an extremely positive effect on the skin, if it contains sufficiently aggressive substances, that is, the probability that such a treatment will lead to a violation of the sweat glands and a slowdown in metabolic processes.

Means that can be used to treat the odor of the legs:
• Talc
• ammonia
• Antibacterial soap
• kvass powder
• Bura
• Ginger root
• Sage

Antona: For a long time I struggled with an unpleasant odor of my husband. They tried almost all pharmacy funds, but did not achieve a positive result. As a result, I had to try to treat the feet with folk methods. We chose soda baths. They did them regularly once a day for 6 weeks. At the weekend they tried to do in the morning and in the evening. Somewhere after a month, the problem began to disappear, and after another two weeks disappeared in general.

Veronica: And I eliminated the problem with the help of essential oils. I added them to the water for hygiene procedures, made medicinal baths and compresses. About 3 weeks later, the smell began to gradually decrease. But most importantly, such treatment helped remove the smell from shoes. He disappeared immediately after sweating normalized.

Video: Stink their legs. What to do if you stink?

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  1. My husband is busy, and I have a job, a house, children. There is no time to prepare funds from the smell and sweating of his legs, but there is a way out. I buy my husband a ready -made form gel in a pharmacy, and it uses it once a week. Convenient, and the procedure does not take much time.

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