How to get rid of wild bees in a summer cottage, in the wall and under the floor of the house? How to get the bees out of the house?

How to get rid of wild bees in a summer cottage, in the wall and under the floor of the house? How to get the bees out of the house?

Ways to combat wild bees in the country.

Wild bees often settle in abandoned gardens, as well as old houses and sheds. They bring a lot of inconvenience for summer residents, especially if they have small children. The bee bite can cause serious allergies. In addition, wild bees interfere with beekeepers in summer cottages that install their own hives. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of wild bees in a summer cottage.

How to get rid of wild bees in a summer cottage?

Please note that if the bees settled near your home on the trees, you should not panic. They are usually not particularly aggressive or collecting nectar, are engaged in the production of honey, very rarely attack people. Therefore, if they do not cause you any inconvenience, there is no need to remove the nest. The difficulty lies if the hive was installed directly on a residential building or shed.

In this case, you will have to get rid of the nest, because the bees can penetrate the house, fly in it. In this case, it is advisable to call professionals. If there are apiaries near the summer cottage, invite the beekeeper in order for him to lure the bees. The fact is that many of the beekeepers specifically catch the swarm in order to cultivate them, dominate, and make them become useful.

Thus, you will not have to destroy insects, they will remain alive, bring a lot of benefits. You can try yourself as a beekeeper yourself, build a hive, catch the bees with special traps, and enjoy delicious honey. If you do not have time for such classes, you will have to destroy the hive. It happens that near the house, a swarm of bees is attached directly on the wall.

Wild bees
Wild bees

Do not rush to disperse them. The fact is that most often these are insects that have flown from their nest, which threatens something. For several days they have been looking for a refuge. The wall for them is a place to relax. Most likely they will not settle there, they are looking for more calm places in which few will disturb them. They rarely prefer residential buildings, usually settle on trees or near agricultural land. How to get rid of the bees in the wall of the house, under the floor of the house?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to get rid of directly from the bee nest. It is best to do this in the evening, when the bees of bees are carried out home, or at night, when the workers are sleeping and more or less sluggish.


  • First you need to put on a protective suit, dense gloves, as well as a grid that protects the face.
  • In advance, you need to purchase a remedy for allergies just in case. Because many people simply do not know about allergic reactions to bee bites. This is a fairly common phenomenon. You will have to borrow a smoke from beekeepers or make it yourself from spruce branches and a tin can.
  • Bather fuel and bring the smoke to the nest. Fucking of bees is carried out in order to become lethargic and are in no hurry to actively fight you or rush to bite.
  • After fumigation, it is necessary to pour or pour into the nest prepared insecticide, which you bought in advance in a storehouse for gardeners. After that, the entrance to the hive closes.
  • It is necessary to rent a bee housing and place it in a large, canvas bag, tie and take it away from your home.
  • Please note that the place in which the bees settled is distinguished by a certain smell. Therefore, after a while they can return to their housing.
  • To prevent this from happening, the remnants of honey and nectar must be cleaned. The surface of the house is completely treated with turpentine, potassium permanganate solution or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Such measures will help to eliminate the smell that attracts bees and will impede the further distribution and construction of the hive in this place.
Wild bees
Wild bees

How to withdraw bees out of the house: an overview of insecticides

You can fight bees by growing special plants in the summer cottage, which are poisonous and unpleasantly smelling. Many insects fly to the flowerbed for a delicious nectar of colors, which is very annoying summer residents, is some danger.

Remember that bees are good pollinators and contribute to the appearance of seeds, fruits in the summer cottage. Without these insects, the crop would be in doubt. Therefore, if they do not bother, are not dangerous, do not attack, then there is no need to remove their nests on trees near the house. If you do not like that bees fly on a flowerbed, you can plant plants that scare them off their smell.

Please note that before starting the fight against bees, you need to make sure that this is precisely these insects. Because near residential buildings they are very fond of setting hornes, as well as wasps. These insects are more warlike than bees can attack just like that, for no apparent reason. Bees usually do not touch anyone and friendly enough if you do not pose a danger to them. Rarely, the bees settle and make their hives within the walls of a residential building.

Bees in the country
Bees in the country

In this case, we categorically do not recommend covering the entrance to the hive with a cement mortar. The fact is that such manipulations will lead to the fact that the bees will begin to look for a way out on the other hand, and it is possible to spread throughout the house. What will be a real invasion for you. Therefore, in this case, we recommend that you contact a specialist or use insecticides.

If nearby near the summer cottage there are bees that are clogged in a wooden barn, then these are bees-seals. They are not dangerous for people, but dangerous enough for wooden buildings. Because the holes are extorted in them. In this case, it is also necessary to use insecticides.

List for bees for bees:

  • Aktellik
  • Arrive
  • Mosquito

You can also use pre -Mestos. We recommend immediately pour the solution into a beehive bee, and then tie a bag on top. Only then it is worth carrying it out. If the hive is on the wall of the house, we recommend putting on the bag on the hive before you cut it. The fact is that some hives can weigh up to 40 kg, so it will simply break during removal from the wall. The bee swarm will fly around, you will not avoid bites, because insects will be very belligerent.

Bees at the nest
Bees at the nest

Bees are friendly, healthy insects that can become a source of delicious honey. Therefore, we advise you not to kill bees, but to invite a friend of a person who can cultivate them and transfer them to a prepared hive. In this case, they will be able to benefit.

Video: Wild bees in the country

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