How and from what to make artificial snow, with your own hands at home for New Year's decorations for a Christmas tree, wedding, crafts, snowballs, decor, drawings on windows, decoupage of bottles, photo shoots, needlework: methods, ingredients

How and from what to make artificial snow, with your own hands at home for New Year's decorations for a Christmas tree, wedding, crafts, snowballs, decor, drawings on windows, decoupage of bottles, photo shoots, needlework: methods, ingredients

Ways to make artificial snow from toothpaste, diapers and shaving foam.

Before the New Year holidays, there are very little time left and children, as well as parents, are already preparing jewelry. One of the most familiar decorations for Christmas holidays is artificial snow. With it, Christmas tree, New Year's table and rooms are decorated with it.

How to make artificial snow, hoop soda and foam for shaving and where to use: recipe, use

This snow can be used for sculpting snowmen. This is an ideal option for crafts in kindergarten. The most interesting thing is that snow, when choosing a foam with an appropriate aroma, smells pleasantly freshness. He is moist to the touch and coming well.

Materials and tools:

  • Foam spray with flavor
  • 600 g of food soda


  • Send sodium bastard bastard with a narrow neck
  • Now in a large and wide container in small portions add foam and soda
  • With each introduction of a new portion of ingredients, mix the components thoroughly
  • When you use the entire foam and powder of soda, proceed to the use of snow


  • For the manufacture of crafts in kindergarten
  • For decor rooms
  • In the manufacture of applications and ikeban with spruce branches
Artificial snow from baking soda and shaving foam
Artificial snow from baking soda and shaving foam

How to make artificial snow from children's powder and where to use?

This option can be made from talcum or children's powder. Such a snowball is used for decorating candles, spruce twigs, New Year's cards and crafts. Unlike the previous option, this snow is not wet to the touch, but dry. When heated, melts.

Materials and tools:

  • Grater
  • White candle
  • Baby powder
  • Glitter


  • Grind the candle on the smallest grater. You should get a substance similar to flour or baby
  • Mix in equal quantities such a crumb with a talcum or adding
  • Available with a spoon or wooden stick
  • If desired, you can introduce a slightly crumbly shine for the body or nails
Artificial snow from children's update
Artificial snow from children's update

How to make artificial snow from children's diapers and where to use?

An interesting option for obtaining artificial snow. The use of the contents of diapers is based. Inside, these products are filled with sodium polyacrylate, which, when contacted with water, turns into a jelly -like mass.

Tools and materials:

  • 3 diapers
  • 3 glasses of water
  • Bowl
  • A spoon


  • Cut the diaper and remove the contents from it
  • Pour white granules and substance similar to cotton wool into a bowl and pour 2 cups of water
  • Mix and add more water if necessary
  • It is necessary that the snow becomes pleasant to the touch and wet

Scope of use:

  • For games with the aim of developing fine motor skills and artistic thinking in children
  • Like kinetic sand for modeling
  • For crafts
  • At the wedding As a decoration of the table and guests

Please note that the children do not take in their mouths and do not eat this substance. Old use can provoke poisoning and inversion of the intestines.

Artificial snow from children's diapers
Artificial snow from children's diapers

How to make artificial snow from toilet paper and where to use?

Safe snow that can be given to the hands of the kids. It is made very simply.

Materials and tools:

  • Rolon of white paper towels or toilet paper
  • Brush of white toilet soap
  • Bowl
  • Some water


  • Slightly moisturize the bar of the soap
  • Torn toilet paper into small pieces
  • Put the soap in a bowl, and pieces of paper on top of it
  • Put the container in the microwave of 30 s
  • Remove the container and share some water
  • Now remember the snow with your hands and you can start using it


  • For the manufacture of garlands
  • For decor
  • During a photo shoot
  • For sculpting snowmen with children
  • For decoupage bottles
  • In needlework
Artificial snow from toilet
Artificial snow from toilet

How to make artificial snow from eggshells and where to use?

The option is interesting and unusual. More suitable for painting and decoration of windows and toys. Snow from the shell will not work.


  • Food film
  • Rockbrush
  • Shells with boiled eggs


  • Wash and dry the shells of white eggs
  • Carefully remove the film and place the shell in several layers of polyethylene film
  • Using a rolling pin, turn the shell into powder


  • For decor suppositories and crafts
  • For drawing on windows
  • In the manufacture of volumetric cards
Close -shaped artificial snow
Close -shaped artificial snow

How to make artificial snow from toothpaste and where to use?

You will not get the most real snow from the toothpaste. Snowballs and snowmen cannot be blinded from it. But it is suitable for drawing.


  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Toothpaste
  • Old brush


  • Squeeze a slightly cheap white toothpaste in the container
  • Pour a little water and mix. The substance is similar to sour cream
  • Dip the toothbrush and use by pressing your fingers as intended
  • When the bristles are released, spray forms, which fall on the surface with small fog

Scope of use:

  • For drawing on windows and glasses
  • For decor mirrors and glass surfaces
  • For New Year's decorations for a Christmas tree
Artificial snow from toothpaste
Artificial snow from toothpaste

How to make artificial snow from salt and where to use?

This option is used for the decor of branches and dry plant stalks. It turns out something similar to hoarfrost.

Materials and tools:

  • 1.5 kg of salt
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • Dry branches


  • Pour water into a pan and pour all salt
  • Put the liquid on the fire and mix until the crystals dissolve
  • After boiling the solution and salt dissolution, immerse the branches into the liquid for 5 hours
  • As a result of the use of a saturated solution, crystals fall on the branches

Scope of use:

  • For decoration of branches
  • When compiling New Year's applications and bouquets
Salt artificial snow
Salt artificial snow

How to make artificial snow from soap and starch and where to use: recipe, use

From this snow you can sculpt snowballs and decorate crafts.


  • Corolla
  • A block of white soap
  • 100 g of starch
  • 240 ml of water


  • Grind the soap on a grater or in a blender to a flour state
  • Enter starch and mix
  • Boil water in the kettle and pour boiling water into the mass
  • Constantly beat the mixture until thick foam is obtained


  • To decorate pine branches
  • In the manufacture of ikeban
  • Decor of the windows
  • For a photo shoot
Artificial snow from soap and starch
Artificial snow from soap and starch

Making artificial snow is quite simple. It will be useful to you during photo shoots and decorating the premises. With it, you can create beautiful ikebans and applications.

Video: Artificial snow

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