How and how can you wash a cat, cat? Features of the cat's bathing. Review of shampoos for washing, bathing of cats and cats

How and how can you wash a cat, cat? Features of the cat's bathing. Review of shampoos for washing, bathing of cats and cats

Kot bathing instructions.

Many owners of domestic animals are wondering how often they can take water procedures. The question arises among the owners of cats whom they do not let out into the street. In this article we will tell you how and how you can wash a cat.

When to bathe a cat?

It is worth noting that the procedure for putting a cat in order differs from water manipulations carried out with dogs. This is due to the fact that their coat is different, as well as different procedures and mechanisms of walking. If the dog walks on the street several times a day, then many cats spend almost most of the time at home. If your pet is just that, then it makes no sense to bathe it very often. When is it necessary to bathe cats?

Testing for swimming:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the smell. If it is strong, a cat has an estrus, or a cat at home often marks the territory, then we advise you to bathe a pet.
  • If you notice on the surface of the wool of parasites. That is, the cat has fleas.
  • And the third option is preventive. That is, from time to time, even if your cat does not walk on the street, it must be washed.
Kot bathing
Kot bathing

How to bathe a cat who is afraid of water?

What to do if the cat does not really like to swim? Indeed, almost all pets do not like to swim. Accordingly, the whole procedure of bathing a cat can be a real test for the whole family. This is due to the fact that the cat can meow, break out, scratch, and in every way try to prevent bathing. How to calm the animal, and wash it normally?  

Many owners of pets, insist on acquiring dry shampoo. He represents a mixture with him, which is very similar to powder or talc. It is necessary to pour this tool on the hair of a cat, and grind thoroughly. After that, the brush is taken, and the coat is carefully combed. After this, the cat does not need to be washed, or washed off the composition with water. The composition of such shampoo has an adsorbent that perfectly absorbs pollution, fat, as well as an unpleasant odor. Accordingly, after this kind of procedures, the cat will be like after bathing. Of course, it is best to wash the cat using a special shampoo in the usual way.

Afraid of water
Afraid of water

Instructions for the procedure:

  • It is not allowed to water the cat with a stream of water from a hose or shower. A strong stream can frighten a pet, and it will begin to panic.
  • Type in the bathroom, the amount of which is equal to half the growth of the cat. That is, water should be taken out about to the beginning of the chest. Please note that the water temperature should be a little warmer than people bathe.
  • Since the cat’s body temperature is slightly larger than that of a person. Next, you need to moisten a cat's coat. To do this, it is not necessary to pour water on the animal in large quantities. It is enough to moisten your palm, thus moisturizing the wool.
  • Please note that a slippery bath can frighten a pet. We advise you to put a silicone or rubber rug on the bottom of the bathroom. This will prevent slipping. Next, it is necessary to apply a special shampoo, thoroughly foam it on the hair of the animal, and wash it off with a large amount of water.
  • Next, it is necessary to wrap the cat in a towel, and take it to a warm place without drafts. Please note that animals can freeze very much, due to the fact that there is no air cushion that is characteristic of cats if they are dry.
  • Therefore, try to wipe the cat with a towel, and even use a hairdryer. Although many owners do not recommend using this device, as some of the pets are afraid of a hair dryer. But this will help to dry the pet faster.  

How can you not bathe a cat, cat: tips

Tips for bathing a cat:

  • It is necessary to configure the pressure of water in advance, prepare the bathroom. Be sure to immerse the cat into the bathroom, it is necessary to close the door in the room. Try to remove all objects with the bathroom before the bathing for which the animal can catch and jump out.
  • Remove all superfluous so that the pet does not dump open jars of shampoo in the bathroom or on the floor. Be sure to close all the windows, windows in the apartment before carrying out manipulations in order to avoid the draft and colds of the animal. If you did everything right, then the cat will not catch a cold. Of course, it is best to accustom a kitten to water procedures from an early age.
  • The first bathing must be carried out after changing the animal's milk teeth. For the first bathing, it is necessary to collect quite a bit of water to the bathroom so that it slightly covers the legs. Thus, the kitten will be able to get used to the water. With the course of each bathing, the amount of water increases. For bathing, in no case can you use human shampoo or soap.
  • This is due to the fact that they contain a huge amount of alkali, which dries the skin of a cat. Thus, the fat shell is washed off, which prevents skin damage. She becomes dry, can peel off and itch. Thus, you will acquire another problem in the form of dermatitis.
Wet kitten
Wet kitten

How can you wash a cat, cat: types of shampoos for cats

They may differ in the form of release, as well as in their aggregate state. There can be shampoos:

  • Dry. In the form of bulk powders.
  • Classic. That is, such as people who need to be applied to wet wool  
  • Shampoos in sprays. This is a new species that does not contain moisture, so there is no need to wash the cat before applying shampoo. It is not necessary to wash it off either
Cat shampoos
Cat shampoos

The purpose of shampoos:

  • In their action, shampoos can be cosmetic. They are used only if it is necessary to remove the dirt from the wool of your pet.  
  • Therapeutic. This kind of shampoos are also divided into several types, depending on the problem. There are shampoos from lichen, fleas, as well as bacterial lesions. Remember that an insecticide is contained in the flea shampoo, so such funds cannot be considered completely safe. It is necessary to carefully monitor your pet so that the product does not get into the eyes, ears or mouth. Because this can provoke animal poisoning. Shampoos from lichen are also often used. They contain antifungal drugs that help fight rashes.
  • Antibacterial shampoo, most often contains an antiseptic. In the case of a cat, most likely it is chlorhexidine or miramistin. The tool allows you to get rid of bacterial infection in a short period of time.
  • In addition, there are special shampoos that are capable tint The wool of your pet. That is, you can separately purchase shampoo for white and black cats. They help to give a beautiful shade of wool, and also take care of it. Please note that tinting shampoos cannot be used before visiting the exhibition. Because your cat can be disqualified.  
Cat shampoos
Cat shampoos

Please note that in no case should you apply shampoo for people, to the skin of bald cats. That is, these are sphinxes, as well as Egyptian breeds that have practically no hair. The fact is that their skin is very sensitive to various kinds of substances, and dry very much when exposed to ordinary shampoo.

For such cats, special products have been developed that allow you to moisturize the skin and form on its surface a protective silicone layer that prevents the penetration of microorganisms, as well as peeling of the skin.  

Bathing a kitten
Bathing a kitten

Popular Cat bathing shampoos: Review


  1. Shampoo Doctor. This tool contains benzoilpoxide, which shows antifungal, antiviral, as well as antibacterial properties. Thanks to this, it eliminates dandruff, and also prevents the occurrence of lichen in a cat. It can be used for cats of any breeds.
  2. Elite shampoo. This option is used only for bald cats, that is, non -performed. The composition contains many extracts of herbs: Timyan eucalyptus, which help to establish the secretion of skin fat, and also prevent skin overdry. It forms a peculiar film on the surface, which protects the sensitive skin of the pet.
  3. Perfect Coat. A great remedy that reduces the loss of wool. The best prevents the formation of stiffs in the stomach in a pet. In addition, shampoo is an anti -allergenic agent, and can be used for bathing pets that suffer from allergies.  
  4. Jerob shampoo. This is a professional tool that is mainly used to prepare pets for exhibitions. Helps improve the condition of the wool, makes it fluffy, smooth shiny. The cost of shampoo is quite high, so if you have an ordinary pet that does not participate in exhibitions, it makes no sense to purchase this shampoo.  
  5. Rolf Club. This is a whole line of cat care. The fact is that there can be completely different components in these shampoos. The ruler consists of shampoos for long -haired rocks, short -haired, as well as with therapeutic effect. They help get rid of lichen, fleas, as well as a variety of bacterial lesions. Prevent the formation of dandruff, as well as excessive drying of the skin in a cat. Choose the type of shampoo, depending on the cat breed, as well as a specific problem.  
  6. Biovax shampoo. It contains lanolin, which prevents the skin of the skin in a pet. That is, the hairs are covered with natural wax, which gives the hair of shine, as well as a healthy look. Practical in all animals are not allergic to this tool, because there are very few allergens.  
Shampoo for cats
Shampoo for cats

For swimming, it is best to purchase shampoos in a veterinary pharmacy, or special pet stores. They differ in a special composition, and absolutely do not dry the skin of a cat.  

Video: Kota bathing

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