How and where to issue a sanatorium-resort card for an adult and child: recommendations, form of form form 072/U-04, necessary tests, duration of the sanatorium-resort card

How and where to issue a sanatorium-resort card for an adult and child: recommendations, form of form form 072/U-04, necessary tests, duration of the sanatorium-resort card

To go to a health sanatorium, it is important to issue a sanatorium-resort card. You will learn about the intricacies of design and analyzes for obtaining a card from the article.

For lovers of domestic resorts, before going to the medical and preventive sanatorium, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions without which a trip to rest is impossible. You will learn about the rules for obtaining one of the most important documents for this case in the article.

Why do you need a sanatorium-resort map: basic information

  • A card in the form is issued Certificates of a certain sample In the city medical center. Such a certificate of form 072/U-04 serves as an addition to the ticket and is given at the place of requirements, to the dispensary.
  • You can not limit yourself to a ticket alone without an appendix of a sanatorium-resort map - The ticket will be invalidated by the document. It is required regardless of the medical status of the sanatorium.
  • The main information that should be contained in the map is recorded by the therapist: the purpose of visiting the dispensary, The diagnosis of the patient, special appointments according to the established diagnosis, recommended procedures, a note on contraindications, individual entries regarding the general state of health of the vacationer.
Filled with a doctor
Filled with a doctor
  • It should also be indicated recommended season To visit the healing resort and the course of the necessary procedures for health restoration. After visiting the dispensary, a resting patient is returned by his spa card with amendments on the results of healing measures and studies.
  • This document, after returning from the dispensary, is transmitted to the attending physician.

Necessary documents for obtaining a sanatorium-resort card

To undergo a physical examination to an adult, for a visit to the attending physician, it is enough to present the passport,as well as Medical insurance policy.

The list of required documents for a sanatorium-resort card to the child is slightly different:

For the nursery
For the nursery

If it is filled in upon arrival in the sanatorium, you should ask in advance about the presence of all the necessary doctors to undergo a medical commission under a sanatorium. The high probability that not all experts can be located on the territory of the sanatorium and this will cause inconvenience to obtain the necessary certificate. It is better to do design at the place of residence.

Persons accompanying the child to rest also need to issue a certificate that excludes the presence of adult infectious and other tolerated diseases.

How to arrange a sanatorium-resort card to an adult?

  • If you have the need to get a sanatorium-medical certificate, you need to contact any clinic of the city for a medical examination.
  • List of doctors for bypass, you can get from the therapist. To do this, it is enough to verbally voice the cause of the medical board.
  • The therapist conducts an initial inspection, and then the doctor determines which other specialists should be completed additionally and issues a referral for testing.
  • Based on the general data of the examination, recommendations for recovery are made and recorded in sanatorium-resort map. Additionally, for women during the period of gestation, it is necessary to submit documents on the course of pregnancy and the patient’s maternity card.
We fill in the adult
We fill in the adult
  • Start design certificates of form 072/U-04, It follows no later than a month before the intended date of leisure. Such a procedure can take for a long time, so this should be taken care of in advance.
  • If a person before a trip was on a stationary treatment during the current year - he can receive a document fastersince all the necessary data on the state of health already exist and have not lost their relevance. To do this, you need to contact the attending physician or in the stationary department with a request to compose the appropriate extracts of the test results.

Sanatorium-resort map: how to arrange a child?

Upon receipt of a sanatorium card for a child, in addition to some of the above tests, it will be necessary to pass the following:

  1. Undergo an examination by a dermatologist and receive a certificate of the absence of skin infectious diseases in a child.
  2. It is also necessary to conclude from an epidemiologist confirming that the child in the next few weeks had no contact with infected patients.
  3. Pass the studies of the child’s feces for enterobiosis.

For children, a ticket to the sanatorium is issued as prescribed by the attending physician-on the basis of the presence of any chronic diseases or for the purpose of preventive treatment.

  • In some sanatoriums, they may require a corresponding entry on the appointment of therapeutic and preventive methods from the child's outpatient card.
To kid
To kid
  • All the necessary documents are drawn up by a specialist who directs the child to wellness procedures. The trip should be made at the time when the disease is not in the stage of exacerbation.
  • The doctor may prescribe additional studies, depending on the state of health of the child and the degree of disease.

In what cases can they refuse to design a sanatorium-resort card?

There are a number of reasons why the patient may refuse to design a sanatorium-resort card:

  1. The presence of chronic diseases at the aggravation stage.
  2. Oncological disease.
  3. Epileptic disorders.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the acute stage of the development of the disease.
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Identification of tuberculosis in the patient.
  7. Alcohol or drug addiction.
  8. Detection of sexually transmitted or autoimmune diseases.
  9. The fact of the established pregnancy of a woman at any time may cause refusal. An exception is institutions in compliance with special conditions for women in labor.

In the above cases, a visit to the healing sanatorium it is finally contraindicated or can be delayed until the reasons for the refusal are eliminated.

What tests are needed for a sanatorium-resort card?

Before taking tests for design of a sanatorium-resort card, It is important to remember that the period of relevance of the results for each of the tests has its own period. Therefore, it is better not to delay the time, take the tests comprehensively, and having received the results in his hands, immediately attend the attending physician, presenting him the necessary information.


It is necessary to pass:

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. Blood test for sugar and a general blood test.
  3. Undergo a fluorographic examination.
  4. Make a cardiogram of the heart.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
  6. For women: undergo an examination of the gynecologist and hand over the necessary tests.
  7. For men: Conclusion from the urologist. This is especially true for the age category of men - after 45 years.
  8. In the presence of certain pathologies, additional analyzes and consultations of specialists specifically on this specialization profile may be separately needed.

Filling out a sanatorium-resort map: a form of a form

  • Sanatorium-resort map-consists of Two -way form of the established sample: Forms 072/U-04. This form is filled with medical specialists, on both sides.
The form
The form
  • The first, the front part, fills the sending side - the attending physician, and the second part, the reverse coupon is a specialist of the sanatorium. Also, the reverse side can be filled with the attending physician, when the patient returned from the sanatorium.

According to the rules of filling, information about a medical institution and the patient is entered into account the relevant column. If the patient has a special preferential status, a code mark is placed in the desired line.

  • Persons who are sent to healing in the presence of the accompanyer - in paragraph 11 they are introduced mark. On the other hand, the document contains information about the patient’s health status during periods of his receipt and extracts from the sanatorium and health complex. Data is prescribed in the code version, according to the established standards.
  • Also indicated patient recovery technique: Conducted procedures and treatment results, research data and analyzes. You should know that the form of the form for adults and children differs slightly between the content and style of filling.
  • Separately, it is worth noting, data about the presence of social benefits They are also introduced into the form in the prescribed manner in compliance with all code values. So, for example, a patient who has a second preferential category will be included in the corresponding column mark “002”. Those patients who enjoy the right to obtain a number of social benefits, a marking in the form of the letter “l” is affixed in the allocated field.
  • Individual accounting number of the sanatorium-resort card - I must coincide with the number of the map itself. In addition to code designations, information compiled from the patient’s words is included in the document: data on the place of study or work. It is important to give reliable information about yourself and check the correctness of its spelling. If there is a discrepancy in the completed data and other documents provided, there may be problems when settlement in the sanatorium and visiting health procedures.

Sanatorium-resort card: validity period

  • It should be prudent to take the process of registration of documentation for the treatment and preventive treatment-to take into account all possible periods of collecting the results of examinations and analyzes.

Validity sanatorium-resort map - Two months from the date of its issuance.

  • To avoid temporary linings - the procedure for drawing up a document should be launched no earlier than two months and no later than ten days before the expected settlement in the sanatorium.
  • It is also worth considering that when issuing a sanatorium-resort card in the city of residence The patient uses the days of stay in the medical institution fully. Healing procedures are assigned no later than the next day after arrival at the destination.
Valid for 2 months
Valid for 2 months

If the card is issued in the dispensary, this may take more than one day of stay in the institution. Without the final conclusion, the appointment of medical procedures these days is contraindicated or their implementation can be made incompletely.

Video: Rules for the design of a sanatorium-resort card

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