How to use bee dug for joints? Ointment, tincture, decoction of joint for treating joints

How to use bee dug for joints? Ointment, tincture, decoction of joint for treating joints

Ways to use bee screens for the treatment of joints.

Beeswill is a magical remedy for the treatment of many ailments of bone tissue. It contains a huge number of those products that insects produced during their lives. This is nectar, honey, wax, pollen. In addition, the submissive contains a small amount of bee poison, as well as chitosan. Simply put, a submore is dead insects, dried, chopped into powder. In this article we will tell you how the submore is used to treat joints.

The benefits and composition of the bee scaffold

As a suburbs, you should not use the workers that you found in the tray immediately after the winter, that is, in the spring. The fact is that in the winter the bees are mostly weak enough. They are not suitable for the manufacture of a suburbs, because most likely such bees are carriers of viruses, as well as bacterial infections. It is allowed to use only those insects that died in the summer during an active honey collection. It is they who are healthy and die a natural death.

Of the dead insects, you can prepare not only tinctures, decoctions, but also sparks. To do this, it is necessary to fill the three -liter jar with dead insects by about one third and pour hot water, but not boiling water. The temperature should be approximately 70 degrees. Next, close the jar with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave until completely cooled. Only after that is fluid filtering. Similar solutions are used in order to maintain heat in the area of \u200b\u200bsick areas. For this, dense tissue is impregnated with a warm solution, applied to the sore spot and wrapped with a blanket or terry towel. The term of stay of such a sparks in the affected area should be approximately 20-30 minutes.

Raw materials
Raw materials

You can use the submore in several ways. First you can prepare tincture or special ointment. Compresses are made from such drugs. Podor acts a healing way, in addition, it has an anti -inflammatory and warming effect. Accordingly, such drugs can even be treated with old problems. It is worth noting that osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, and other joint diseases can be cured by a crush.

During the honey collection, the bee works and lives an average of 30-35 days. Such a short period of life is explained by the fact that the insect works intensely, is engaged in the collection of nectar. In addition, insects feed larvae. Accordingly, in the winter, the life expectancy of workers is much larger. That is why it is recommended to use only those insects that die in the summer, during the period of active flowering of plants and the collection of nectar. Those insects that live in winter and you will find dead in the hive in the spring in the spring are not used for the manufacture of ointments and drugs.

Many insects die in the winter and early spring due to the fact that their intestines accumulate a huge number of processed substances, from which they cannot get rid of due to the lack of flying and warm weather. Therefore, it is during the period of spring flying that the bees are emptied, thereby cleansing their intestines. That is, the bees that you found dead in the spring can die from diseases. In their intestines, a huge number of processed substances that may contain viruses, bacteria that provoked the death of insects.

Puffed insects
Puffed insects

Freising tincture for joints

The tincture is prepared independently at home.


  • For her you will need 20 g of raw materials and 200 ml of alcohol, and its fortress should be above 60 degrees
  • Accordingly, you will have to purchase medical alcohol in the pharmacy. A tablespoon of raw materials is filled into a dark glass bottle poured with alcohol
  • After that, the container is closed with a dense plug and is placed in a dark place for 3 weeks. At the same time, it is necessary to shake the bottle every day so that the raw materials rise up and completely give all its nutrients to the solution
  • When 3 weeks pass, and the setting will be ready, it is necessary to strain through gauze

Compresses are made from this liquid, as well as lotions. It is necessary to impregnate a piece of gauze with this substance, squeeze and attach to a sore spot, wrap it with a towel or elastic bandage. Leaving such lotions at the very beginning is necessary for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure 3 times a day. If there are no allergic reactions, you can gradually extend the compress on the skin for up to 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Magic remedy
Magic remedy

Bee with bee screenshot for joints

The fact is that from this raw material you can easily make a warming ointment. It is done quite simple.


  • For manufacture, you will need a tablespoon of dead insects, 20 g of petroleum jelly or butter, as well as 30 g of propolis
  • For the production of the medicine, it is necessary to melt a piece of propolis in a water bath and enter a petroleum jelly
  • After that, dead insects are passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a coffee grinder to a powder state
  • All this is introduced into the fat mixture, is thoroughly mixed and poured into banks

It is necessary to store the substance in the refrigerator. Before applying the product to the affected area, it is necessary to warm it a little. A thick layer is applied to a sore spot, wrapped in an elastic bandage, a towel. This must be done in order to maintain heat directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sore spot. Keep the compress for 30 minutes. In a month, you can significantly reduce pain.


Baths for joints with bee screens

Dead insects can be safely used for cooking a bath. It is very effective for back pain, as well as joints, which is associated with hard physical work.


  • To prepare a bath, 35 g of crushed insects, pour 550 ml of boiling water and hold in a water bath for about 5 minutes
  • After that, the mixture is filtered and poured directly into the warm bath
  • Water must be drew up to about half. The procedure should take no more than 5 minutes by duration
  • After that, you can gradually extend manipulations and lie in the bathroom up to 15 minutes
  • Such procedures are carried out no more than 2 times a week. They are quite effective, help reduce pain, and also stimulate muscle relaxation, reducing joint pain

Please note that not everyone can use a submore for the treatment. Beekeeping products are strong allergens, therefore, before applying a thick layer of the product, on the sore joint, we recommend that individual samples. To do this, a small amount of the drug is applied to the wrist, wrapped with a bandage. Leave for about 12 hours. If during this time you did not have irritation, or redness, you can safely use this remedy for treatment.

Dead insects
Dead insects

Passing for oral administration

Passes are often used orally. For this, tinctures are prepared from it, as well as decoctions. Tincture for oral administration is prepared in another way.


  • It is necessary to grind 35 g in a coffee grinder and pour 400 ml of 40 degrees vodka or diluted alcohol
  • Leave the mixture for about two weeks, carefully shake every day
  • After that, the liquid is filtered, it must be taken on a teaspoon three times a day

It is advisable to do this after eating. The best results can be achieved using the combination of internal, as well as the external use of bee scam.

Joint pain
Joint pain

Please note that it is better to carry out preventive courses in summer and winter. Because exacerbation is usually observed in the fall and spring.

Video: Passes from the joints

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, and where to get it? Especially when you live in the city ... although in fact why. Without it, I was able to cope with pain and crunch perfectly)) I drink Honda Drink's courses. There is a collagen in the composition, and a lot of something else useful. +Of course, I try to move more, so that the lubrication of the joints is always. It turns out quite enough))

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