How and which one to choose a hob? Induction or electric: which hob is better, economical, safer? Induction hobs: advantages and disadvantages

How and which one to choose a hob? Induction or electric: which hob is better, economical, safer? Induction hobs: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of electric and induction hobs.

The induction hob appeared on the Russian market for a long time. However, this year only 10% of buyers preferred precisely such models. This is due to some fears and distrust of this type of technology. In this article, we will try to figure out how the induction stove differs from the electric one, and which is worth giving preference.  

How to choose a hob?

Eupposite electric and induction stove like twin brothers look. That is, these plates have a glass -ceramic hob, equipped with a shiny coating, a kind of marking, and buttons. Therefore, outwardly, to determine the differences at all cannot be possible. However, these plates work according to various principles. The standard electric stove works due to heating the spiral, which is under the glass -ceramic surface.

Thus, after heating the surface, it gives heat to the dishes, which later gives the temperature of the heated liquid or the product. Accordingly, the efficiency is quite low. That is, a lot of energy is spent, but a significant amount is lost just like that, giving heat to the nearest objects. In induction hobs, the principle of operation is completely different.


The fact is that inside each burner there is a special induction coil that produces a magnetic field. It is it that affects food, or water that is in the pan. At the same time, the pan itself does not heat up, it is only a kind of conductor between energy and food product.

Thus, electricity is spent much more economical and reasonable. Because the heat does not give to the environment, and there is no need to heat the dishes. This is not the only difference between the hobs of the electrical and induction type.


Induction or electric hob: Differences


  • The fact is that now there is a special marking in electrical hobs. These are circles of different diameters. It is within these circles that heating is carried out. That is, if you put a small mug on a large circle, then not only the mug itself will bask, but everything around.
  • It is necessary to select dishes of different sizes, if you need to cook several dishes at the same time. That is, so that the size of the dishes corresponds to the diameter of the burner. In the induction plate, it does not play a role, what item and diameter of the container you put on the burner.
  • The dishes itself will not be heated, but the liquid that is in it or the food product. The dishes themselves serves only as a conductor. That is why in induction plates there is no need to select the plate according to the diameter of the burner. Many are the need for a complete change of dishes. However, this is actually a myth.  

Which hob is better - induction or electric?

An essential advantage of induction plates is that they do not quite work according to the mode that is installed in electric plates. The fact is that now most manufacturers are trying to equip their equipment with various functions. However, there are force majeure circumstances in which even those programs that are available are not enough.

Most often this happens when there are small children in the house. Because completely different, incomprehensible objects can be invested on the stove. Thus, the child in your absence or when you are busy cleaning in the house, may try to experiment with the new stove. So induction stove for young children is much better. The fact is that the electric stove immediately after turning on is started to heat up. That is, the surface immediately heats up. At the same time, she cools very slowly, even after removing the pan with hot food. That is, your child may accidentally touch her, and burn himself. The probability of a burn with an induction stove is minimized.

Beautiful hob
Beautiful hob

Is an induction hobby safe?

Immediately after removing the pan, the surface ceases to heat up. She does not need to give a command to heat or not. Because a magnetic flow occurs only if the pan is on the stove. In this case, the electric hob is red -hot and to the maximum. Thus, the cooking on the stove must be carefully monitored. Because only 1-2 minutes of rest can provoke burning of food.

This will not happen to the induction stove, because electric energy spreads evenly. At the same time, many parents of young children believe that a fire may happen precisely because of the induction stove. In fact, this is not so. Even if your child puts an empty pan on the stove, it simply will not work. Because the plate is not heating not a pan at all, but the products that are in it. Moreover, even if your baby lays bolts, nuts or a children's metal designer on the stove, the stove will also not work. The fact is that this kind of plate works only if there are dishes with a diameter of more than 8 cm on the surface. If this is an object of smaller diameter, then the plate simply does not turn on.  

Induction hob
Induction hob

Induction hobs advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Another argument in favor of the induction hob is that it is economical. That is, about 2 times less electricity will be spent on cooking. This is a significant plus if you regularly cook homemade food and you have a big family. Then the saving of electricity will be significant. Another advantage of such a slab is the simplicity of control.
  • Many consider the induction hob that is harmful. This is due to magnetic radiation. However, British scientists conducted a number of studies and found that the hair dryer produces 100 times more electromagnetic radiation than an induction stove. Thus, worrying about your well -being and state of health before using an induction stove is not worth it. Magnetic flows are so insignificant that they are not able to cause significant harm to health.  
  • There is an opinion that the induction stove is very expensive. In fact, the cost of an electric ceramic hob and induction surface is almost the same. The difference can be about 2000 rubles.
Poster on the stove
Poster on the stove

Induction surface: features of choosing dishes

Some people believe that before buying an induction hob, it is necessary to change all the dishes. That is, you have to purchase kitchen utensils, on which there is an inscription induction. This means that the stove can work with such dishes. Only in fact is this error. Do not rush to throw away all your old pots. The fact is that usually enameled dishes and cast -iron Kazan are great for an induction stove.

They magnetize, and support the passage of the magnetic flux directly to the food or liquid, which is located in a pan or frying pan. To know exactly whether your dishes are suitable for an induction stove, it is enough to remove the magnet from the refrigerator and check it or not check it. If the magnet sticks, there is no need to throw a frying pan or a pan, it will work with such a stove.  

Modern hob
Modern hob

Please note that if you do not have the means to purchase a new dishes marked induction, you can purchase special discs. These are peculiar adapters that will allow you to work such a technique. These are ordinary metal discs to which the pen can be attached. Thus, a similar circle is laid out on the induction surface on which the pan is put after that. Due to the presence of a metal magnetic plate, heating and cooking is carried out.  

Therefore, all opinions that it will be necessary to purchase new dishes are groundless. As you can see, thanks to the development of modern engineers and technologists, you do not need to purchase new dishes. You can even use conventional glass dishwasher, which are pre -exhibited on special metal discs. Very often, such discs are included with induction models, so ask the seller if such disks are in a set with equipment, or they must be purchased separately. As a rule, they can be purchased in the same store of household appliances.  

Cooking food
Cooking food

Induction or electric surfaces: where is food cooked faster?

Another advantage of induction plates is the speed of cooking, since there is no need to spend time heating the dishes. Food or fluid in the container is heated directly, so the preparation is carried out much faster. Thus, you can save time several times on cooking. This is especially true if you have small children, or you need to cook several dishes at the same time, in preparing for some holiday or celebration.

Sometimes there is not enough time, and the hostess is forced to wait for potatoes and vegetables for salad, instead of doing really important things. With the induction stove, such moments disappear, because the potatoes are cooked not 20 minutes, but 10 or a maximum of 12.  


As you can see, an induction hob panel is an undoubted favorite. It is economical, beautiful and reliable. At the same time, cooking time is significantly reduced.

Video: induction hob

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Comments K. article

  1. Very cool) For a long time I want to take an induction panel for myself, I look after the company Hotpont. Yes, somehow everyone does not reach the repair, it is time to renew the kitchen ..)

  2. For example, I can say my indesite that cooking really takes less time, plus looks more stylish.

  3. What is the harm from the induction, myths are all and only, but in all the pluses after the purchase of the XOTPOHTIT I was convinced one hundred percent)

  4. The induction is really the queen in the kitchen, in general, the purchase of Indisitian is not so expensive, but time is really great saving, and this is a valuable resource in our time)

  5. and I like a simple electrical slab more. I bought a brand new indiction. And stylishly and practical

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