How and what to clean the ears of the dog correctly: the tips of the veterinarian, video

How and what to clean the ears of the dog correctly: the tips of the veterinarian, video

Cleaning in the dog is scrupulous and let's look at the process in detail.

How and what to clean the ears of the dog correctly?

How to clean the ears of the dog? First of all, it is necessary to build on how long the ears:

  • Short -eared It is enough to inspect once every few weeks.
  • With long -eared Petamians are more difficult. The fact is that hanging ears are ventilated worse. As a result, the rice of various infections increases. They need to be cleaned once a week.

What is required?

  • Cotton wheels or cotton sticks. About what of them is better, disputes are ongoing. The superiority is on the side of the disks. Especially if the dog breeder is inexperienced. Backs can harm the ear, with discs the risks are minimal. Some still come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bgauze, but it’s better not to even think about it. Marilya will almost guaranteedly leave a fiber inside the ear.
  • Hygienic napkins - A very good idea that you should talk about separately. Such napkins are always saturated with a special solution. This solution will quickly and efficiently dissolve dirt and sulfur.

Important: which is important, irritations from such napkins are not observed in dogs.

Napkins for cleaning ears in dogs and cats
Napkins for cleaning ears in dogs and cats
  • Lotions - They also contribute to the dissolution of sulfur and dirt. In the future, it is not difficult to remove all this at least even with the help of a special massage or simply shaking the ear.
  • Special powder - Recommended for caring for a long -eared pet. The powder reduces the likelihood of wet dirt, improves ventilation.

How is the process of cleaning the ears in dogs itself?

  • First of all, the dog needs fix. It is better to do this immediately after water procedures - the animal at this time is as calm as possible. The dog should be stroked, put on the side.

Important: an attempt to catch an animal that is not in a relaxed state is fraught with problems. Since for a dog it will turn into stress. She will try to break free, which can lead to injuries of her ears.

  • Next is needed inspect the animal. If the dirt or sulfur is dried, you need to give them a little time dissolve With the help of devices described above. Recommended massage the ear Dogs will calm her down, and will contribute to the dissolution of all kinds of unpleasant things.
  • Now it remains Pull everything out. You can help yourself with cotton pads or cotton sticks. The scheme is the same as with cats - movements from the inside out.

Important: if the dog after cleaning begins to shake his ears, he does not need to interfere with him. So he can get rid of the remains of the lotion.

The dog should clean the ears with movements from the inside out
The dog should clean the ears with movements from the inside out

Sulfur plugs are far from the most pleasant phenomenon. Selection, itching, noise in the ears or even partial hearing loss - this is what you have to encounter when ignoring this inalienable hygiene ritual. Therefore, everyone needs to know the nuances of such a ritual.

Video: how to clean the ears of the dog - the tips of the veterinarian

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