How and how to update the old interior and entrance doors with your own hands without changing them: options for finishing, ideas, tips, photos. How to transform yourself, decorate the old door for the nursery, kitchen, to the bathroom, make it beautiful: ideas, photos

How and how to update the old interior and entrance doors with your own hands without changing them: options for finishing, ideas, tips, photos. How to transform yourself, decorate the old door for the nursery, kitchen, to the bathroom, make it beautiful: ideas, photos

The nuances of the restoration of the old door with your own hands. Ideas and methods, photos.

A person associates his house with a vacation spot. Therefore, he tries to create comfort, choose the interior and a pleasant color scheme to fully realize this.

On the other hand, everything in our world has the ability to outrage and collapse. Our dwellings and their interior decoration are no exception.

Updating something around us, we awaken creative energies in ourselves, feel the creators.

Although most types of internal work require special deep knowledge and skills to fulfill them, we are quite able to update the interior doors on our own.

Let's talk about the features and methods of reconstruction of old doors in more detail.

How to make a new one from the old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

Photo of the old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique
photo of the old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique

It is important until the time of updating the old door to prepare it:

  • remove the doors from the loops and lay on a flat horizontal surface
  • fold all the accessories separately or prepare for the release if it has become unusable
  • in the presence of glass elements, carefully remove the stacks and then remove the beating parts
  • if the door was treated with paint, turn on the building hair dryer and gradually warm its surface
  • arm yourself with a piece of rough sandpaper and remove the bubbles of old paint
  • replace the paper with another, with a smaller abrasive and go again over the entire surface of the door
  • carry final grinding with sandpaper with minimal abrasiveness
  • process the surface of the door with special putty for wooden products
  • after complete drying, clean the doors in 3 approaches with sandpaper of different abrasiveness
  • fasten the result with olifa or stain
  • then perform the types of work that are necessary to update the appearance of the door
  • if it had glass elements, put them first and then new stacks in a fresh color/design

Look as examples at the options for updated doors in the photo.

Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 1
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 1
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 2
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 2
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 3
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 3
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 4
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 4
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 5
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 5
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 6
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 6
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 7
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 7
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 8
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 8
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 9
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 9
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 10
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 10
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 11
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 11
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 12
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 12
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 13
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 13
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 14
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 14
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 15
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 15
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 16
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 16
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 17
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 17
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 18
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 18
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 19
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 19
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 20
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 20
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 21
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 21
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 22
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 22
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 23
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 23
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 24
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 24
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 25
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 25
Embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 26
embodied ideas for decor and restoration of the old interior door, example 26

How and what can be renewed the color of old wooden doors: Ideas

The girl paints an old wooden interior door with white paint
the girl paints an old wooden interior door with white paint

After you have completed work on the restoration of the surface of the old interior door, choose a new color for it.

Among the methods that can help you at this moment, we note:

  • Painting with stain, paint or opening the wooden surface of the door with varnish.
    Remember, for the best result, take a brush along the fibers, then all the cracks will be filled with a coloring substance.
  • Accents on moldings, or staining the protruding parts of the door with contrasting or similar in tones in colors. In the absence of such elements, glue them from wooden or polyurethane racks and paint.
  • Artistic painting, coloring through stencils.
    The method is suitable for creative owners who want to bring originality to their interior.
  • Shpping of wallpaper, large drawings on paper, pieces of fabric. Decoupage.
    In this case, observe all the requirements for fixing the material on the door surface - soak with water, glue, process hot air with a stream of hot air.
  • Stained -up painting on glass.
    If you draw well or stocked up with interesting stencils, buy special stained glass paints and decorate the glass elements of your old door.
  • Gleaming vinyl stickers.
    Note that this method saves you time to prepare the old door. In other words, you can not even remove it from the loops, but immediately glue vinyl elements.

How and how can you update the doors covered with varnish?

A man removes the old varnish coating from the doors for their restoration on a new design
a man removes the old varnish coating from the doors for their restoration on a new design

To carry out restoration work, remove the old varnish from the door in one or more of the following ways:

  • sandpaper
  • grinding apparatus
  • chemical solvent

The first method was discussed in the previous section. The second method will significantly accelerate the process of removing the old varnish coating. And the third has one nuance - the varnish can remain selectively on the door leaf. Therefore, be sure to grind the latter.

After removing the old layer of varnish, grinding and drying the doors, decide on their new design, for example:

  • apply a new varnish coating or laminate,
  • paint the desired color
  • stick wallpaper/mural or other self -adhesive tape with imitation, for example, under natural wood,
  • apply painting by hand, copying a specific drawing, or under a stencil,
  • decorate the door by gluing bulk cereals - rice, buckwheat. On top, be sure to apply a layer of varnish for better fixation of the material.

How and how can you update the doors from the veneer?

Photo of restored old doors from veneer
photos of updated old veneer doors

One of the most common problems at the door from veneer is a bloating in separate areas. Therefore, first prepare it, carry out restoration measures before updating.

To eliminate the problem of swelling of the canvas will help:

  • Iron.
    Heat it in medium mode and reward the swollen surface of the door, folded on a horizontal stand.
  • Wet a rag.
    Moisten a cloth flap with water and spread it on the problem surface of the door. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wait for drying.
  • PVA glue.
    Take it into a syringe and carefully enter it under the swollen surface of the door. Debt the place with a dry rag.

To eliminate the cracks and chips on the old door from the material under consideration, stock up on strips of veneer of a similar color.

  • Cut the strips corresponding to the parameters of the surface being repaired.
  • Cut the excess with a scalpel after applying a chip/crack to the place. In this case, take into account that the fibers of the patches should be located perpendicular to the restored door.
  • Process the door leaf with special putty and wait for its complete drying.
  • Use a bilateral adhesive tape to fix flaps from the veneer.
  • Pull the joints of the joints.

When there are only minor scratches and chips on your old door, treat them with wax:

  • liquid
  • pencil

In the first case, drip a couple of drops in a break and immediately go through a dry rag to remove excess. Before this, be sure to clean the door of dust and dirt, and also send the surface.

In the second - tear off a piece from the wax pencil, move in your palms and climb in a problem place. Wipe the trace with a rag. Act like that only on a pre -cleaned and prepared door.

To update the prepared old door from the veneer will help you:

  • varnish
  • dye

If you masked chips and scratches on the door with wax, then remember that the varnish and paint will not cover them. Or they will stay on it for a short time, and then shower.

How and how can you update the polling doors?

Old Phineral Doors after the paint update, options in the decor
old Phineral Doors after the paint update, options in the decor

Filenced doors in the interior look interesting. However, processing their wiped surface is not always convenient. We will not go into details. Let us dwell on restoration options.

Successful solutions:

  • painting with several colors with the release of protruding places
  • wallpaper gluing in segments, adhesive tapes on the contour, on the phynchi
  • decoupage of individual segments
  • varnish coating

The cardinal method is the analysis of door leafs and replacing them with a laminated organite. To do this, you make them a door frame and especially carefully select the color when gluing its ends.

In the presence of glass in the door, decorate it with special paints or simulate a stained glass window. Stencils for decor are also suitable.

How and how can you update the doors covered with paint?

A man paints old previously painted interior doors
a man paints old previously painted interior doors

Your first task is to remove the old paint from the doors and prepare them for restoration work. Their follow -up:

  • decide on the door of the door in space - either lay it on horizontal stands, or remove it from the loops and leave it vertically,
  • pass through the entire surface with a spatula and remove the layer of old paint,
  • run with grinding paper,
  • process with a special primer for wooden surfaces,
  • let it dry and go out again,

Cumble the zones of the door that you do not plan to paint with paint or open with varnish.

How and how can you update paper doors?

Updated papers of the door in the interior
updated paper doors in the interior

Update the paper doors with light materials that will not burden them and provoke ruptures of the canvas. For example:

  • self -adhesive film
  • decoupage
  • gluing individual elements, for example, paintings, volumetric patterns
  • painting with paints
  • stencils

How and what can be updated by the old door frame: ideas, photo

A man measures the door frame level during its restoration
a man measures the door frame level during its restoration

The restoration of the door frame should be remembered when you are engaged in updating the old door leaf. Of course, it is less convenient to mess with the first, since it will not work to remove it.

The technology for processing the door frame is similar to the doors considered above. Choose the shades of paint and stain carefully, as well as the color of a self -adhesive tape, wallpaper, so that this zone on the wall harmonizes with an updated door leaf.

Below a number of interesting door boxes after restoration with your own hands.

Updated door boxes to match the interior and doors, example 1
updated door boxes to match the interior and doors, example 1
Self -adhesive elements of the door gear decor, example 2
self -adhesive elements of the decor of the door box, example 2
Self -adhesive elements of the decor of the door frame, example 3
self -adhesive elements of the decor of the door box, example 3

How and how to glue the door beautifully?

Beautifully wrapped interior door after updating
beautifully glued interior door after updating

Among the common methods of decor of the old door are gluing a new coating whole or fragments.

They will suit you for this:

  • wallpaper
  • the cloth
  • skin and its substitutes
  • wall murals
  • metal rivets, beads
  • patchwork
  • cut fragments of the picture, for example, world maps

To stick this or that material, select an effective adhesive, for example, PVA glue, special for wallpaper, tape, bilateral self -adhesive tape.

How to glue the door beautifully with wallpaper?

The old door after the update is covered with wallpaper
the old door after the update is covered with wallpaper

The main thing is to observe the technology of wallpaper gluing.

  • First prepare the door leaf for update. The technique was presented in the first section of the article.
  • Decide on the color and texture of the wallpaper.
  • Apply a special glue for wallpaper to the door surface and attach a paper decor element.
  • Calm the result with a dry rag.
  • Cut the sticking edges with a clerical knife.
  • Wait for the complete drying of the wallpaper on the door.

If desired, complement the decor:

  • molding
  • designer chips, for example, small shells and a cut network, glued on top and covered with paint

In addition to ordinary wallpapers, popular:

  • wall murals with the image of volumetric objects/paintings
  • decoupage
  • self -adhesive tapes

How to update an outdated metal front door?

Old metal front door after updating
old metal front door after updating

Metal doors also have the property of morally and physically obsolete. Towing the goal of updating them, keep in mind that the approach and methods will be different for the external and inside of the front door.

So, the following solutions will be updated by the inside:

  • drawing a drawing using a stencil
  • artistic painting
  • mirror for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe door
  • building dermantine
  • self -adhesive film
  • veneer
  • laminate

And for the outside, the doors are suitable:

  • veneer
  • MDF panels
  • laminate

To fix any material on the surface of the metal door, you will need adhesive liquid, for example, liquid nails when working with a wooden coating.

How to decorate the old door for the nursery yourself: Ideas, photo

Do -it -yourself door in the children's room
do -it -yourself door in the children's room

The children's room is the field of creativity, leisure and intellectual labor of the child. Consult him before you start updating the door to the nursery.

Even better - attract the child to the process.

For inspiration, add a number of ready -made decisions of the door decor to the children's room.

Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 1
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 1
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 2
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 2
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 3
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 3
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 4
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 4
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 5
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 5
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 6
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 6
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 7
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 7
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 8
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 8
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 9
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 9
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 10
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 10
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 11
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 11
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 12
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 12
Options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 13
options for doors decor to the children's room after they are updated, example 13

How to decorate the old kitchen door yourself beautifully: ideas, photo

Updating the old kitchen door mosaic
updating the old kitchen door mosaic

To make the door to the kitchen after restoration, select the concept of its decor. It can be:

  • painting
  • opening varnish
  • decoupage
  • wallpaper gluing and any glued surfaces
  • art painting and stencils
  • stained glass elements on glass
  • mosaic and gluing bulk, small elements

Implemented ideas with updated doors to the kitchen see below.

Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 1
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 1
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 2
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 2
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 3
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 3
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 4
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 4
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 5
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 5
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 6
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 6
Embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 7
embodied ideas for the restoration of the old kitchen door in the interior, option 7

How to decorate the old door to the bathroom yourself: ideas, photo

Options for updated doors to the bathroom in the interior
options for updated doors to the bathroom in the interior

The bathroom is a special place in any house. Here we bring beauty and rest after workdays. I want the door to it to have its own style.

If you currently update it, pay attention to the following ideas:

  • drawing through a stencil
  • self -adhesive film
  • imitation of stained glass and phylene elements
  • combination of colors when staining fragments
  • mirror inner part
  • wall murals

See more details in detail on the door of the door of the door to the bathroom in the pictures below.

Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 1
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 1
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 2
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 2
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 3
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 3
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 4
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 4
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 5
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 5
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 6
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 6
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 7
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 7
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 8
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 8
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 9
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 9
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 10
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 10
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 11
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 11
Doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 12
doors design options to the bathroom after updating with your own hands, example 12

So, we examined the features of the restoration of the old door in the house on our own. The ideas from contemplating photos of ready -made ideas were drawn. We learned to correctly prepare the surface of the door for update.

If you feel the potential, but there is not enough courage to swing on a large door, start with the elements of a puppet house. Your child will appreciate the painting decisions of the door decor, and you will gain courage and realize your desires to update them in your home.

Video: how and how to update the old interior doors?

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