How and where to go to the secondary and higher police school after grade 9 and 11 to a young man and a girl? What is needed for admission to the Police School: exams, preparation, verification, characteristic

How and where to go to the secondary and higher police school after grade 9 and 11 to a young man and a girl? What is needed for admission to the Police School: exams, preparation, verification, characteristic

How and when can I go to the police school? How much do you need to study in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? What exams will the applicants of police schools will have to take after grade 9, 11? The best police schools in Russia. Are there any police schools with an absentee form of training?

The profession of a policeman in our country has always been considered one of the most dangerous and complex. However, annually, thousands of graduates of schools and other secondary educational institutions dream of entering the police school or university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to become a police officer. Let's figure out what is needed for this.

Characteristics of a graduate for admission to the Police School

Characteristic for the Police School
Characteristic for the Police School

One of the accompanying documents upon admission to the Police (Police) school is the characteristic of a graduate issued by his educational institution (school). Such a document should contain the following information about the graduate:

  • General questionnaire data
  • The level of physical development
  • The situation in the family
  • Knowledge level
  • Belonging to the public life of the school
  • The main features of character and disposition
  • Social position - relations within the team, with peers and teachers
  • The ability to soberly evaluate your own capabilities and perceive criticism
  • Summarizing

Having familiarized himself with the characteristic of the applicant, the selection committee can get at least an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bhimself. Therefore, when drawing up such a document, the teacher needs to be as accurate and sincere as possible - at the same time, not to be based on personal relationships.

Admission to the Police School: Check

Checks upon admission to the Police School
Checks upon admission to the Police School
  • Upon admission to the Police (Police) school), the applicant passes several types of verification.
  • At the initial stage, a graduate of a secondary school needs to write a statement addressed to the head of the police school (police) with a request to enroll him in the ranks of the students of this institution.
  • In the statement, the future applicant should clearly and concisely state the reasons why he decided to enter this structure.
  • Parents or guardians of the child should also assure the application and give their good to study.
  • It is still necessary to attach a copy of the passport and document on the graduation of a secondary educational institution.
  • A special personnel service, to which the applicant’s statement comes into, conducts a thorough verification of its approaching (the presence of facts of bringing to any types of responsibility of the applicant himself and his loved ones).
  • The next stages of the audit are tests for the overall level of IQ, psychological tests, interviews, educational exams, checking the level of physical training and health.

Medical examination

Upon admission to the Police (Police) school, the applicant will need to submit a number of tests and provide the commissions with the following data:


Physical standards for admission to the police for boys and girls


Police School: Documents and the deadline for submitting an application for receipt

What documents and before what date should be submitted to join the Police School?
What documents and before what date should be submitted to join the Police School?
  • The document, which is the reason for the consideration of the candidate of the applicant, is considered his statement addressed to the head of the police school (police), certified by his parents.
  • This application must be submitted until June 1 of the current year.
  • Together with such a statement, it is also necessary to provide an identity document of the applicant (birth certificate, passport), a certificate of compulsory pension insurance, a certificate of the availability of benefits (if any) and a graduation document.

Psychological test for admission to the police

Psychological tests when entering the Police School
Psychological tests when entering the police
  • Upon admission to the Police (Police) school, applicants necessarily undergo psychological tests.
  • Such studies can take place in the form of oral, computer tests or in the form of an oral conversation with a psychologist.
  • Do not be afraid or offended by such tests, as well as their results.
  • The fact is that for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs only people with a stable psyche and even character are needed.
  • For example, pronounced choleraiks or melancholys are not suitable for such purposes.
  • Therefore, those applicants who have not passed this kind of testing do not need to be upset.
  • Perhaps the refusal of admission after psychological tests will save them a bunch of nerves and time.
  • It’s just that in the future such “refuseniks” will not have to face a lot of psychological problems and the press, which they will not be able to cope with.

Exams and items for admission to the police school after grade 9

What exams need to be taken upon admission to the police school after grade 9?
What exams need to be taken upon admission to the police school after grade 9?

The applicants who join the Police (Police) school after grade 9 will need to take two exams:

  • Russian language
  • Russian history

The Russian language, as a rule, is presented in writing in the form of a dictation, essay or presentation.
The history of Russia must be taken orally.

Exams and items for admission to the police school after grade 11

What exams need to be taken upon admission to the police school after grade 11?
What exams need to be taken upon admission to the police school after grade 11?
  • The applicants entering the police school (police) after grade 11 will also have to take exams in the Russian language, social studies and the history of Russia.
  • True, they will take these exams on the exam.
  • At the interview, the commission can also ask questions about the listed disciplines.

Exams and items for entering the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

What exams need to be taken upon admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
What exams need to be taken upon admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
  • The examination process when entering the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is divided into two stages.
  • The first stage is the surrender of the exam in the relevant disciplines.
  • The fact is that each specialty may need completely different objects.
  • For example, “law enforcement” requires the exam in the Russian language, the history of Russia, and social studies; for "psychology" - the exam in physics, the Russian language and mathematics; For "radio engineering" - in Russian, biology and mathematics.
  • The second stage of the examination is already taking place on the basis of the educational institution.
  • General discipline for all specialties is the delivery of sports standards.
  • Also, additionally at the institute, social studies for "law enforcement" and biology for "psychology" are executed.
  • In general, in each university, entrance exams may vary.

The conditions for admission to the secondary and higher police school for girls

On what conditions can the girl’s police school go to the school?
On what conditions can the girl’s police school go to the school?
  • The conditions for admission to the secondary or higher police school (police) for girls are no different from the appropriate conditions for guys.
  • The only retreat is the number of places for the fair sex - often there are fewer of them.
  • Physical standards for ladies are also different - they are much lower than that of boys, and instead of pulling up the girls, they pass the press.

Where, in which city to enter the police school?

What are the police schools in the cities of Russia?

A full list of all universities and police schools (police) can be found on the site

After what class are the police entered?

After what class can you enter the police school?
After what class can you enter the police school?

You can enter the Police (Police) school after grades 9 and 11.

How much do they study in the cadet corps, college, secondary and higher police school?

How long does training at the police school, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and cadet corps?
How long does training at the police school, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and cadet corps?
  • In the cadet corps, children begin to study in grade 5.
  • It is possible to finish their studies in such an institution in grade 9 or 11.
  • In college and secondary school (police), training takes 2-3 years.
  • In high schools of the police (police), most of which have been encouraged to universities, study 5 years.

Is there a police school with absentee training?

Can I study at the police school in absentia?
Can I study at the police school in absentia?
  • Previously, the police (police) schools were categorically prohibited by correspondence forms of training.
  • Today, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were retrained by many police schools (police), offer applicants both full -time and correspondence form of training.

Who can become a student of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Video

How to enter the Bashkir or other Russian police school: video

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Comments K. article

  1. In which city can you enter the police school after grade 9? Are there any rooms?

  2. Can this hour enter the police school after grade 11?

  3. Time of receipt of the application .. What days can you apply ..

  4. Girls, where do you go to the police? Only if on trial. Med. Experts or sit in the office without grievances just this work is dangerous

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