How and what to wash the tulle so that it becomes snow -white, so as not to iron later? How to wash tulle with ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, salt and green, aspirin, vinegar with mustard soda, in soda, with the help of a bleach, hands?

How and what to wash the tulle so that it becomes snow -white, so as not to iron later? How to wash tulle with ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, salt and green, aspirin, vinegar with mustard soda, in soda, with the help of a bleach, hands?

How to wash, wash tulle at home.

The interior of the room is as if filled with light, it becomes lighter and more comfortable when the windows are hung with curtains. Light fabrics revive and decorate the rooms. However, even the most expensive tulle over time loses its original light colors. This is especially true for curtains, which are suspended on the kitchen window.

  • Dust accumulated on the surface of the fabric can be removed with warm water. But it is so easy not to get rid of yellow plaque, because it appears with grayness and spots of fat. In the article, we consider the most effective and gentle methods, thanks to which, after washing the curtains, they will again acquire lost whiteness.

How and what to wash from organza, white tulle so that it becomes snow -white: tips

Tips for washing curtains from tulle:

  • The thin fabric will last a long time and will delight you with its outer gloss, if you break it out from time to time. 1-3 times a month will be enough to wash off dust in time. Giving the original whiteness of thin tissue is much more difficult than preventing the appearance of yellowness.
  • Standard cleaning methods in which only warm water and washing powder are used will not be enough to get rid of gray plaque.
  • Not aesthetic yellow stains will also remain on the fabric. And if the window is kitchen, and even goes to a busy street, then it will be very difficult to avoid the appearance of yellowness on tulle. In this case, the housewife should have whitening and special means of active action in the arsenal.
  • Shake the dust accumulated on tulle from the fabric. This must be done on the street, you can from the balcony. This procedure is carried out before the tulle is dirty, so as not to breed excess dirt in the water.
  • Chlorine -holding bleach is not used for washing delicate fabrics. Yes, after washing, the tulle will be perfectly white. However, the material will quickly become unsuitable for further use.
  • It is not recommended to twist thin material. Water should drain itself. To accelerate this process, the fabric is slightly squeezed.
  • For washing, tulle sets the temperature regime of 30-40 degrees. The “excess” of this threshold will lead to the fact that the fabric will “sit”. And if washing is in cool water, then the fabric does not wash off.
Tips for washing curtains from tulle

How to dry the tulle after washing?

  • High temperatures negatively affect the condition of white thin fabric. Therefore, it is not worth smoothing the folds that appeared with an iron.
  • To reduce the period of dry drapery drying out and align the fabric, we suspend it directly to the cornice. Under its own weight, the tulle is leaving and there will be no folds.

To give white drapery, we use one of the methods below:

  • To care for expensive textiles, we select special products. Add them during the washing of products. Such funds are sold in a household chemical store. Applying the funds strictly according to the instructions, you will definitely know that you will get rid of different pollution, and the washing process itself will pass safely and efficiently. The fabric will be carefully bleached and stolen.
  • The washing of air fabric can be carried out using traditional detergents. If it is a nylon grid, cotton or inexpensive organza, then you can give them the original appearance by applying powder for manual or automatic washing.
  • Powers and gels will help to get rid of various spots, marked "for washing children's things." They contain whitening additives, in addition, they have a hypoallergenic composition.
  • There are special shampoos designed to care for thin fabrics. Vuel textiles, silk fabric and easily imaginary using this tool can be easily washed in warm water. The shampoos are well rinsed. Thin fabrics are carefully washed.
  • When choosing ordinary powder, read the instructions regarding the care of the fabrics. Find out the permissible temperature when using the selected tool. The packaging indicates whether it is possible to bleach tulle using chemicals. 30-40 degrees-the optimum temperature for washing products made of silk and organza. Cotton fabrics, polyester withstand temperatures up to 50-60 degrees.
To care for expensive textiles, we select special products
  • But if you are accustomed to take care of thin fabrics manually, reducing the risk of damage to the curtains to a minimum, then you will definitely need compounds containing natural bleach. In addition, this is a significant savings in the family budget. After all, special means for caring for air material are highly worth it.
  • Tip: in order to achieve a water temperature of 30-40 degrees without a thermometer (namely, this temperature regime indicates most manufacturers of means for washing thin fabrics) we try water in a bowl of elbow. If the sensations are comfortable, we start washing. If you feel cold or water too hot, then adjust the temperature. If you try your fingers or lower your palm into the basin, then such a “test” will not give you an exact result. In the elbow area, the skin is more sensitive, because experienced parents resort to this method to check the temperature of the water in the bath for the baby.

One of the most common ways to give whiteness to curtains is washing with salt. Salt easily copes with the dumpy mud, yellowness. An unpleasant grayish shade will also disappear after the use of salt.

  • We fill the container with water, the temperature of which is 40 degrees.
  • Add soda and washing powder. We adhere to the following proportion: 1 liter of liquid per 1 tablespoon of salt, we take the powder as with ordinary washing.
  • Mix so that the granules dissolve. We lower the tulle into the water and squeeze with light movements.
  • Not a very dirty tulle we wash after an hour in the usual way. Laying.
One of the most common ways to give whiteness to curtains is washing with salt
  • The fabric that has acquired a yellow tint is erased with ordinary powder. We leave the suspended fabric overnight in saline. We prepare it like this: pour 1 liter of water into a basin and add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to this amount of liquid. After soaking, the tulle is again washed in ordinary powder.
  • We pierce. We need only stone salt. The iodized or small "extrack" for this purpose will not work.

Video: How to bleach tulle at home?

How and what to wash the tulle, so as not to iron it later?

  • With all the advantages of curtains, they have one important drawback - dimensions. The difficulty of caring for such a big thing is that washing, if it is performed manually, requires a special dexterity, and this process itself is long.
  • You can not comply with any recommendations, but simply wash how it turns out. However, after such washing, you will have to spend time even on ironing to restore their presentable look.
How and what to wash the tulle, so as not to iron it later

So that the tulle remains after washing not rumpled and there is no need to iron, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • For washing, we use only a large container. Attempts to wash the curtain in a small vessel usually end in the fact that the fabric is thrown into a washing machine. For washing, we take a galvanized trough or pelvis, in their absence, we plunge the curtains into the bath.
  • It is not advisable to use ordinary washing powder for washing. It is better to purchase a liquid washing tool for this. It can be a gel. There are many different gel -like means on sale, because there will be no problems with the choice.
  • We erase the tulle only with light movements. The highly contaminated curtain is pre -soak in soapy solution. Other means can be added to the water. You can read about them in the corresponding sections of the article.
  • The folds are quickly formed on the thin fabric during washing, which will later be difficult to smooth. Therefore, we wash, without making significant efforts, do not compress the very delicate fabric and not three.
  • We hang over the curtain directly above the bathroom (if there is no balcony). The meaning of such an hanging is that the water from the fabric will gradually drain the places where it is a little crumpled, will be redeemed independently.

How to wash the tulle in a washing machine, so as not to waste time smoothing the formed folds?

  • We wash, choosing a sparing mode. For example, you may have several such modes: for delicate or natural fabrics. The regime is not exhibited by synthetics.
  • We also turn on the function “without folds” if it is in the washing machine program.
  • Set the temperature regime of 40-50 degrees.
  • We do not add other things to the washing machine anymore. We wash only the curtains.
  • We do not use the spin function. The lack of the need to squeeze the tulle is relevant and with manual washing.

What to soak the tulle before washing?

Airy fabric will acquire a whiteness after the use of soda in every housewife in the kitchen. The seriously fabric will become like new. Soda copes with a fat bark perfectly.

What to soak the tulle before washing

What solution of soda should be prepared for washing delicate fabric?

  • Pour 100 g of powder into a basin. Add 2 tablespoons of soda. Pour warm water (full bucket) and mix. In this solution we lower the yellowed tulle and leave it in it for 20 minutes.
  • After such preliminary soaking, the tulle can be washed in the usual way. Cathed out fabric well.

Important: soda is used only during preliminary soaking of delicate fabric.

How to wash tulle with ammonia, ammonia?

Ammonia (aka “Ammonia solution 10%”) for washing curtains is used in the company with hydrogen peroxide.

We need such a solution:

  • connect in a 2: 1 proportion of two components (ammonia and peroxide, respectively)
  • add warm water (the temperature should be about 60 degrees)
  • mix

We lower the delicate tissue into the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. After preliminary soaking, we rinse and hang the curtains, without push -ups. If the curtains are made of synthetics, then this method is not suitable.

How to wash tulle with ammonia, ammonia

Tip: so that yellow stains do not appear on the fabric, we plunge the fabric completely into the water. Tulle should not remain on the surface.

How to wash tulle with hydrogen peroxide?

Doxing hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of fat spots on the curtains.
Pour hot water in a container. We add hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 2 tablespoons of peroxide per 10 liters of water there. We leave the curtains in this solution for thirty minutes, and then we rinse thoroughly.

How to wash tulle with salt and green?

  • Tulle can be achieved dazzling whiteness using a non -standard method for washing this delicate fabric: a mixture of green and salt. It is important to observe the proportion and time with accuracy, otherwise the tulle will acquire a rich emerald shade.
  • We prepare the solution: mix in 0.5 liters of water several 2-3 tablespoons of salt. Mix until all the salt granules are dissolved. Pour 15 drops of diamond green into the water. Mix the solution again. We are waiting for the sediment to fall. This will take 3-4 minutes.
  • We filter the solution. The sediment should not remain in the water, otherwise grains will affect the color of the fabric after washing. During the last rinse, the tulle is immersed in the resulting solution.
  • We hold it for 3-4 minutes. All this time we turn the matter neatly and easily squeeze. This is necessary so that the tulle is soaked evenly with water.
  • We take out tulle. Gently hang up for drying, without trying to twist the fabric.
How to wash tulle with salt and green

How to wash tulle with aspirin?

Video: Throw 1 tablet of aspirin into the washing machine and the result will surprise you

How to wash tulle with vinegar, soda, mustard?

How to wash tulle with vinegar, soda, mustard

Video: how and why washed with vinegar?

How to wash tulle with a calcified soda?

  • This method of giving the original whiteness of delicate fabric is not costly and effective, because in each house there is a pack of soda. White powder is used during preliminary soaking of the fabric.
  • We prepare the solution according to the following recipe: 50 g of washing powder and 1 tablespoon of soda are taken for 4-5 liters of water. The solution is mixed until all grains dissolve. Tulle is immersed in the resulting liquid and left for 20 minutes. Next - ordinary washing and thorough rinse.
How to bleach a tulle
How to bleach a tulle

How to wash the tulle correctly with your hands bleach?

  • After manual washing, rinse the curtains well.
  • Express without much effort.
  • The curtain removed from the window must be shaken out and soaked for half an hour in warm water, adding washing powder.
  • The tulle is squeezed and only after that it can be washed in the usual way with the addition of a bleach.
  • If you bleach the curtains immediately, without shaken dust and without breaking out, then the dirt will finally penetrate the structure of the fibers of the fabric, painting in an unattractive gray color.
How to wash tulle with your hands

How to wash a colored tulle?

For washing color delicate fabric, we use special products. Fortunately, there are a wide variety in the store departments of chemistry now.

How to wash colored tulle

How to wash a very dirty tulle?

  • We wash the strongly contaminated curtains, having previously shaken out the dust. The first washing is in a solution of salt and powder.
  • Grutus from starch is applied to fat spots.
  • Light yellowness can be removed by soaking the tissue in saline.
  • At night, such curtains are soaked in a new solution of salt, and then they are erased in the usual way and are well rinsed.
How to wash a very dirty tulle

How to pull Tulle with blue?

  • Pour water into the basin (about five liters) and dilute 5 tablespoons of blue in it. Mix well so that all the crystals dissolve and immerse in the tulle solution. We constantly turn over.
  • We take out after 5 minutes and rinse twice. Additional washing is not required in this method, since the blue will disinfect the fabric, because it is an antiseptic.
How to light a tulle blue

How, at what mode, what temperature, what revolutions to wash tulle in the washing machine?

  • Install the minimum speed when spinning. So the fabric does not bathe.
  • The water temperature is not more than 30-40 degrees.
  • If the curtains are expensive and you are afraid that the fabric will deteriorate, then turn on a delicate wash.
  • Do not lay the fabric in the washing machine how it hit. So that the curtains do not wrinkle heavily, it is better to fold them evenly and so send them with washing.



How to wash Washing temperature, ° C Features of care
Organza Hands or in delicate mode 30 Do not survive, do not twist, if necessary to iron with a warm iron
Polyester Normal mode 40-60 Ironing with a warm iron through the fabric
Veil Hands or in delicate mode. 30 Stroke through the x/b fabric, do not use dry cleaning, whitening vapor -volume
Kapron Normal mode 40-60 Do not use chemical bleaches
Kiseya In a washing machine in a bag 30 Give a drain, hang moist, do not stroke


How, at what mode, what temperature, what revolutions to wash tulle in a washing machine automaton

Is it possible to wash tulle in a typewriter at 90 degrees?

The optimum washing temperature of thin tissues is 30-40 degrees. Large temperatures negatively affect the condition of the fibers of delicate material.

How often do you need to wash curtains and tulle?

  • Washing of any fabric is carried out as they are polluted. Such delicate material as tulle is no exception.
  • Do not wait for the next family celebration to remove the curtains from the windows and refresh them with the help of another washing. Then maintaining the material in clean condition will be much easier.

How to stroke or steam tulle after washing?

  • It is better not to stroke the curtains after washing. Under the influence of their own severity, the folds will deal with themselves, provided that the tulle was straightened and hung on the cornice.
  • In the presence of small bends, the tulle is sprayed with water. To do this, it is convenient to use a spray gun.
  • Kapron curtains can not be stroked, and water from them after washing quickly flows.
  • Cotton curtains stroke with a minimum heating of the iron. The fabric is laid out upside down and stroking through moist gauze.
  • The curtains of synthetics are stroking only through the fabric, otherwise they will appear yellow spots and tanning from the iron.
  • The spray gun is not used during ironing so that small droplets do not leave traces.
    Tyul is easier to stroke if it is slightly wet.
  • We strok the curtains from viscose from the wrong side, including the function of steaming.
    Silk curtains are stroked through the fabric.
  • You can iron curtains from any fabric at a minimum heating temperature of the iron (110-120 degrees).
  • Distilled water is used to steam air fabrics.
  • Also, a steam cleaner is used to smoot the folds on tulle if it provides a vertical steaming function. The fabric strokes in limbo.
How to stroke or steam tulle after washing

How to straighten the tulle after washing without an iron?

  • In order for the tulle to straighten after washing, it is necessary to hang it without squeezing it. Then, under the weight of the water, the folds themselves will be angry.

Video: how to bleach tulle with soda | Secrets of housewives

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