How and how to wash the windows on the balcony outside? How to wash windows on the balcony outside: folk methods, recipes of solutions and an overview of devices and professional tools for washing windows outside, tips

How and how to wash the windows on the balcony outside? How to wash windows on the balcony outside: folk methods, recipes of solutions and an overview of devices and professional tools for washing windows outside, tips

Means and devices for washing windows on the balcony outside.

With the onset of warm days, many housewives took up the guidance of cleanliness in their homes. Of course, the balconies, as well as windows, do not remain without attention. The main problem is the washing of the windows outside, especially for those who live on the upper floors. Accordingly, a stepladder in such cases cannot be used. In this article, we will tell you how and how to wash the windows on the balcony outside on high floors.

Devices for washing windows on the balcony outside: Views


The most optimal option is to use telescopic mop, That is, the one with the length of the handle is adjusted. It usually ranges from 60 - 200 cm. If necessary, the length of the mop changes. One part should be made of a soft sponge, and the reverse side of the rubberized, in the form of a window scraper. Such a device helps to remove excess moisture.

To carry out manipulation, it is necessary using a conventional mop moistened in soapy solution to sink the window outside. Next, using the scraper, the remains of a soap solution are removed using horizontal movements. Next, washing out substances, this can be done using a foam sponge that is worn on a mop. Moisture is removed again using a rubber nozzle.

Telescopic mop for washing windows
Telescopic mop for washing windows

Magnetic sponges. This is a kind of device that consists of two parts. One to the other is attracted to magnets. In the middle is a sponge. It is necessary to moisten the sponge in a wash solution, put a part that will be close to the outside near the frame, and the second is close to the frame, but already inside the building. Conventional movements are carried out as you carry out windows in standard mode. Thus, one part will be attracted to the other and cleaned.

The device is safe, because there is no need to fall out of the windows or get on the frame to wash the glass. The second part, which is located outside, you will not lose due to the presence of a rope. It is attached to the wrist, while cleaning the window. In order to disconnect these two parts, it is necessary to crank one part relative to the angle of 90 degrees and the washcloth falls off from each other.

Magnetic sponges for washing windows
Magnetic sponges for washing windows

Using steam mops. This is a new device that generates steam. Thanks to the long handle, there is no need to stick out. You can quite calmly get the outer part of the farthest corner and wash the window. The fact is that steam not only cleanses, but also disinfect windows, so that it becomes perfectly clean.

Steam mops for washing windows
Steam mops for washing windows

The most problems arise in those people who live in polluted areas or in industrial areas, where a huge amount of dust and pollution forms on the windows. In this case, at the very initial stage, you will need a rag, which is wetted with soap water, wound on a mop and wiped on the outside. It is necessary to throw away a rag, only after that you can carry out a sink using special tools. It can be Mr. muscles, wedge or other means that help to corrode sufficiently persistent pollution and perfectly clean the windows.

How to wash windows on the balcony outside: folk methods

If you live in an industrial region, we advise you to use special tools or cook them yourself.


  • Mix the usual chopped in equal quantities chalk and white claythat can be purchased at the pharmacy. Next, 50 ml of vodka is introduced to the resulting mixture, everything is mixed. The resulting gruel is worn on the mop and with its help on the glass. After 20 minutes, after the mixture dries a little, the glass is flushed using wet, clean mop. You will have to rinse the mixture several times, because it sticks well to the glass and leaves stains.
  • Salt solution It will also help get rid of persistent contaminants. It is necessary to dial a liter of water in the spray, add 40 grams of salt, shake until all crystals dissolve. Using a sprayer, the product is applied to the glass. If you live on the upper floors, you can soak a rag and wash the window with a saline solution.
  • Another good option using folk methods is to prepare a solution. Necessary 10 g of chalk mix with 10 grams of vinegar essence And add 500 ml of water. The liquid is poured into a spray, such a tool is treated with glass from the outside. Manipulation helps not only to remove pollution, but also to avoid further icing of the glasses.
  • It is possible to cope with icing with the help glycerol mixture with alcohol. It is necessary to mix glycerin with alcohol in equal quantities, soak dry tissue, apply microfiber to glass from the outside. After washing off, this kind of composition forms a film on the window that prevents the penetration of dirt and icing of windows.
Window washing
Window washing

How to wash windows on the balcony outside: review of professional tools

There are also professional tools that are used to wash windows outside. Please note that it is not recommended to use products with gasoline, kerosene, as well as acetone for cleaning plastic windows. Because the plastic frame, when exposed to these substances, can become yellow, its integrity will be violated over time. To wash the frame, we also do not recommend using a solution of soda. Because it contains abrasives, it can scratch plastic. The ideal option will be soap water or a solution using chalk.

Steam mops for washing windows
Steam mops for washing windows

You can use expensive devices that require a minimum of your time and effort. Most often it is a modern electronic technique.

Review of funds:

  • Automatic Window Window Hobot-188
  • Magnetic brush for washing double -glazed windows on both sides
  • Robot Window Windows Hobot-268
  • Magnetic brush for washing double -glazed windows on both sides 1
  • Easy Glass 3 in 1 Spray Window Cleaner
  • Office of Karcher WV 2 Premium vacuum cleaner
Steam Mop
Steam Mop

Washing glasses on the balcony outside: tips


  • We do not advise you to hardly clean the spots and remove them at all costs. In no case do not stick out of the windows
  • Many recommend using the assembly belt, but the fact is that in normal home, practically no one has such protection products and they will not be able to use them
  • Therefore, try to wash the windows in the presence of someone from close people who can insure you, that is, hold you for clothes, arm or limbs
  • So that you do not fall out, we still recommend purchasing telescopic mops. They will save you from the need for an excess, as well as lean out of the windows
Washing glasses
Washing glasses

Microfiber wipes are very popular. This will save time. Instead of three times cleaning glasses, you will do it in just one. Because microfiber absorbs dirt, water well, and leaves no divorces. You do not have to rubbed a long time to achieve shine.

Video: Wash the windows on the balcony outside

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Comments K. article

  1. The rubber scraper does not remove moisture very well. Required treatment with napkins. It's hard to do it outside.

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