How and how to clean the men's jacket at home, without washing: tips, recipes, recommendations. How to clean a greasy collar, lapels, elbows of a jacket, a do -it -yourself sweat jacket?

How and how to clean the men's jacket at home, without washing: tips, recipes, recommendations. How to clean a greasy collar, lapels, elbows of a jacket, a do -it -yourself sweat jacket?

Brill jacket at home: Care tips.

For office work, a business meeting, an indispensable element of the wardrobe is a jacket. Like any other thing, in the process of socks, the costume is polluted. Since the costume must not only be cleaned from pollution, but also maintain its original shape, washing at home requires certain skills.

How and how to clean the men's jacket at home, without washing: tips, recommendations for general cleaning

Simple washing at home

The costume fabric has great wear resistance, but washing in the car is prohibited for it.

DIY costume cleaning includes the following stages:

  1. Clean table set with light cotton cloth
  2. We lay a jacket on it
  3. Clean small garbage with a sticky roller
  4. Shake the product well
  5. In warm water, dissolve soap
  6. The resulting solution, using the brush, clean the jacket
  7. Then we collect clean water and again pass the brush moistened in water, according to the product
  8. We smell too moist places with a towel
  9. We dry the jacket in a ventilated room on the shoulders

How to clean a greasy collar: a recipe for drying a jacket at home

Most of all, the collar area is polluted on the jacket.

  • Starting deep cleaning of the greasy places, we first clean the processed place with a dry brush
  • Next, we use any of the proposed methods:
  1. We prepare a solution of water and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 3
    With a sponge moistened in the prepared solution, we wipe the contaminated places
  2. We process the collar with a heated table vinegar or vodka
  • After the home cleaning, the collar is ironed from the reverse side through gauze
  • Dried on the shoulders

How to clean the lapels of a jacket: recipe

We clean the lapels
  • Use the same cleaning methods for washing lapels as for the collar proposed above

How to bring shiny spots on the elbows of a jacket at home: Recipe

As well as the gate, the elbows of clothing are subject to strong pollution. The dirty shine on the elbows of the jacket gives him a very unsightly appearance. You can solve this problem using already familiar methods used to clean the collar.
If you can’t get rid of glossy spots, go to more emergency measures:

1 method

  1. Woolen in purified gasoline, wipe the pollution
  2. We dilute the ammonia with water: 1: 2, moisten the brush and process the spots
  3. We iron through gauze
  4. Dry in the fresh air

2 method

  1. Ammonia and large salt are mixed in the ratio: 1:15
  2. We wipe the prepared mass problem areas
  3. I ventilate out products outdoors

3 method

Suitable for clothes made of rough fabric:

  1. Gently wipe the chipped zone with the pumice, until the gloss disappears
  2. Pass the entire sleeve with a damp brush

4 method

We eliminate the ugly shine obtained as a result of incorrect ironing, as follows:

  1. Dissolve a little laundry soap with water
  2. Wet gauze in a soap solution
  3. Squeeze
  4. We apply to problem areas
  5. We iron the iron

The same spots can be removed using the fragmentation function on the iron

  1. Pour aqueous solution into the iron with the addition of table vinegar
  2. Slide the wrong gloss for several minutes

How to remove the smell and stains from sweat from a jacket with your own hands?

We remove the unpleasant smell from sweat and yellow spots from it with a sponge, by any solution to choose from:

  1. Vodka and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1
  2. Denatura, ammonia, water in a proportion 50:50:25
  3. Ammonia, water and salt taken equally
  • For light jackets, hydrogen peroxide applied to a polluted place moistened with water is suitable
  • Instant way to get rid of sweat smell:
  1. Pull the aspirin tablet
  2. Sprinkle the moistened area of \u200b\u200bpollution
  3. Shake off in a few minutes with a dry brush
  • In the presence of a steam room, work out the necessary areas using steam

How to clean a black jacket at home?

Black jacket: washing at home
  • In a black suit, dirt is not very noticeable, so it is not very often subjected to home washing
  • All cleaning methods described above are acceptable for black jackets
  • Ordinary coffee will help to refresh and get rid of the cooked areas:
  1. Take a hard clothing brush, moisten it in hot coffee
  2. Process the entire surface of the product

How to clean a white jacket at home?

Light clothing requires very careful care. Constant washing will quickly become unusable.

  • Try after each use of a jacket just go a dry brush
  • As necessary, clean the general methods indicated above, but very carefully
  • With strong contamination, use an emergency method:
  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. cold water from 1 tsp 3%hydrogen peroxide and 3-5 drops of ammonia
  2. Apply to problem areas
  3. Wipe the entire product with a brush moistened in soapy solution
  4. Then clean the jacket with clean water using a clothing brush
  5. Dry in the straightened form on the shoulders

How to clean a velvet jacket at home?

We use home cleaning in exceptional cases. Velvet products require dry cleaning.

An expensive Velvet jacket is cleaned only with a brush:

  1. Hang the product on the shoulders in a well -lit place
  2. Inspect it
  3. Wipe the greasy areas with a brush, wetting as it dries in water with the addition of ammonia or in a dining vinegar
  4. It is difficult to remove the spots with the help of special stains

How to clean a velvet jacket at home?

A special wardrobe item requires dry cleaning
  • It is recommended to give such a thing to dry cleaning
  • If necessary, you can try to clean with your own hands:
  1. Clean the product from dust with a brush with soft bristles
  2. Next, moisten a woolen rag in gasoline, walk all over the jacket, cleansing of pollution
  3. Treat the folds formed during wear with technical alcohol, withstand over the steam for 5-6 minutes
  4. Dissatted by steam zone with a brush with hard bristles, in the opposite direction from the direction of the pile
  5. Moving the jacket from the wrong side, placing it on the shoulders horizontally
  6. Raise the pile from the front side
  7. Dry without removing from a hanger

How to clean a leather jacket at home?

A simple version of home cleaning of leather products
  1. Prepare a mixture of ammonia, liquid soap and water in a free proportion
  2. Wipe the place of pollution with a sponge
  3. Dry a cotton swab
  4. For updating the product, lubricate it with petroleum jelly

How to clean a suede jacket at home, from a nubuk?

We use a brush brush brush

Clean the suede or from nubuk jacket in this way:

  1. We place horizontally on a hanger
  2. We process in a circular steam
  3. Preventing it from drying, cleaned with a rubber brush
  4. Dried in a horizontal state, on the shoulders

How to clean a woolen jacket at home?

  • An expensive woolen thing, without hesitation, is given to dry cleaning.
  • In emergency cases, you can try to clean with a steamer, similarly to cleaning with a pair of velvet jacket, according to the above method.
  • Small contaminated glossy zones are cleaned as follows:
  1. Sprinkle with salt
  2. We wipe with a dry sponge
  3. Shake off salt
  4. We clean the product with a brush
  • Strong pollution is cleaned:
  1. Gasoline or ammonia dissolved in a ratio of 50:50 with warm water
  2. Then sprinkle with sand
  3. Righten it, cleaning the spot
  4. Grind the remains
  5. We pass the whole product with a dry brush

How to clean Linnaya at home, jacket?

Unlike all of the above, linen products can be washed without fear.

  • We wash in any way, given the information specified on the label.
  • Usually manufacturers recommend:
  1. Washing mode should be sparing
  2. Temperature no higher than 40 degrees
  • The only condition that must be strictly observed: we dry in a horizontal form on the shoulders.

In conclusion, several additional tips:

  1. Before using one or another tool, test the canvas in the invisible zone of the product. After making sure that it did not change the color, use in the necessary places.
  2. Compliance with care recommendations will help prevent glossy stains: stroke clothes from the inside or with a damp gauze, clean the product in a timely manner.
  3. Clean the jacket every time you put it on. Timely cleaned small dust and dirt from fibers will extend the durability of the product.

Video: Bojaks care tips

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