How and what to cheer, make a girl laugh - when it is appropriate to use jokes, what jokes should be avoided? How to cheer the girl in correspondence, in a personal meeting?

How and what to cheer, make a girl laugh - when it is appropriate to use jokes, what jokes should be avoided? How to cheer the girl in correspondence, in a personal meeting?

It is important to give the girl positive emotions, let's look at how to cheer your lady of the heart.

A man who can easily and naturally cause a smile on a woman’s face will never be left without attention. The more positive emotions the lover experiences, the significant the male participation becomes. In order to cheer the girl, there are many simple and original ways. When choosing a particular method, it is important to take into account the circumstances in which you have communication.

How to cheer, laugh a girl?

Very often a timely joke helps to relieve emotional stress and change the unpleasant topic of conversation. Owing humor leaves an indelible impression of a man after the first date. But fun has permissible limits. The number and quality of jokes must be able to dose, otherwise you can achieve a negative effect.

  • Before trying cheer the girl, you need to work on your mood. Being in a good mood, it will be easier for you to achieve the desired result.
  • Remove all doubts and fears aside. Even if the joke did not cause the desired effect, your desire and perseverance will help rehabilitate in the eyes of the interlocutor in any situation.
  • A good mood always has an infectious effect. You must smile in response to your sincere smile.
The laws of life
The laws of life

When is it appropriate to use jokes to laugh a girl?

In order for your jokes to be appropriate and coincided with the girl’s mood, try to find out if she would like to have fun? To do this, you do not need to walk around the bush, just ask a few direct questions.

  • If the interlocutor is not tuned to the dialogue, then you should postpone your intentions for a more successful moment. A person, immersed in his own thoughts, will not appreciate your efforts. Some life troubles require support and are completely incompatible with funny jokes.
  • If the cause of your girlfriend’s sadness seems insignificant to you, then you can safely move on to action. In this case, your sense of humor will come in handy.
  • In response to the story of her troubles, you can tell a similar example from your own life, but with a more optimistic ending.
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body can influence the girl’s mood. Do not joke on this topic. At such moments, you will need care and affectionate attitude.

What jokes should be avoided to amuse the girl?

It is quite simple to cheer up a fair sex to a fair sex, but some methods are inappropriate in either correspondence or during dates.

  • Attempt laugh at his lover, not the most successful idea. Most likely, a girl will not appreciate such humor and will hide a grudge against you. You can no longer count on a second date.
  • Discuss your former sympathies very delicately. Making fun of the girl’s ex -boyfriend, you can offend her feelings. Making fun of your previous girl, you show yourself not from the best. Discussing the habits and nature of strangers, you risk getting to similar features with your interlocutor.
  • At the first stage of dating, refrain from vulgar humor and swearing jokes. Too frank jokes will be more appropriate for well -known interlocutors.
  • It is not very appropriate to make fun of tragic public incidents and people with disabilities. Thus, you only spoil the girl’s mood and show yourself not the best side.
  • On dates, it is not recommended to cheer up with alcoholic beverages. The effect can be completely opposite, and the evening will be completely spoiled.
Funny joke
Funny joke

How to cheer the girl in correspondence?

A large percentage of Russian youth is in correspondence on the social network VKontakte. If the official part of the acquaintance is already behind, then you can safely move on to a more relaxed and cheerful conversation. You can cause positive emotions in the simplest ways.

  • Use funny photos and video materials from constantly updated sources. New items are often laid out in the form of demotivators. The old hackneyed joke will not cause much interest.
  • The interlocutor can be of interest in funny home videos presented on social networks. As a neutral topic, you can choose funny videos with animals.
  • You can diversify communication with a girl using specially selected questions from the Internet sources. Interesting and appropriate survey will interest the interlocutor and cheer her up. In order to avoid misunderstandings, exclude vulgar and ambiguous hints.
  • If your correspondence coincides with any holiday, then you have a great opportunity to send witty congratulations. It can be a ridiculous quatrain, a cheerful postcard or an unpredictable joke.
  • Any girl will smile, having read the original compliments. Try to disguise pleasant words a little and give them in an unusual form. Noting the positive qualities of the interlocutor, compare them with something beautiful.
  • Accompany your correspondence with emoticons and stickers. The more pictures, the more emotions and smiles. The simplest words can be replaced with original emoji.
  • Using photo editors, you can shoot a fun video with your participation. Funny music will be a good addition. Edit the photo of your common acquaintance. An unexpected selection of cool photos will be a reason for fun discussions.
  • A memorable event will be a cheerful draw. Enter the girl into an intriguing invented story. The easiest way is to write from another account or an unfamiliar number with a proposal for participation in an interesting action. A joint discussion of this situation will give many positive emotions.

How to make a girl at a personal meeting?

The most suitable atmosphere for fun communication is a personal meeting. Observing the reaction of the interlocutor, you can choose the most successful tricks to raise your mood.

  • Try to hug your girlfriend or take a hand. Male warmth and attention will give her confidence and positive emotions. There will be no trace of bad mood.
  • Slockete life with delicious ones. A chocolate bar or cake will definitely cause a smile from the interlocutor and brighten up your communication.
  • Do not forget to evaluate the faithful appearance of your chosen one. A compliment about her outfit or hairstyle gives her confidence and good mood.
  • Complete your meeting with romantic elements. A beautiful bouquet of flowers or an unobtrusive sign of attention will arrange a girl to positive emotions.
  • Demonstrate a parody of interesting public people. The interlocutor with a good sense of humor will appreciate your efforts and support a cool conversation.

An active girl will cheer up an unusual pastime. You can diversify your communication with the help of sports hobbies, walks in the fresh air, interesting entertainment:

  • A walk on bicycles, skate, gyro scooters.
  • Active pastime with a pet.
  • Decorate the room with balls, arrange a show of soap bubbles.
  • Offer to make a rearrangement in the room or radically change your style.
  • Photoshoot in unusual costumes or joint selfies.
  • Competitions with eating sweets for speed or play for desire.
  • Check each other's abilities, inventing non -standard tasks for completing.

If your beloved as a result of some events is furious, then you need to help her throw out an internal negative. When a person is angry, it is absolutely not ready to perceive jokes and jokes. In this case, such entertainment as paintball or bowling will be appropriate.

Your participation in the life of another person in combination with a positive mood in any case will have a positive effect. The usual watching of the film or joint cooking can give a lot of positive emotions. Listen to the wishes of your beloved, and you can make the right decision in this situation.


Video: How to cheer the girl?

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