How and when to dye your hair, on what day of the week, according to the lunar calendar? Which hair is better to dye, clean or dirty?

How and when to dye your hair, on what day of the week, according to the lunar calendar? Which hair is better to dye, clean or dirty?

The timing and features of hair dyeing.

Hair dyeing for many women seems to be a rather troublesome procedure, which is difficult to cope with. Everything is quite simple if you do not have very thick hair and you do not need to do ombre or flowing flowers, you can do it yourself. There are several stages in which staining is carried out. In this article, we will tell you when and how to dye your hair.

Which hair is better to dye, clean or dirty?

Many girls believe that you should not come to a hairdresser with dirty hair. Therefore, before dyeing, they must wash their hair. In fact, this is not worth doing. If your hair does not have a layer of varnish, foams, as well as other products for styling, then you can well go to your hairdresser for painting, or work on your own.

The fact is that paints usually contain very aggressive substances that can cause allergic reactions and harm your skin. Therefore, it is best to stain 2-3 days after washing the head. Thus, a thin oily film will appear on the surface of the skin, which will prevent the destruction of the skin, as well as the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Before staining, we recommend that the sensitivity test. This must be done for the first time you use the manufacturer’s paint that you have not used before.


  • It is necessary to squeeze the pea of \u200b\u200bthe coloring composition, as well as add a couple of drops of the oxidizer, mix everything with a toothpick and apply to the skin.
  • It can be a bend of the elbow. Look, hold for 10 minutes, rinse and watch this place within 24 hours.
  • If there are no allergic reactions, staining can be carried out.
  • The fact is that many paints, especially inexpensive, which you buy, are a few tones darker than indicated on the packaging.
Hair coloring
Hair coloring

Features of the choice of paint and staining procedures


  • If you buy a paint for the first time, and do not know what the result of staining will be, you can take a small strand on the back of the head, apply a coloring composition to it and see what happens.
  • In order for the paint not to fall on other curls, it is necessary to wrap this strand in foil. This will accelerate the chemical reaction. The paint will need to be kept not 30 minutes, but a little less. After that, the paint is washed off, the curl is heard, you can evaluate the result.
  • In no case do this in artificial lighting. Natural is ideal. Thus, you can see the tide that this paint has. After all, many girls may like the color of the composition, but the tide is inappropriate.
  • Especially eggplant, red or pink. If you do not want to get a similar shade, you need to see what happened as a result of staining.
  • There is another way. You can cut a small strand, paint it. This option is like if you do not want to conduct staining on the hair. Thus, you will definitely know what color will turn out in the end on your hair.
  • Keep in mind that the result of staining at the roots, on the tips, may vary somewhat. This is especially true if your hair has repeatedly succumbed to dyeing, while the roots have grown, and there are several layers of paint on the rest of the hair length.
  • Thus, it is best to conduct staining mediocre in the nape in order to evaluate the result of the roots and on the ends. The color in these areas may vary. Some colors are well taken on natural hair, but badly painted.
  • This is especially true for compositions with a red pigment, it turns out a bright red tint at the roots, and at the ends very dark. Which gives some cheapness to the hairstyle.
Coloring procedure
Coloring procedure

On what day of the week is it better to dye your hair?

Exists lunar calendar hair dyeing. You can use it if you wish to experiment with your appearance.

Ideal days for staining by lunar calendar:

  • 7 day - the best for staining
  • 10 day - carry out a change of image with henna
  • 14 day - it is better to change the image with a soft dye
  • 15 and 16 days - perfect days to turn into a brown -haired man or brunette

An ideal day of the week for painting is the environment.

Haircut and painting
Haircut and painting

How and when it is better to dye hair: cycle days

Please note that do not stain during menstruation. Because during this period a huge amount of hormones is produced, which can adversely affect the condition of your hair and lead to an unexpected result. Of course, there is a story that the hair will become green. In fact, this is incorrect, but you can get a slightly different staining result than you expect. Do not experiment during this period.

How and when to dye hair: tips


  • In addition, it is necessary to stain according to a special scheme. It is best to start painting from the back of the head, gradually moving in advance. Initially, the paint is applied directly at the roots, and applied to the entire length after you distribute the paint throughout your head.
  • At the end, you will need to apply the remaining remnants to the rest of the length of the curls, evenly distributed with a brush. Since almost all compounds are applied to dried curls, paints may not be enough. Or it will be poorly distributed over dry hair.
  • In this case, you need to sprinkle the entire length with water from the sprayer. Try to make it a little. After that, put on gloves and make a well in the coloring composition in the roots. This will help to evenly distribute the substance and make the process more rapid, as well as homogeneous.
  • After that, a plastic cap is put on the head, time is detected. This approach to staining is ideal in that the hair at the roots can be lighter and at the ends darker. Thus, it will be possible to align the color due to the length of stay of the coloring composition on curls. Thus, the paint at the roots will be a few minutes longer than on the ends, and on the rest of the length of the curls.
Check the paint
Check the paint

In order to extend the effect of paint and preserve the color for a long time, it is necessary to use shampoos, balms, especially for dyed hair. They contain substances that prevent the washing of colored pigment. This will make staining longer, and you can less often resort to the use of hair dye.

Video: When to dye your hair?

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