How to use a dandelion for face and hair? How are the leaves, roots, flowers and dandelion juice in cosmetology useful?

How to use a dandelion for face and hair? How are the leaves, roots, flowers and dandelion juice in cosmetology useful?

For those who like to take care of their face and hair with the help of folk remedies - recipes of drugs with a dandelion.

Many women use natural remedies for appearance, despite the existence of a large number of cosmetics manufacturers. One of these funds is dandelion.

The use of dandelion in cosmetology

Dandelion is considered a weed, but it has many useful properties.
Dandelion is considered a weed, but it has many useful properties.

Many perceive dandelion as a weed, its "plantation" can be observed in the fields, in the gardens, in the parks and courtyards of living houses. But since ancient times, its useful properties were known.

Important: for the manufacture of cosmetological drugs for the skin, hair and nails, all parts of a dandelion are used: petals, stems, leaves and roots

Such widespread use is due to its complex and useful composition, which includes:

  • essential oils
  • organic acids
  • bitterness (Taraksacin and Taraksacerin)
  • kholin
  • rubber
  • resins
  • vitamins (A, B1, B 2, B 3, B6, B 12, D, E, K)
  • elements of the Mendeleev table (boron, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, others)

In summer and autumn for home caring procedures, you can use fresh plant materials from dandelion, but autumn and winter can be dried.

Important: to use for skin and hair the dandelion that grows in the city near a high -rise building is unlikely to be possible. You need to collect the plant in environmentally friendly places where it does not absorb exhaust gases and emissions of large industrial enterprises

To care for the appearance, such dandelion preparations are used:

  • juice
  • powder
  • decoctions
  • infusions
  • essential oil
  • hydrolat

VIDEO: Dandelion therapeutic properties and contraindications

What is a dandelion for hair?

Dandelion is used for complex regular hair care. Drugs based on it:

  • treat alopecia
  • they treat seborrheic dermatitis
  • eliminate dandruff
  • eliminate the oily hair
  • nub hair
  • give the hair shine and volume
  • accelerate hair growth
Dandelion is used for regular hair care and their treatment.
Dandelion is used for regular hair care and their treatment.

Acting on the scalp, roots and rods of hair, drugs with dandelion:

  • accelerate blood microcirculation
  • accelerate cellular metabolism
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands
  • strengthen the hair follicles
  • cook keratin scales of hair rods

Hair dandelion roots and flowers

The simplest remedy with a dandelion that can be used to ensure that the hair is healthy, smooth and obedient, this is powder.

The roots and leaves of dandelion are most often used in drugs caring for hair.
The roots and leaves of dandelion are most often used in drugs caring for hair.

RECIPE: Shampoo with dandelion powder
It is necessary: \u200b\u200bdry raw materials from dandelion - inflorescences, stems and leaves.

  • The dried aboveground parts of the plant with a coffee grinder or mortars are crushed to a powder state
  • The resulting powder is added to shampoo or balm, which are used regularly (1 hour of a spoon per 100 ml of cosmetic agents)
    Dandelion infusions are also used to rinse hair and as a component of the mask
  • At the same time, dandelion can be used both by the only component of the home care drug, and in combination with other plants that have a favorable effect on the hair

RECIPE: Hair rinser

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bfresh crushed ground parts of dandelion - 1 cup (if dry - 0.5 cups), water - 2 l.

The vegetable drug is poured with water and insisted for 40 minutes. After washing the head with ordinary shampoo, an infusion for rinsing hair is used.

RECIPE: Oil mask of dandelion roots to give the hair softness

Need: the root of the dandelion is chopped - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, olive, almond oil or oil from sprouted wheat - 200 ml.

  • The crushed dandelion roots are placed in a glass opaque container, poured with oil, closed and insisted for two weeks
  • After the oil is filtered. During use, rub it into the scalp and row it along the entire length of the hair
  • Hold for 20 minutes and washed off with a decoction of chamomile or water acidified by lemon juice

RECIPE: Mint and dandelion from baldness, to stimulate hair growth

Need: crushed dandelion leaves - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, crushed mint leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 0.5 l.

  • The herbs are boiled in boiling water for a quarter of an hour. When the decoction has cooled to 60 degrees, honey is added to it
  • Moisten the hair with a decoction, put on a plastic cap, insulated with a towel
  • After an hour they wash their heads without shampoo

Moisturizing, cleaning and anti -aging masks from dandelion

Dandelion masks can improve the condition of the skin of the face.
Dandelion masks can improve the condition of the skin of the face.

If we talk about facing face, and here dandelion is a universal remedy. Preparations based on it are used for:

  • skin nutrition
  • moisturizing the skin
  • whitening of the face, aligning his tone, the fight against pigmented spots
  • elimination of acne
  • rejuvenation
  • improving the contours of the face
  • narrowing of pores and stabilizing the work of the sebaceous glands
  • healing of the wounds

Face dandelion ice

Cosmetic ice from decoctions of herbs is used to tone the skin, improve capillary blood flow, narrowing of the pores, eliminate sebaceous shine and glossy luster.

Cosmetic ice with a dandelion tones the skin of the face.
Cosmetic ice with a dandelion tones the skin of the face.

The ice is prepared in this way:

  • from 0.5 kg of fresh leaves and dandelion stems squeeze the juice
  • dilute it with mineral water 1 to 1
  • added to the drug 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil
  • pour the drug into an ice mold
  • placed in the refrigerator

The ice of the ice from the dandelions is wiped the face, but so that continuous contact with the same area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face is not longer than 3-4 seconds.

How to smooth out the sagging of the skin with a mask with a dandelion?

The mask from dandelion will nourish the skin of the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances, make the skin of the face more even and elastic, smooth out small age and facial wrinkles. In addition, the skin of the skin will become brighter and healthier.

RECIPE: Creamy-honey mask with dandelion for flabby aging skin.

Need: fresh chopped dandelion (leaves) - 1 tbsp. spoon, liquid honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, fat cream - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, egg yolk - 1 pc.

  • The components of the drug are thoroughly mixed
  • Application on a previously cleaned face is made for 15 minutes
  • After you can wash yourself with water or a decoction of chamomile

Whitening the face with juice of dandelion. Facial masks based on dandelion from age spots

To get rid of pigmentation on the face, whether freckles or age -related dark spots, you can use a lotion, an alcohol infusion or a masque from a dandelion.

Dandelion preparations fight with age spots on the face.
Dandelion preparations fight with age spots on the face.

RECIPE: Whitening lotion from dandelion flowers

Need: Dandelion flowers - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry or 4 tbsp. tablespoons fresh, water - 0.5 l.

  • The decoction should boil for half an hour
  • After it cools down, you should strain it
  • Cotton wheels are moistened in the broth and wipe the face with them
  • The procedure is repeated twice a day

RECIPE: Dandelion Mask

Need: Dandelion flowers - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry or 4 tbsp. tablespoons fresh, castor oil - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, olive oil - 2 tbsp. tablespoons.

  • The oils are mixed, a crushed dandelion is poured into them
  • The drug is placed in a water bath for 1 hour, but so that it does not boil. The drug is allowed to cool
  • The mask is applied on the face with a thin layer for 15 minutes
  • If during this time it is not completely absorbed into the skin, washed with water acidified by lemon juice

RECIPE: Dandelion infusion on cologne from pigmentation on the face

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bdandelion (all parts crushed) - 1 cup, cologne or vodka - a glass.

  • In the glass, the dandelion is poured with alcohol -containing liquid, left for 10 days to infuse
  • Before use, it is diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1 part of the infusion to 2 parts of water
  • Twice a day wipe the face with cotton pads moistened in a diluted infusion

Important: such an infusion is not suitable for dry and thin skin, since it dries strongly

Video: Effective tonic and lotion from pigmentation and wrinkles

How to use dandelion in cosmetology: reviews

Dandelion preparations in home cosmetology are used by women of all ages. In reviews, the caring properties of this plant are praised.

Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone. Many people have an allergy to the plant, which is expressed in:

  • redness and eye redness
  • itching skin and eye
  • nasal congestion
  • sneezing

Before applying a cosmetic drug with a dandelion, you need to make sure that an undesirable reaction will not occur to it.

Video: Facial dandelion. Dandelion mask. What is a dandelion useful?

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