How and how much to sterilize the lids for rolling up with an elastic band, screw, twisting, nylon? Sterilization of the covers in the oven, slow cooker, double boiler, microwave

How and how much to sterilize the lids for rolling up with an elastic band, screw, twisting, nylon? Sterilization of the covers in the oven, slow cooker, double boiler, microwave

Instructions for sterilization of lids for sunset.

Despite the fact that already autumn, the workpiece season has not yet been completed. In some warm regions of Russia, tomatoes and beets still continue to bear fruit, as well as some fruits and vegetables. We will help you with sterilization and disinfection of the lids that are used to roll up the blanks.

Types of covers

Please note that there are several varieties of covers that are used for workpieces for the winter.

Types of covers:

  • Glass covers. Many housewives believe that they have outlived their own, because almost now they are not on store shelves. The principle of operation is very simple, they are reusable, they must be boiled before sunset. They are closed with a special clamp.
  • Screwing lids with threads. In fact, they are disposable, but most often housewives use many times. They are also covered with special paint and are worn only on those banks that also contain a thread.
  • Ordinary tin lids for sunset. They can be two types: yellow and silver. Gray covers are uncovered with a layer of varnish. They interact faster with conservation, especially with the one that contains a variety of acids. Thanks to this, the lid is covered with rust from the inside, which can often be observed after you open a jar with cucumbers or tomatoes. Therefore, all vegetable salads, as well as blanks of cucumbers and tomatoes, are recommended to roll with yellow lids, which are covered with special varnish or paint. It prevents the interaction of metal with the ingredients of the workpieces.
  • Plastic covers. They are unusual, that is, not those that are sold for glass cans. Such lids just do not pull on the workpiece. For stretching, they are previously heated in very hot water, then stretched on the neck. After cooling, they compress, which prevents the penetration of air into the workpiece.
Blanks for blanks
Blanks for blanks

How and how much to sterilize the screws for rolling screw, twisting, nylon?

Sterilization options:

  • Depending on which covers you use, the method of sterilization is selected. Now there are a lot of methods that are associated with the use of new fashionable devices, mainly multicooker, double boiler, microwaves. Yes, indeed, ordinary plastic lids, that is, kapron or glass, can be easily sterilized in the microwave. To do this, a large bowl is filled to half with water, the lids are immersed in it and placed for several minutes in the microwave. The same manipulation can be repeated on the stove. Thus, as a result of boiling water, the lids are disinfected.
  • Another option of disinfection is the use of chemical reagents. For these purposes, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. The water should be light pink. Apply a solution of furatsilin or medical alcohol. These reagents are absolutely harmless to the body in small quantities, and do not require temperature exposure. Thus, rubber will not melt, which will not contribute to the destruction of the gasket.
  • Usually tin lids without rubber bands can be safely sterilized in the oven. This method is ideal if you sterilize cans with this method. That is, banks are installed on the lattice itself, and a metal baking sheet with lids spread evenly on it is installed under the bottom. Thus, the lids must be sterilized for no more than 10 minutes. Heating is allowed to 150 degrees in the oven, no longer worth it. Please note that in this way it is impossible to sterilize the lids with elastic bands, because they will simply be tilted. Therefore, if you have tin lids for rolling up using a special key, we recommend extracting elastic covers from the covers, and then sterilize separately, by immersion in boiling water.
Sterilization of dishes
Sterilization of dishes

How and how much to sterilize the lids for rolling up with an elastic band?

What to do with the lids that contain elastic bands, that is, ordinary covers using special seating keys? In order for these elastic bands to not burst, do not melted and deform, it is necessary to follow certain rules.


  1. You can sterilize lids with elastic bands in several ways. One of the simplest is sterilization in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. To do this, it is necessary to dial in the water container, install the grill on top, turn on the “cook” mode by the cooking mode, “steamed”, and hold for about 10 minutes after the water boils.
  2. Another good option to sterilize lids with elastic bands is steamed sterilization. You can carry it out if you do not have a double boiler or a multicooker. To do this, water is typed in a small saucepan, some grate is installed on top, for example, from the oven, and covers are laid out. Thus, the covers should lie on the grill for 15 minutes. Please note that these covers should further be laid out on a clean towel or cover already sterilized jars.
  3. An interesting option for sterilizing the covers is the use of a dishwasher. To do this, the covers are installed directly with elastic bands in a dishwasher, which does not need to add a detergent. The mode of 60 degrees is set and at this temperature it is necessary to perform the entire cycle of washing the lids. Thus, most bacteria that are on the lids will be destroyed due to high temperature. At the same time, the elastic bands in the lids will not suffer, they will remain the same elastic and durable.

The lids with elastic bands in no case should be sterilized in the oven or microwave. The rubber will simply melt, you will ruin the lids, you will not be able to roll up the conservation.


Sterilization of the covers is a fairly simple process. Do not ignore the sterilization of the lids, because even minor particles and several bacteria can cause bloating and damage to the workpiece.

Video: How to sterilize the lids?

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