How and on how to insist moonshine for taste, aroma, colors: recipes, tips

How and on how to insist moonshine for taste, aroma, colors: recipes, tips

In this article we will talk than to ennoble moonshine.

Moonshine acts as an excellent basis for almost any strong drink. And for this you only need to choose auxiliary components for the correct aroma and the proper color. That is, it is necessary to transform the drink with noble accents. And it is best to do this if you insist moonshine. We will talk about the rules of this procedure in this topic.

What to insist moonshine to give taste?

On a note: In order not to spoil the moonshine, products for it must be collected correctly, in a certain order and time. Fragrant plants break down when flowering after the plants are completely ripe. If you are going to use plant roots, they need to be collected in the fall, but for the bark - the season of spring.

Each spice will bring its taste
Each spice will bring its taste
  • The most common ingredient is honey,which is used to increase the taste of the drink, as well as food with a sweet aroma. Usually used in the first stages of cooking, yeast is diluted with it.
  • It is also no less popular wheatfor the preparation of tincture. Both stems and wheat grains themselves are used. It also helps to make the drink transparent and adds fortresses. Wheat must be boiled with Braga.
  • For weak drinks, you can use caramelor sweets with the same filling. Such ingredients add moonshine a very delicate sweetish taste. Candy is mixed with Braga and withstand for about ten days.
  • If you are limited in time in the preparation of an alcoholic drink, then you can resort to a simple recipe. Boil bark of oak or cedar, And then pour alcohol.
  • If you prefer strong moonshine, then it should be insisted On Anis.Also, the grass will give an extraordinary taste of moonshine.
  • And to give a gentle and exquisite taste, moonshine should be kept On the flowers of jasmine.In this case, you can use both fresh and dry inflorescences.
  • If you want to recreate the taste of Gin, then create a composition from Juniper, caraway seeds and fennel.
  • The same will give burning Red pepper and horseradish root.In addition, you can not pass by such a sharp and unusually useful spice as ginger.It is also suitable for creating a "male" version of moonshine. But it will also saturate it with unusual aftertaste and useful elements.  
  • And if you want to create an unusual note, then add a little exotic in the form Feihoa or Oregano.But do not overdo it - these fruits and herbs need very little.

These are the most common ingredients for self -insisting moonshine. Everyone has them in the house.

Beautiful color and spicy aroma
Beautiful color and spicy aroma

How to insist moonshine to give a pleasant smell?

In addition to the taste of the drink, the aroma is also of great importance. After all, if you, opening a bottle, felt an unpleasant and pungent smell of alcohol, the desire to taste it can disappear. The taste of moonshine depends on the products on which it is insisted. And for the aroma it is also necessary to resort to small tricks.

  • If you want to give an alcoholic drink a thin and delicate aroma, then you can use various dried color buds. It can be Cloves, rose, or even saffron.
  • A fairly extraordinary aroma can turn out when using bay leaf or stalks of dill.
  • If you need a sharp aroma, add Pepper or cinnamon.But to reduce the severity of the aroma we use mustard or caraway seeds.
  • Fresh notes you will achieve through adding skins of citrus fruits.But keep in mind - from their abundance can be bitterness. It is also not recommended to be added along with white cake.
  • Incredibly spicy and delicate aroma and even aftertaste will create Cinnamon and Vanilla.But with Vanilla, you should not overdo it, it can also give sugary bitterness.
  • For the saturation of a common bouquet, you can add a pinch St. John's wort.

All aromatic ingredients must be used in natural pure form, having previously dried or mothballed.

On a note: In order not to reduce the beneficial properties of the products used, it is necessary to follow some rules. Grass, buds and various plants should be dried only in a dark place, since the sun's rays are not very beneficial for them. But the ingredients such as plant roots should be dried under the sun. Special equipment is suitable for all types.

Tincture of moonshine on fruit
Tincture of moonshine on fruit

How to give moonshine the desired shade or what to insist moonshine for color?

A quality alcohol is distinguished by a noble hue. And even it can be changed using various components.

  • The most common shade of moonshine is golden. To get such a color, or rather create its pure tone, you must use Blueberry or flowers saffron.Add a small amount to moonshine and leave to brew for a couple of days. Also very popular are and are very popular Partitions of walnuts or a tough.
  • A more yellow shade will give Parsley, mint or lemon balm.
  • For a red shade, it is necessary to use dried Blueberry berries or cherries.By the way, the preparation of infusion with bones will also give a light almond taste.
  • Using honeythe drink acquires brown. Also, this tone reaches traditional Tea, coffee housing or burnt sugar.
  • And if you want to create a scarlet liquid checker, then use cream of tartar.But it must be mixed with food dye in equal proportions, and then boil in water in a ratio of 8 g per 1 liter. After filtering, you can use the degree of intensity.
  • You can achieve a blue-violet shade with the help Millennium.And a rich blue shade will create sunflower seeds.
  • Blue will be presented Basilka.
  • The green tone comes out of Black currant leaves.

Using such components, do not forget that they should be combined with the main products of the drink.

On a note: If you want to remove the sharpness in the taste of moonshine, you can resort to a small trick and insist it on the water, pre -boiling sugar in it. This will make the taste of the drink delicate and sweet. In addition to sugar, you can use some syrup or even jam. Or use ordinary honey.

Cherry will give a beautiful color
Cherry will give a beautiful color

How to insist moonshine: tips

  • There is no exact answer in this question, since the smell, taste and saturation depends only on individual preferences. Men more like a bitter and strong liquid, while women prefer more fragrant and spicy notes. But on average, this process occupies from 1 to 4 weeks.
  • An important aspect - the higher the degree, the faster the process passes.Therefore, it is better to breed moonshine after tincture. By the way, consider this when determining taste and aromatic qualities.
  • But always be guided by the rule - It is better not to report than to overdo it!Sometimes one extra note can cause even some disgust if it is in abundance.
  • In the container, it is first necessary to add spices and dry herbs, and then fill everything with alcohol liquid.
  • Shake the contents every day for the activity of the process. It is also recommended, especially after the first 5-7 days, daily tasting (without hobby!).
  • For use, ennobled moonshine will be suitable after filtering. Since particles can ruin the taste slightly over time.
Exposure with each component is individual

Interesting recipes how to insist moonshine

You can combine your compositions. At the same time, it is not necessary to make a large stock - create several different bouquets! We bring to your attention the most popular and interesting mixtures.

  • Simple berry tincture. This composition is universal because you can use any combination. Take the following proportions - 0.5 kg of berries per 1 liter. 200 g of sugar will also be required. You need to insist for about a month.

On a note: Ternovka or cranberries are perfectly suitable. They give a beautiful color, and make a tart-whale note.

  • Therapeutic elixir. For this tincture, we take a liter of moonshine, rub 20 g of ginger, mix with 50 g of honey and a half lemon. It is necessary to insist a month, after which it lends itself to thorough filtration.
  • No less healing moonshine. Take 25 g of mint, sage and fresh ginger, as well as dried kalgan. This calculation for 1 liter of an alcoholic drink. Insist from 1.5 to 2 weeks. Otherwise, there will be too caustic "cognac".
  • We create homemade brandy from moonshine. In 2 liters of moonshine, fall asleep 10 coffee grains, a pinch (no more than 5 g) of vanilla and cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. with a hill of raisins and the same amount of honey, 2 inflorescences of cloves and 1 tbsp. l. oak bark. We withstand for no more than 3 weeks and get excellent cognac.
  • Create homemade pepper. The dosage is designed for 1 liter. We immerse 4 burning pepper and 5 peas of black pepper. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey, lemon zest and paprika, and dilute this mixture with a pinch of vanilla, cinnamon and propolis. Insist at least 1.5 weeks.
  • Moonshine is in prunes. 2.5 l. We add the moonshine 8 juicy fruits of prunes, a little vanilla, 3 peas of fragrant pepper and 2 pcs. Cloves. Insist at least 3 weeks. Keep in mind - the bone of prunes is very toxic, so it must be excluded!
  • Pistachio compound. For this recipe, you will need a tablespoon of cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and grapefruit zest. Mix everything with Braga, add a little (literally a gram of 20-30) rye bread and fill everything with a glass of honey. In conclusion, make a secret ingredient that the main direction of the drink is half a glass of pistachios.
  • Cedar tincture. It will require 40 g of unpeeled cedars, 20 g of dried lemon zest, 3 currant leaves and 1 tbsp. l. sugar with a calculation of 1 liter. We insist 1.5-2 weeks. To make the taste brighter, the nuts must first be boiled.
  • Honey bouquet. Calculation for 3 liters of alcohol: 10 Cardamomon boxes, 200 g of honey and 3 twigs of dry herbs. Namely, mint, thyme and oregano. In addition, you can decorate the composition with a basilic, saffron or rosemary. Insist 3 weeks.

On a note: In addition, moonshine with Tarhun and Barberry goes well. In this case, the corresponding rich and transparent color comes out. And for 1 liter you need no more than 200 g of matter.

Ginger-lemon composition
Ginger-lemon composition

Kalgan root will help to insist moonshine beyond recognition of cognac

  • It is worth immediately stipula that this is a common name. A pharmacy version is an erect noodle. You will need approximately 25 g of the dried element or 5 small roots with a calculation of 1 liter. By the way, the wild root has more power.
  • The infusion takes place according to the usual scheme and the more exposure, the more saturation will be. But it is Kalgan that will make the usual moonshine of amber-bonfly with a noble aroma. But it can give a certain bitterness, so it should be a little killed by the root of the licorice.
  • Its excessive activity can be slightly reduced by fragrant coffee, and softened with vanilla. But even in this bouquet it does not hurt to add citrus notes for a harmonious picture.

As you can see, there are simply many recipes and options to insist moonshine. Do not be afraid to experiment to guess your "" combination. But do not forget to rely on our recommendations.

Video: Oak moonshine

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