How and how to remove flower pollen with colored and white clothes: we get rid of old and fresh spots, specialist recommendations

How and how to remove flower pollen with colored and white clothes: we get rid of old and fresh spots, specialist recommendations

Often unpleasant situations occur at the most inappropriate points. You get a large bouquet of flowers, however, holding a little it, you notice on the clothes traces that remain from pollen, most housewives complain that such spots are difficult to get out, is it so?

Pollen of flowers often falls on things during circumcision, movement of colors, arrangements. In many people, a large number of different colors bloom in a summer house or a personal plot. With negligence, pollen can get on clothes. What to do in such a situation, if pollen is already on things? What recipes can you use in order to get rid of stains?

How and how to remove fresh flower pollen from clothes?

If your work is connected with the greenhouse, you are a flow of flowers or like to make designer bouquets, the presence and large assortment of various colors will not leave you any chance not to get one spot on clothing from floral pollen.

Given roses, of course, can not always leave spots, but if we talk about lilies or chamomiles, then they will surely stain your things with pollen with any negligence. A stain from flowers can remain even on a tablecloth, a palace or a favorite ottoman. After all, pollen has the ability to crumble a lot, and due to a small draft, its remnants can be dispelled throughout the room.

If pollen suddenly hit your things, no need to shake off her hand. So you will only lead to the opposite effect - the coloring pigments of pollen will begin to quickly penetrate the structure of the fabric.

To remove flower pollen from clothes, we recommend using the following recommendations:

  • If the pollen fell on things, then remove them, gently shake your clothes. This is better to do on the balcony or in the bathroom. From the upholstery of the sofa or palace, try to remove pollen using a special knuckle for carpets. But you try not to knock on the spot itself, but near it.
  • The next method of getting rid of pollen is this - take the adhesive tape. Stick this tape on a stained area, tear off. Repeat this manipulation with another piece of tape. Do this until the moment the pollen disappears completely from the stained place.
  • If the place where floral pollen is located is also moisture, then wait for the material to completely dry. Thereafter go through the stained area with a vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner
  • Prepare the soap composition in advance. You will have to do the following: warm up a little water, add baby or household soap. Using the composition, using a soft sponge, wipe the stained area until the spot disappears. After the manipulation, wash the place with clean water.

All those methods that were listed above can only act on fresh spots from pollen on clothes. If you notice a stain a few days later, then you will need other methods, more complex, which we will talk about later.

How and how to remove flower pollen from clothes: we get rid of old spots

Pollen has strong coloring pigments. If you do not remove the spot at once, pollen will penetrate the structure of the material. This is especially happening with those crops that bloom in red and yellow flowers. In order to remove such spots, you will need to stock up on such means:

  • Tooth powder (paste for such purposes is not suitable).
  • Sorrelic acid. Citric acid is also suitable.
  • High -quality stained vehicle.
  • Washing powder.

How to remove flower pollen from white clothes?

  • If white things were dirty with pollen, you can get rid of the spots using citric or sorrel acid.
  • Better take two components, each 1 tbsp.
  • Dissolve the ingredients in a little heated water (take water 1 \\ 2 tbsp.).
  • Using the resulting tool, process the contaminated place.
  • Leave in this state for about 15 minutes. Then get the site using ordinary washing powder.

How to remove flower pollen from color clothing?

  • With colored things, be extremely careful so that the fabric does not lose its colors. In a convenient container, make the composition in the form of gruel using dentifrice.
  • Process the desired section with the resulting composition, wait a bit.
  • Then rinse the remaining tooth powder with water, heating it a little.
  • Wash the clothes itself manually or in a washing machine, putting down the usual mode.
On color
On color

How and how to remove the flower pollen from the clothes?

To wash the flower pollen of lily from clothing you need to immediately. If you do not, pollen will penetrate the structure of the fabric, then it will be more difficult for you to get rid of the spot.

Perform the following:

  • Shake your clothes several times.
  • In the event that shaking does not give a positive result, take the tape.
  • Attach a piece of adhesive tape to the spot. Act carefully, do not press on a sticky tape.
  • Rub the adhesive tape.
  • Repeat a couple more times.
  • Use cleaning a vacuum cleaner. Here the most important thing is not to bring the vacuum cleaner during cleaning close to the fabric. Also, a brush with soft bristles is suitable for removing the pollen of lilies.
  • Before you use a brush or vacuum cleaner, wait for the spot to dry a little. If you do not, pollen will smear over the entire fabric.

When the pollen managed to remove, do the following:

  • Soak the contaminated thing in cool water, leave for half an hour.
  • Then rinse the clothes. Repeat the manipulation several times.
Poking with pollen
Poking with pollen

If you need to eliminate the stain from the pollen of lilies on colored clothing, then use a detergent that is intended for delicate things (an enzyme powder is suitable):

  • Turn on the washing machine.
  • Pour the product into a special cell for powders.
  • Place the stooped thing in the drum.
  • Wash your clothes, dry in the usual way.

The spotter will help you to remove pollen:

  • Treat the place with a spots.
  • Wash the thing with your hands.

If you do not have a stain -coir at hand, then take the product with which you wash the dishes:

  • Shoot the thing.
  • Rinse.
  • Apply a detergent in a small amount to a dirty place.
  • Rub the site where you noticed pollen.
  • Soak your clothes like this: first in cool water (leave for 5 minutes), then in hot at the same time.
  • Foll the thing in a washing machine in normal mode.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes: use of alcohol

Ethyl alcohol will help you remove even those traces of pollen that have been well -fed into the fabric. To remove flower pollen from clothes, do as follows:

  • Glue the swab in alcohol.
  • Rubbish thoroughly in a dirty area where there are pollen remains.
  • Rub ethyl for several minutes.
  • Press on the swab so that pollen comes out of the material.
  • After using alcohol, we advise you to use a delicate wash or wash your clothes with your hands.

This method is not suitable for woolen, silk, velvet materials. Also, you can’t clean the lace, suck, clothes where there are leather inserts.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes: Using vinegar

You will need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • You can remove flower pollen from clothing with ordinary table vinegar (it is better to choose natural vinegar in which there are no dyes, preservatives) - 200 ml
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Mix these components. Soak clothes in the resulting solution for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash the thing carefully using soap.
  • You can also wash clothes in a washing machine after vinegar. Only clean the cleaning using a delicate mode.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes: Using a toothpaste

This method is suitable for you if you want to get rid of traces of pollen from things, fat spots, and yellowness. Do this:

  • Apply the product in a small amount to the dirty area.
  • Take a toothbrush.
  • In circular motions, handle the place where the stain is located well.
  • Start cleaned from the edge of the dirty plot to the central part.
  • Rinse the paste periodically.
  • Repeat the manipulation.

If pollen will go slowly, do not worry. Rub the site even more.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes using the bleach?

In this way you can use if you need remove flower pollen from light clothing, on which there are bright prints.

  • Apply the bleach to the place where the pollen got.
  • Glue with water so that the material becomes wet.
  • Leave in this state for 20 minutes.
  • Then wash the thing using ordinary powder.

Use only the bleach in which there is no chlorine. A great option is oxygen bleach, with it the cleaning will be more gentle.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes using a dishwasher remedy?

This simple method can remove flower pollen from clothes, even remove traces left from floral pollen. It is affordable, unpretentious, does not require the application of special forces:

  • Wet your clothes in the place where you found a trace of floral pollen.
  • Treat the spot with a dishwasher on top so that it covers the entire contaminated part.
  • Move the product using soft material. You can also use a cotton pad.
  • If the traces after you rinse your clothes, remain, repeat the manipulation more.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes with aspirin and hydrogen peroxide?

  • From aspirin and hydrogen peroxide, you can get an excellent tool, thanks to which you can remove flower pollen from clothes.
  • Moreover, the necessary ingredients are very inexpensive.

How to prepare the desired composition? Perform the following:

  • Grind the tablets.
  • Add peroxide to them.
  • Mix the composition.
  • Process a dirty area for them.
  • Rinse the thing.

How to remove flower pollen from clothes: expert advice

  • The stain that remains of the pollen of red colors can be removed with an isopropyl alcohol 99%. This tool is sold in any household. In addition, alcohol is suitable for cleaning carpets and textiles that are not recommended to wash.
  • A great method that will be an alternative to all the above methods - Drying linen under straight sun rays. Lay out the thing stained with pollen on the street. The rays of the Sun will work as a natural bleach, will become a stain.
  • Before you will wash out flower pollen from clothesWait for pollen to dry. After that, you can remove it using a hard brush.
  • So that washing brings a good result, soak your clothes 40 min. Try every 15 minutes. Wash the thing thoroughly in cool water. So you can get rid of most of the spot.
  • And most importantly, the sooner you notice the stain, clean it of flower pollen, the more the chance that you will eliminate the stain quickly enough. If you tighten with the process, then you can’t do without the help of dry cleaning.

Video: We display complex spots

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