How to use peppermint oil for hair? Useful properties for hair oil mint

How to use peppermint oil for hair? Useful properties for hair oil mint

If the hair has lost its former strength, lost shine, women use various masks based on natural products, herbs. In this article you will learn about the useful effect of peppermint on the structure of the hair.

Almost everyone has heard about such a panacea as peppermint oil. In addition to a pleasant aroma, this oil has many useful properties and is used to treat various kinds of diseases, in cooking, cosmetology.

We will talk about how to use mint oil to improve the condition of the hair. We will study the recipes for useful compositions with this aromatic malady.

Useful properties of hair mint oil

To date, the cosmetic market is full of various expensive hair care products. But there are funds that are much cheaper at a price, and the benefits of them are the same as that of expensive balms, masks, and curls.

Aromamaed peppermint
Aromamaed peppermint

Thanks to the useful composition essential oil of mint favorably affects the hair, scalp.

  • Strengthens their structure, because oil contains: potassium, iron, sodium, zinc, calcium, magnesium. There are also vitamins in aromatic oil: A, s, pp, B6, B1, B2, B9, B5
  • Has a cleansing effect, eliminates the epidermis, curls from increased fat content
  • It copes with itching if there is irritation of the skin of the head, because mint oil has a calming effect
  • Hair restore its previous properties, ceases to be brittle with regular use of mint oil
  • Due to the content mentol After using the oil, a persistent, cooling effect is formed, especially this gives a pleasant sensation in the summer
  • The condition of the hair bulbs improves, the microcirculation of blood in the skin increases
  • After several aromatic aromatic procedures, hair becomes healthier, their growth increases
Mint oil for hair
Mint oil for hair

Use of hair oil oil

The essential oil of this plant has a tonic, soothing, restorative effect on the hair, scalp tissue. But it is very important to observe accurate proportions when using it and take into account that the aromatic oil mint has contraindications.

It is not recommended to use concentrated mint oil:

  • if you have an allergenic reaction to menthol, mint or sensitive skin, before starting procedures with this product, do an allergy test
  • if you are pregnant, then also refuse to use the etheric product, also do not use oil for GV
  • do not apply it to children who have not yet been eight years old
  • you should not make masks at night either, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep then
  • carefully use it for hypotension, aromaticoma reduces pressure
Mint of the hair
Mint of the hair

How to use mint oil

To improve the appearance of curls mint concentrate can be used in four ways:

  • combing hair with a special wooden comb, with a few drops of aromatic aromas pre -applied to its teeth
  • make masks on the hair, skin
  • add three drops of mint oil to your shampoo, then just wash their head
  • after washing the hair, rinse hair with water with concentrated oil
Peppermint - hair benefits
Peppermint - hair benefits

What hair is suitable for mint oil?

The oil of this natural potion can be used for different types of hair. The main thing: to choose the right composition of a mask with this aromatic mushroom, which will have a good effect on a certain type of strands. After all, auxiliary components (infusions, lemon juice, honey, eggs and others) have an additional effect on the structure of fatty, dry, split, normal curls.

Hair masks with mint oil
Hair masks with mint oil

IMPORTANT: Do not apply mint essential oil to the skin of your head in its pure form. This product can be used only in the composition with other, less concentrated components.

Mint oil for oily hair

To remove excessive fat content on your strands, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin, make hair mixtures of the following composition:

Recipe:Pour two yolks from fresh eggs into the glass bowl, pour a small spoon of lemon juice, five drops of oil (mint) there. Beat the consistency. Then it can immediately be applied to the hair for 22-30 minutes. At the end of the process, rinse the hair from the composition with shampoo, warm water.

Mint oil for oily hair
Mint oil for oily hair

Cleaning mask with white clay to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp tissue

Recipe:Take 40-50 milliliters of water, five drops of mint concentrate, add clay to a small amount, stir the mixture, gradually adding white clay to get a soft dough. Then add boiling water 30-35 grams, mix the mixture. Let the dough stand for half an hour, then apply to dry hair, wash your head thoroughly after 23-32 minutes.

Mask for cleansing hair with mint oil and white clay
Mask for cleansing hair with mint oil and white clay

Mint oil for dry hair

To get rid of dryness, brittle hair, consistency is prepared according to the recipes below.

Composition with mint oil and burdock oil

Recipe:Take the Oil-Sosnov (two large spoons), in our recipe is burdock oil. Dright the aromatic aromas with peppermint (three drops) there. Stir. Make a mask on the curls, put on a warm towel, hold 36-40 minutes.

Aromamaed peppermint. How to cook a mask for dry hair
Aromamaed peppermint. How to cook a mask for dry hair

Recipe:This consistency will save you from dryness, brittle hair, dandruff. It is enough to take in a pharmacy castor oil, measure two large spoons, add two or three drops of mint essential oil there. As in the previous recipe, apply to curls, provide heat for forty minutes, then wash off.

Mint oil for split hair

To moisturize the hair and save it from split ends, you need to do procedures for rinsing it with ordinary water with mint essential oil. It will be good to influence the structure of the hair, masks for dry curls, which we talked about above.

You can also prepare a mixture of oil oil, essential oil, use the consistency twice a week, then the problems with the split tips will cease to bother you.

Recipe:For a nutrient composition, take a lot of jojoba, coconut, heated slightly in the bathhouse, drip three or four peppermint drops there, mix, make the mask for two hours. At the end, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and rinse with warm water.

Mint oil from split ends
Mint oil from split ends

Mint oil for normal hair

For normal hair, ordinary mixtures of oils-axles (burdock oil, olive is not enough, a joke oil, ordinary vegetable oil) with mint aromatic oil are suitable. The proportions of these compositions are as follows-two large tablespoons of one oil oil and four to five drops of essential oil.

Masks for normal hair with mint aromatic
Masks for normal hair with mint aromatic

Important: make such masks in a certain order. Before mixing with aromatic, slightly heated slightly in the bath to 40 ° C, only then add mint essential oil. Apply the mask to dry hair, then put on a plastic cap and insulate the hair. Keep the composition for 40 minutes, at the end just wash your head well.

Mint oil for hair growth

To ensure active growth, you need to pay attention to the scalp, nourish the hair bulbs with a useful composition. For this, all of the above masks for strands are suitable. It is also good if you wash your hair with shampoo with the addition of a few drops of fragrant oil mint in it. So 500 milliliters of shampoo should be drunk with five drops of mint oil.

Mint flavor for hair growth
Mint flavor for hair growth

Rinsing hair with mint oil, benefit

It has long been our great -grandmothers knew how to cook mint oil on their own and successfully used it to rinse hair. Hair acquired a form, as after the use of expensive cosmetics.

Recipe:It is necessary to take fresh, clean mint leaves, place in a bag, beat them with a wooden hammer. Transfer the resulting gruel into a glass jar, pour with warm oil oil. Let it stand for a day in a dark cool place. Then strain and squeeze the leaves of mint, and add fresh, beaten mint to the remaining oil. So do it three times. At the end, put the resulting filter in the refrigerator. This is an ideal environment for its storage. Shelf life is one year.

Aromaticoma of peppermint - with your own hands
Aromaticoma of peppermint - with your own hands

Recipe: To rinse the strands, you need to take a cup of water, make a decoction with two tablespoons of ordinary peppermint, then strain it and add two drops of mint oil there. After washing the hair with shampoo, rinse it with a prepared solution.

Rinsing the head with mint oil solution
Rinsing the head with mint oil solution

The use of mint oil with benefit for hair: tips and reviews

Personal components are perfect for use at any time of the year. Indeed, thanks to the unique property of mint oil in the summer, you will feel the cooler effect on curls, and in winter, on the contrary, warming. Another aroma should be used with caution, because - this product can cause irritation and, when caught in the eyes, severe burns.

How to use mint oil for curls correctly
How to use mint oil for curls correctly

Video - Mask Mask

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