How to get rid of debts: conspiracies, prayers, rites

How to get rid of debts: conspiracies, prayers, rites

How to get rid of debts? Where to get the strength to change the situation? How not to get into debt again? Do you know these questions? Then this article is for you.

If your financial pit is so great that you do not see a way to get out of it, then your consciousness (your rational “I”) is no longer able to solve the problem. This is bad news.

The good news is that you have a subconscious (irrational “I”), which operates not with numbers and facts, but more thin matters: faith, intuition, sensations and emotions.

The subconscious mind is very susceptible to esotericism (unknown and inexplicable from the point of view of logic). It is able to catch the necessary energies and transfer them to the consciousness in the form of a chain of logical and consistent actions.

Therefore, in some cases, appeal to folk and religious rites can help in solving very specific material problems.

What is important to remember when conducting rituals and conspiracies

Conspiracies and rituals are folk ritual formulas developed for centuries. They affect a person’s subconscious, they cannot be used for fun or without a special occasion.

The very word “dialect” according to ancient Slavic etymology comes from “go” - “world of gods” and “thief” - “to penetrate, enter”, that is, the word denotes the penetration into the world of spirits. This is communication with thin matters, and you need to communicate with them respectfully so as not to harm yourself even more.


Rules for conducting rituals from debts

  1. Rituals are carried out on the arriving moon if you want to increase your well -being or attract positive matters into your life
  2. Rituals are carried out on the waning moon if you need to get rid of the undesirable circumstances of your life
  3. It is very important to sincerely believe the effectiveness of the ritual, try to invest as much internal energy in it as possible
  4. It is also important that your thoughts during the ritual are clean, and desires do not harm anyone
  5. When you ask the universe in business, focus on the problem, and not on the ways of solving it. Perhaps there are such solutions that you are not aware of. Try not to limit the universe in choosing ways to fulfill your desire
  6. The greatest force for women have conspiracies made on the "female" days of the week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Conspiracies from debts

Drug conspiracy to water

Seven -day conspiracy to get rid of debts

The ritual is carried out in the morning during washing, on an empty stomach. Take a glass of clean water, whisper the following conspiracy on it:

“The water is fast, the water is clean, you flow where you want, you always find the road, fill the earth with yourself, never impoverish. Let me wash you, get your best, help me feed, indicate the way to free yourself from debts. ” Then three times wash your face with a glass of glass, drink the remaining water slowly.

The conspiracy must be carried out for 7 days on the waning moon.

Conspiracy on the egg

Conspiracy from debts to the eggIt happens that debts are karmic in nature and stretch from their ancestors. If someone in your family was dispossessed or at once lost great wealth, more than one generation can be haunted by lack of money and financial problems. In this case, a plot for an egg will help. Take a raw chicken egg and three times whisper such words on it:

“A white egg, a white face, an angel bright answered me:“ Evil people of you, the servant of God (name), bypassed your money. I will help you, I’ll be charming. ” The wings over me, so that no one was a sore. Evil trouble, the slander and slandered the wing, put the country to Dubov in one hundred centuries. Whoever comes from evil will not find the doors in my monastery. That country is standing, the angel flies over it. I am under the angel, I'm not afraid of anyone. Amen, Amen, Amen. " After that, break the egg into a glass of water, stir with a knife clockwise and pour it into the toilet, saying: "I give someone else's, I take my own."

Rituals to get rid of debts

Ritual to get rid of debts in the full moon

Ritual to get rid of debts in the full moon

You will need 4 candles, candlesticks or saucers, a knife with a wooden handle, a piece of pure white fabric, thirteen coins of one denomination, a handful of salt, a natural thread of green color (wool, cotton, silk, linen). The ritual is carried out to the full moon, at midnight.

Put the lit candles in the candlesticks or saucers on the floor in the shape of a square according to the cardinal points. Then, turning clockwise, say individual words to each candle. Start with the eastern.

  • "Sir-east, let the breeze blow, blow me in the windows, will be stuck." Bow to the eastern candle and turn to the next
  • "South-hearted friend, help in business, burn all my debts." Bow to the south
  • “The West-star, help from the West, will return to me,” will return to me. ” Worship the West
  • "North is cute, give me strength to not ask for debt." Worship the north

After that, leave the square (let the candles burn out), go to the windowsill. Cut a piece of fabric in half with a knife, pronouncing the following words:

"I do not cut the fabric, I cut off my debts from myself."

Turn the money into one half, in the other - salt. Tie the fabric tightly to get two small bags. Tie the bags with a green thread among themselves and take it into a hidden place until the next full moon. Candles should burn to the end. The remaining wax should be assembled together and washed off with water into the sink, saying

"I give someone else's, I take mine."

In the following ritual, the full moon, take out the fabric bags, preferably, in the dark, take them away from your home. Find a wasteland or a deserted place where no one will turn your bags, leave under a tree with words

“I give my debts, forgive strangers, I cleanse everything with salt, I get out of the need, I pay off in coins, let it be like that.”

Now leave without looking around. Do not talk to anyone on the way home. Save the ritual secret.

Ritual of debt burning

Ritual of debt burningYou will need a sheet of paper and a pen, matches and a bowl for burning.

  1. Write on a sheet of paper a list of all your creditors indicating the exact amount of your debt
  2. While you write the names, draw a positive picture of how you give out debts, how your creditors rejoice in the money received, and your debt burden becomes less and easier. It is very important to present these paintings in a positive way, to feel freedom and ease with the whole body
  3. At exactly midnight, set fire to the sheet simultaneously from the four corners. It is important that the sheet is completely burned. If for some reason it was not possible to burn the list to the end, the ritual must be started again
  4. Watch how the leaf is on, what amounts and lenders are burned first.
  5. Throw the ashes from burned paper into the open window. Try so that the ash particles do not fly back into the room

Ritual to attract money

Ritual Cash boxBuy, or better, make a box with your own hands. Inside, put paper bills and coins of different advantages, you can in different currency. This will be your personal magic item to attract money. Each new moon read the words over the box:

“Like you, a caste, a little casket, on the table, so my, the slaves of God (name), the money was firmly sitting in the wallet, did not look at the side. Till the end of time. Amen".

Each new moon needs to be placed in the casket of money from a new profit, in return to pick up the old one, which must be spent the next day.

Prayers from debts

Orthodox prayers from debtsOrthodox prayers help believers in getting rid of hardships. The Orthodox Church does not welcome conspiracies and pagan rituals. If this is important to you, use traditional prayers.

You can pray to your saint-patron (whose name you wear), or special saint-patron in certain troubles. It is important to remember several rules when making a prayer:

  • If it is difficult for you to read canonical prayers in Church Slavonic, you can turn to the saint in the language in which you think and speak in ordinary life. Prayer is primarily your personal conversation with God
  • During prayer, it is necessary to focus on words and thoughts, not being distracted by external factors. Do not spread “Thoughts on the tree”, do not try to blame all the misfortunes at once, but ask for help in a specific problem
  • Do not want other people in the prayers of punishment, do not complain about the offenders, speak only about yourself and your actions
  • Do not be verbose, but be sincerely. God hears our hearts, not our words. Simple “Lord, have mercy!”, Said from the bottom of the heart, there are sincere hundreds of words spoken in the bustle
  • Remember the words from the Gospel from Martha: “By your faith, you will be given. Ask, and it shall be given you; Look and find; Knock and open to you; For every requester receives, and the seeker finds, and will be opened to the beetle. "

What saints can pray with debts and lack of money

Saint patrons with debts and lack of money

  1. Saint Spiridon Trimifutsky helps with difficulty in material affairs, in matters with housing and debt burden
  2. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, one of the most revered Orthodox saints, helps the poor, mourning, and is also considered the patron of merchants and merchants
  3. St. Ksenia of Petersburg helps in solving complex everyday problems and gaining stability
  4. The Holy Prophet Elijah helps families in food, and also contributes to all the lost and confused in the exit from a difficult situation

How to start earning

A necessary condition for attracting money is your own efforts. What method of getting rid of debts you resort to, do not sit, in anticipation of a miracle. Do not give up, even if you consider yourself a complete loser. Here are some tips.

How to overcome disappointment

How to overcome disappointment from debts

  1. Do not blame yourself of this situation. Mistakes are an integral part of our life. Feeling guilt takes a lot of energy that you are now so necessary for changing life for the better
  2. Take your debts as useful experience. Analyze all the steps that brought you to the financial hole, make a table of two columns. In the left side, write a list of the “how you should not do”, in the right column opposite each action, write an alternative “how I will do it next time”. Thus, you will draw conclusions and release the situation from your life
  3. Take as a fact that our life consists of ups and falls. Even the most successful and wealthy people experienced moments of complete collapse. Your test is the beginning of a new, more successful life
  4. If you have done the first three steps qualitatively, you are ready to turn the mountains. Where to begin? From scratch in a notebook

How to start moving towards money

How to start moving towards money

  1. Formulate the solution to your problem (what should the situation become so that it stops disturbing me?). The wording should be extremely clear, expressed in specific numbers and results. Wrong: "I want to earn more." That's right: "I want to earn 50 thousand rubles a month." Write down your decision
  2. Sovele the deadlines for solving the problem. Terms also need to be expressed in specific units of time - days, months, weeks. Do not allow yourself to put things off for tomorrow. If the terms in the future have to be adjusted, do this in extreme cases and for objective reasons. Enter the deadlines in the notebook
  3. Describe a step -by -step action plan, for example: “On Monday, make a good resume. On Tuesday, see all vacancies on the site and send a resume to 5 employers. On Wednesday, see vacancies on the website and write letters to the next 5 employers. ” Break the plan into small steps. The more details the plan, the easier it is for you to adhere to it. Try to foresee different scenarios
  4. As soon as you solve the first problem, go to the second. It is important to continue to conduct a notebook in order to develop the habit of thinking specifically, and act effectively
  5. Do not forget to listen to intuition and events around you. Perhaps while you have made plans, your magic ritual is already starting to act, and something in your life is changing for the better. Be prepared to accept these changes

Other ways to avoid debts

Rules for the conservation and increase of monetary energy

Rules for the conservation of monetary energy

  1. Avoid the manifestation of disrespect for money: "Not in money happiness", "100 rubles are not money." If you dropped the coin, do not be lazy to bend to be raised
  2. Do not refuse gifts. If you are given from a pure heart, accept the gift with gratitude to the giving and universe
  3. Money is energy. Any energy does not like stagnation. Money needs constant movement "came and left." Do not refuse to receive additional money. Do not regret shopping. Let go with joy, accept with gratitude
  4. Do not deposit money for a rainy day. Do not earn to pay debts. Formulate a positive goal: “I am smoking to buy an excellent thing”, “I make money to free myself from a loan”
  5. Keep the money in order. Do not shit bills, do not scatter a trifle in your pockets and bag. Get a beautiful wallet, put all your money carefully there and try to know exactly how much you have in your wallet
  6. Spend the money reasonably. You should not save every ruble, you can not scatter with money to the right and left. It is better to observe the middle ground and try to spend money for good deeds
  7. Love and respect any work. Do not grind when you have to pay for someone’s services, do not try to deceive the money of a person. Do not let others deceive themselves
  8. Refuse the psychology of the poor man. It's not about reckless expenses, but about your internal attitudes associated with money, for example: “I have no money forever”, “I cannot afford it.” Try to formulate the problem so that it is temporary: “I will have money for this a little later”, “I will buy it at the first opportunity”
  9. Do not tell people about their income, especially boast of money. It is better to avoid discussing your financial affairs. The fewer people know about them, the less chance of getting negative energies of envy or condemnation from outsiders
  10. Earn money with joy. When your method of earnings causes negative emotions, money will also not bear positive. If there is no way to change the work, find positive aspects in it and concentrate on them
  11. Set up with 10% of the amount of each income. Money is striving for money, let your well -beam rush to you with even greater force. It is important to remember about paragraphs 4 and from time to time to spend part of the accumulated money (but not all) on some joyful purchases
  12. Give part of the money for donations. When you help others disinterestedly, the benefit returns to your life many times (not necessarily in the material form). It is important to sacrifice with a pure soul and one who really needs your help. Do not engage in charity, do not sacrifice more than you can. But try to invest even in a small amount of a piece of heart heat
  13. Burn money wisely. Do not chase expensive things in order to amuse your pride. But do not spare money for what will greatly facilitate your life or can benefit in the future: for example, quality training or good technology
  14. Do not forget to pamper yourself and loved ones from time to time. In the end, you earn money not for the sake of money, but in order to be able to live the life that you dream about

Think positively and enjoy prosperityAnyone can change their life for the better. The main thing is to use all the means available to us to achieve the goal. If you are confident in your success, strength and well -being, it is these energies that you attract in your life. Think positively and enjoy prosperity.

Video: how to become rich

Video: Code of attraction of energy energy

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Comments K. article

  1. Good day to you! Tell me here, the ritual from debts with candles, on the candles can be done by reading on the sheet ??? Not by heart.
    Sincerely Inna

    1. Can. The main thing is not to go astray and pronounce the verbal formula without changes. And be sure to take active actions itself. "Hope for God, but do not blur yourself." Good luck and a speedy solution to problems!

  2. Assistance to individuals and legal entities to repay any debt, at any stages, legal support in court. Questions to the mail

  3. Useful article. Everything is written correctly) I believe that it is necessary to develop the financial literacy of the population of the CIS countries. It will be interesting to everyone how to get rid of debts. The more financially competent people will be, the richer the people in our country will be))

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